Phil Koopman Publications & Patents
Google Scholar has a reasonably complete picture of
publications and statistics with h-index=52, i10-index=127 as of August
(See also: Lecture and presentations |
Student dissertation page |
- Troubitsyna, Alvarez, Koopman, and Trapp, "Methods and Tools for the
Engineering and Assurance of Safe Autonomous Systems," Report from
Dagstuhl Seminar 24151, July 2024. (local |
Seminar home)
- Koopman, P., & Widen, W., "Liability Rules for
Automated Vehicles: Definitions & Details," SMU Science and
Technology Law Review, 27(1), summer 2024. (SSRN |
- Koopman, P., "Lessons from the Cruise
Robotaxi Pedestrian Dragging Mishap," IEEE Reliability
Magazine, Aug. 2024. (Arxiv |
- Koopman, P., & Widen, W., "Redefining
Safety for Autonomous Vehicles," SafeComp 2024.
- Extended length preprint including appendix (May 2024):
Arxiv |
- Koopman, P., "Anatomy of
a Robotaxi Crash: Lessons from the Cruise Pedestrian Dragging Mishap,"
SafeComp 2024. (Arxiv|
- Medsker et al., ACM
TechBrief: Automated Vehicles, April 2024.
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P., "The
Awkward Middle for Automated Vehicles: Liability Attribution Rules When Humans
and Computers Share Driving Responsibilities," Jurimetrics,
Fall 2023 (published March 2024). (SSRN
Preprint | local)
- Koopman, P., Understanding Checksums
and Cyclic Redundancy Checks, 2024.
- Koopman, P. & Widen, W., "Safety Ethics for the Design
and Test of Automated Driving Features," IEEE Design & Test, Feb.
2024. (SSRN
preprint | local)
- Koopman, P. & Widen, W., "Breaking the Tyranny of Net Risk Metrics for
Automated Vehicle Safety," SCSC eJournal, Jan. 2024. (SSRN
preprint | local)
- Medsker L. (lead author),
Automated Vehicles,
ACM TechBriefs, Winter 2024.
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P.,
Action Is Needed to Maintain Trust in Automated Vehicle Technology, Jurist,
Sep. 7, 2023.
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P.,
3 Automated Vehicles and Criminal Law, Jurist, Aug. 8, 2023
- Koopman, P.,
Testimony Before US Congress, House E&C Committee regarding Self-Driving
Car Safety. (local
| hearing video)
- Koopman, P. & Widen, W., "A
Reasonable Driver Standard for Automated Vehicle Safety," Safecomp
WAISE workshop, Sept. 2023. (local |
- Koopman, P., "UL
4600: What to Include in an Autonomous Vehicle Safety Case," IEEE
Computer, 2023. (local)
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P., "Winning the
Imitation Game: Setting Safety Expectations for Automated Vehicles,"
25 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 113 (2023). (local)
- Koopman, P., "How safe is safe
enough for autonomous vehicles?" SAE Update, April 2023, pp. 30-34.
- Koopman, P., "An Improved Modular
Addition Checksum Algorithm," Apr. 2023, (
- Koopman, P., "Large-Block Modular Addition
Checksum Algorithms," Feb. 2023. (
- Koopman, P., The UL 4600
Guidebook: What to Include in an Autonomous Vehicle Safety Case,
November 2022. ISBN: 9798846251243 (Details &
Preview | Resource links)
- Koopman, P., How Safe Is Safe Enough? Measuring and Predicting
Autonomous Vehicle Safety, September 2022. ISBN: 979-8848273397 (Details
& Preview | Note links)
- Koopman, P., "Tech
Roadmap for Automakers Disillusioned With Robotaxis," Ojo-Yoshida
Report, Oct 31, 2022
- Johansson, R. & Koopman, P., "Continuous Learning
Approach to Safety Engineering," Critical Automotive Applications:
Robustness & Safety / CARS@EDCC2022.
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P., "Autonomous
Vehicle Regulation and Trust: the impact of failures to comply with
standards", UCLA Journal of Law and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 3, Spring
2022. (local |
- Pezzementi, Z., Tabor, T., Chang, J. K., Tiernan, C., Drozd, B., Sample,
E., Hazard, C., Wagner, M., & Koopman, P. (2021). "Perception
robustness testing at different levels of generality." Field Robotics,
1, 253286. (in press)
- Koopman, P.,
Using The Wrong Tools To Educate Drivers About Vehicle Automation,
StreetsBlogUSA, Dec. 20, 2021
- Koopman, P.,
Autonomous Vehicle Testing Makes Everyone a Crash Test Dummy, Smerconish,
Nov. 29, 2021.
- Koopman, P., Kuipers, B., Widen, W. & Wolf, M., "Ethics,
Safety, and Autonomous Vehicles," IEEE Computer, Dec. 2021. (local)
- Koopman, P., "Autonomous
Vehicle Myths: the dirty dozen," EE Times, Oct. 22, 2021.
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P., "Autonomous
Vehicle Regulation, Does Tesla's Full Self-Driving Beta Release Comply with
Law?" SSRN, Sept. 27, 2021. (local)
- Widen, W. & Koopman, P., "Do
Tesla FSD Beta Releases Violate Public Road Testing Regulations?,"
JURIST, Sept. 27, 2021
- Koopman, P., "SAE J3016 User
Guide," July 2021.
- Koopman, P., "A
Users Guide to Vehicle Automation Modes," Jan. 2021.
- Koopman, P., "Self-Driving Cars: Sensors to Prediction," in:
Yoshida, J., Editor, Aspencore Guide to Sensors in Automotive, 2020.
- Koopman, P., Wagner, M., "Positive Trust Balance
for Self-Driving Car Deployment," WAISE, Sept. 2020.
- Deborah Katz, Milda Zizyte, Casidhe Hutchison, David Guttendorf, Patrick
Lanigan, Eric Sample, Philip Koopman, Michael Wagner and Claire Le Goues,
"Robustness Inside Out
Testing," DSN Industrial Track, July 2020.
- Underwriters Laboratories,
for Evaluation of Autonomous Products, 1st Edition, April 2020. (Principal
- Koopman, P., Ferrell, U., Fratrik, F. & Wagner, M., "A Safety Standard Approach for Fully
Autonomous Vehicles," WAISE 2019, Sept. 2019.
- Koopman, P., Osyk, B. & Weast, J., "Autonomous Vehicles Meet the Physical
World: RSS, Variability, Uncertainty, and Proving Safety," SAFECOMP,
Sept. 2019.
- Koopman, P., & Osyk, B., "Safety Argument
Considerations for Public Road Testing of Autonomous Vehicles," SAE
WXC, 2019-01-0123, Apr. 2019. (slides)
- Koopman, P., Kane, A. & Black, J., "Credible Autonomy
Safety Argumentation," Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Bristol UK,
Feb. 2019.
- Koopman, P. & Fratrik, F., "How many operational design domains,
objects, and events?" SafeAI 2019, AAAI, Jan 27, 2019. (slides)
- "Certification of
Highly Automated Vehicles for Use on UK Roads : Creating An Industry-Wide
Framework for Safety," University of York technical report, Oct. 2019.
- Koopman, P., "Practical
Experience Report: Automotive Safety Practices vs. Accepted
Principles," SAFECOMP, Sept. 2018. (local)
- Pezzementi, Z., Tabor, T., Yim, S., Chang, J., Drozd, B., Guttendorf, D.,
Wagner, M., & Koopman, P., "Putting image
manipulations in context: robustness testing for safe perception,"
IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR),
Aug. 2018. (slides)
- Koopman, P., "The
Heavy Tail Safety Ceiling," Automated and Connected Vehicle Systems
Testing Symposium, June 2018.
- Hutchison et al., "Robustness
Testing of Autonomy Software," ICSE-SEIP, 2018. (slides)
- Koopman, P. & Wagner, M., "Toward a Framework for Highly
Automated Vehicle Safety Validation," SAE World Congress, 2018.
SAE-2018-01-1071. (slides)
- Koopman, P., "Challenges in Autonomous
Vehicle Validation," SCAV 17 (keynote), April 2017.
- Koopman, P. & Wagner, M., "Autonomous Vehicle Safety: An
Interdisciplinary Challenge," IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems
Magazine, Vol. 9 #1, Spring 2017, pp. 90-96.
- Vernaza, Guttendorf, Wagner & Koopman, "Learning Product Set Models of Fault Triggers in
High-Dimensional Software Interfaces," IROS 2015.
- Kane, Chowdhury, Datta & Koopman, "A Case Study on Runtime Monitoring of an
Autonomous Research Vehicle (ARV) System," RV 2015.
- Wagner & Koopman, "A Philosophy for
Developing Trust in Self-Driving Cars," In: G. Meyer & S. Beiker
(eds.) Road Vehicle Automation 2, Lecture Notes in Mobility, Springer, 2015,
pp. 163-170
- Koopman, Driscoll, Hall, "Selection
of Cyclic Redundancy Code and Checksum Algorithms to Ensure Critical Data
Integrity," DOT/FAA/TC-14/49 , March 2015
- Koopman, "A Case Study
of Toyota Unintended Acceleration and Software Safety," ECE Seminar
Slides, September 18, 2014
- Koopman, "Software
Quality, Dependability and Safety in Embedded Systems (Invited Talk),"
- Kane, Fuhrman, Koopman, "Monitor Based Oracles for Cyber-Physical
System Testing," DSN 2014.
- Koopman, Wagner, "Transportation CPS Safety
Challenges," NSF Workshop on Transportation CyberPhysical Systems,
January 23-24, 2014
- Kane, A. & Koopman, P., "Ride-through for Autonomous
Vehicles," CARS 2013.
- Koopman, P. & Szilagyi, C., "Integrity in Embedded Control
Networks," IEEE Security & Privacy, 2013.
- Koopman, P., "Lessons
Learned in Teaching a Complex Distributed Embedded System Project
Course," CPS-Ed 2013, April 8, 2013.
- Koopman, P., "The Grand Challenge
of Embedded System Dependability," DSN 2011 panel session, June 29,
- Koopman, P., "Avoiding the
top 43 embedded software risks," Embedded Systems Conference Silicon
Valley, May 2, 2011. (Talk
- Koopman, P., "Challenges in
representing CPS safety," Workshop on developing dependable and secure
automotive cyber-physical systems from components, Mar 17-18, 2011.
- Koopman, P., Better Embedded
System Software, Drumnadrochit Press, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0-9844490-0-2.
(Also see accompanying Blog and
Table of Contents)
- Koopman, P., "Risk Areas In Embedded
Software Industry Projects", Workshop on Embedded System Education,
October, 2010.
- Szilagyi, C. & Koopman, P., "Low cost multicast
authentication via validity voting in time-triggered embedded control
networks," Workshop on Embedded System Security, October 2010.
- Koopman, P. & Ray, J., "Mitigating the Effects
of Internet Timing Faults Across Embedded Network Gateways," MMB/DFT
2010, p. 1, March 2010.
- Abdallah, A., Feron, E., Hellestrand, G., Koopman, P. & Wolf, M.,
"Hardware/Software Co-Design of Aerospace and Automotive Systems,"
Proc. IEEE, April 2010. (IEEE)
- Black, J. & Koopman, P., "System safety as an emergent
property in composite systems," DSN 2009, pp. 369 - 378.
- Ray, J. & Koopman, P., "Queue management
mechanisms for embedded gateways," DSN 2009, pp. 175-184.
- Szilagyi, C. & Koopman, P., "Flexible Multicast
Authentication for Time-Triggered Embedded Control Network
Applications," DSN 2009, pp. 165-174.
- Maxino, T., & Koopman, P. "The Effectiveness of Checksums for Embedded
Control Networks," IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure
Computing, Jan-Mar 2009, pp. 59-72.
- Driscoll, K., Hall, B., Koopman, P., Ray, J., DeWalt, M., Data Network
Evaluation Criteria Handbook, AR-09/24, FAA, 2009.
- Wagner, M., Koopman, P., Bares, J., Ostrowski, C., "Building safer UGVs with run-time safety
invariants," 2009 National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)
Systems Engineering Conference (conference record is presentations only).
- Black, J., & Koopman, P., "Indirect control path analysis
and goal coverage strategies for elaborating system safety goals in composite
systems," PRDC 2008.
- Szilagyi, C. & Koopman, P., "A
flexible approach to embedded network multicast authentication," WESS
- Koopman, P., DeVale, K. & DeVale, J., "Interface
robustness testing: experiences and lessons learned from the Ballista
Project," In: Kanoun, K. & Spainhower, L., Eds.,
Benchmarking for Computer Systems, IEEE Press, 2008, pp. 201-226.
- Koopman, P., "Reliability,
Safety, and Security in Everyday Embedded Systems," Latin American
Dependability Conference (LADC-07), Morelia, Mexico, Sept. 26-28, 2007
- Koopman, P., Black, J., Maxino, T., "Position Paper:
Deeply Embedded Survivability," ARO
Planning Workshop on Embedded Systems and Network Security, Raleigh NC,
February 22-23, 2007.
- Koopman, P., H. Choset, R. Gandhi, B. Krogh, D. Marculescu, P. Narasimhan,
J. Paul, R. Rajkumar, D. Siewiorek, A. Smailagic, P. Steenkiste, D. Thomas, C.
Wang, "Undergraduate
Embedded System Education at Carnegie Mellon," ACM Journal
Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol 4, No. 3, September 2005.
- Koopman, P., Morris, J. & Narasimhan, P., "Challenges in Deeply
Networked System Survivability," Nato Advanced Research Workshop On
Security and Embedded Systems, August 2005
- Latronico, E. & Koopman, P., "Design Time Reliability
Analysis of Distributed Fault Tolerance Algorithms," DSN05,
June 2005, pp. 57-64.
- Paulitsch, Morris, Hall, Driscoll, Koopman & Latronico, "Coverage and Use of Cyclic
Redundancy Codes in Ultra-Dependable Systems," DSN05, June 2005
- Morris, J. & Koopman, P., "Representing Design
Tradeoffs in Safety-Critical Systems," ICSE 2005 Workshop on
Architecting Dependable Systems, May 2005
- Koopman, P., "Embedded System
Security," IEEE Computer, July 2004.
- Shelton, C. & Koopman, P., "Improving System
Dependability with Alternative Functionality," DSN04, June
- Latronico, E., Miner, P. & Koopman, P., "Quantifying the
Reliability of Proven SPIDER Group Membership Service Guarantees,"
DSN04, June 2004.
- Morris, J., Kroening, D. & Koopman, P., "Fault Tolerance
Tradeoffs in Moving from Decentralized to Centralized Embedded
Systems," DSN04, June 2004.
- Koopman, P. & Chakravarty, T., "Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC)
Polynomial Selection For Embedded Networks," DSN04, June 2004.
- Martin, C. & Koopman, P., "Representing User
Workarounds As A Component Of System Dependability," PRDC 2004:
10th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing,
March 3-5, 2004.
- Orna Raz, Rebecca Buchheit, Mary Shaw, Philip Koopman, and Christos
Faloutsos, "Automated Assistance
for Eliciting User Expectations," International Conference of
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 2004.
- Orna Raz and Rebecca Buchheit and Mary Shaw and Philip Koopman and Christos
Faloutsos, "Detecting Semantic Anomalies in Truck Weigh-In-Motion Traffic
Data Using Data Mining," Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,
October 2004.
- Shelton, C. & Koopman, P., "Using Architectural Properties to
Model and Measure Graceful Degradation," In: de Lemos, R., Gacek, C.,
& Romanovsky, A., Architecting Dependable Systems, Springer-Verlag,
- Koopman, P. & Hoffman, R., "Work-arounds, make-work, and
kludges," IEEE Intelligent Systems, November/December 2003.
- Latronico, E. & Koopman, P., "A Period-Based Group
Membership Strategy for Nodes of TDMA Networks," FeT03, July
- Morris, J. & Koopman, P., "Critical Message
Integrity Over A Shared Network," FeT03, July 2003.
- Latronico, E., "Problems Facing
Group Membership Specifications for X-by-Wire Protocols," DSN
2003 student paper, June 2003.
- Morris, J. & Koopman, P., "Software Defect Masquerade
Faults in Distributed Embedded Systems," DSN 2003 FastAbs, June
- Koopman, P., "Elements of the
self-healing system problem space," Workshop on Architecting
Dependable Systems/WADS03, May 2003.
- Shelton, C., Koopman, P. & Nace, W., "A framework for scalable analysis and design
of system-wide graceful degradation in distributed embedded systems,"
WORDS03, January 2003.
- Orna Raz, Rebecca Buchheit, Mary Shaw, Philip Koopman, and Christos
Faloutsos "Eliciting User Expectations for Data
Behavior via Invariant Templates" Technical report CMU-CS-03-105,
January 2003.
- Raz, O., Koopman, P., & Shaw, M., "Enabling Automatic Adaptation in Systems with
Under-Specified Elements," 1st Workshop on Self-Healing Systems
(WOSS'02), affiliated with the 10th International Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-10), Charleston, South Carolina,
November 2002.
- Koopman, P., "Critical Embedded
Automotive Networks," IEEE Micro, July-August 2002.
- Koopman, P. (ed.), Special Issue on Critical Embedded Automotive
Networks, IEEE Micro, July-August 2002. (Issue is available from:
IEEE Micro
Archives; IEEE Xplore Archives
- DeVale, J. & Koopman, P., "Robust software - no more
excuses," International Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks (DSN), Washington DC, July 2002
- Koopman, P., "32-bit
cyclic redundancy codes for Internet applications," International
Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Washington DC, July
- Koopman, P. & Madeira, H., "Workshop on Dependability
Benchmarking," International Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks (DSN), July 2002.
- Koopman, P. & Madeira, H. (eds.), Proceedings on the Workshop on Dependability
Benchmarking, section within International Conference on Dependable
Systems and Networks (DSN) SupplementWashington DC, July 2002.
- Koopman, P., "What's wrong with
fault injection as a dependability benchmark?," Workshop on
Dependability Benchmarking (in conjunction with DSN 2002), Washington DC,
July 2002.
- Raz, O., Koopman, P. & Shaw, M., "Benchmarking semantic availability of dynamic data
feeds," Workshop on Dependability Benchmarking (in conjunction with
DSN 2002), Washington DC, July 2002.
- Raz, O., Shaw, M. & Koopman, P., "Semantic anomaly detection in on-line data
sources," International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), Orlando FL, May 2002.
- Shelton, C., & Koopman, P., "Using Architectural Properties to Model and
Measure System-Wide Graceful Degradation," Workshop on Architecting
Dependable Systems (affiliated with ICSE 2002), May 25 2002 .
- Beveridge, M. & Koopman, P., "Jini Meets Embedded Control Networking: a case
study in portability failure," Seventh IEEE Workshop on
Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems: WORDS 2002, San Diego,
January 2002.
- Nace, W. & Koopman, P., "A
Graceful Degradation Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems,"
Workshop on Reliability in Embedded Systems (in conjunction with Symposium
on Reliable Distributed Systems/SRDS-2001), October 2001.
- Shelton, C. & Koopman, P., "Developing a Software Architecture for
Graceful Degradation in an Elevator Control System," Workshop on
Reliability in Embedded Systems (in conjunction with Symposium on Reliable
Distributed Systems/SRDS-2001), October 2001.
- Latronico, B., Martin, C. & Koopman, P., "Analyzing Dependability of Embedded
Systems from the User Perspective," Workshop on Reliability in
Embedded Systems (in conjunction with Symposium on Reliable Distributed
Systems/SRDS-2001), October 2001.
- Latronico, E. & Koopman, P., "Representing Embedded System Sequence
Diagrams As A Formal Language," UML 2001, Toronto Ontario, 3-5
Oct. 2001, pp. 302-316.
- Hoover, C., Hansen, J., Koopman, P. & Tamboli, S., "The Amaranth Framework: policy-based quality of
service management for high-assurance computing," International
Journal of Reliability, Quality, and Safety Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4,
2001, pp. 1-28.
- DeVale, J. & Koopman, P., "Performance Evaluation of
Exception Handling in I/O Libraries," International Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), July 2001, Göteborg Sweden.
- Pan, J., Koopman, P., Siewiorek, D., Huang, Y., Gruber, R. & Jiang,
M., "Robustness testing
and hardening of CORBA ORB Implementations," International
Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) July 2001,
Göteborg Sweden, pp. 141-150.
- Madeira, H. & Koopman, P. "Dependability benchmarking: making choices
in an n-dimensional problem space," Workshop on Evaluating and
Architecting System dependabilitY (EASY), concurrent with Dependable Systems
and Networks (DSN), July 2001, Göteborg Sweden.
- Koopman, P. & Chakravarty, T., "Analysis of the Train Communication Network
Protocol Error Detection Capabilities,", February
25, 2001.
- Koopman, P. & Kaner, C., "The
problem of embedded software in UCITA and drafts of revised Article
2," UCC Bulletin, 3 parts: February 2001; March 2001; April
- Nace, W. & Koopman, P., "A
product family based approach to graceful degradation," DIPES 2000,
8-19 October 2000, Paderborn, Germany.
- Koopman, P. & DeVale, J.,
Exception Handling Effectiveness of POSIX Operating Systems, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 9, September 2000.
(Direct Link)
- Shelton, C. & Koopman, P., "Robustness Testing of the Microsoft Win32
API, International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
(DSN), New York City, June 26-28 2000.
- Cholkar, A. & Koopman, P., "A
Widely Deployable Web-based Distributed Network Simulation Framework using
CORBA IDL-based APIs," Winter Simulation Conference 2000,
December 5-8 1999, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 1587-1594.
- Koopman, P. & Madeira, H., "Dependability
Benchmarking & Prediction: A Grand Challenge Technology Problem,"
1st International Workshop on Real-Time Mission-Critical Systems: Grand
Challenge Problems, Nov. 30, 1999; Phoenix, Arizona USA. 4 pages.
- Hoover, C., Hansen, J., Koopman, P. & Tamboli, S.,"The Amaranth Framework: Probabilistic,
Utility-Based Quality of Service Management for High-Assurance
Computing", IEEE Fourth International High-Assurance Systems
Engineering Symposium (HASE99), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Alamitos, CA, Nov. 17-19, 1999, pp. 207-216.
- Fernsler, K. & Koopman, P., "Robustness Testing of a Distributed
Simulation Backplane," ISSRE 99, Boca Raton, FL, Nov. 2-4,
1999, pp. 189-198.
- Pan, J., Koopman, P. & Siewiorek, D., "A Dimensionality Model Approach to Testing and
Improving Software Robustness," Autotestcon99, August
30-September 2, 1999, San Antonio, TX.
- Koopman, P. & DeVale, J., "Comparing the Robustness of POSIX Operating
Systems," Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium, June 1999.
- DeVale, J., Koopman, P. & Guttendorf, D., "The Ballista Software Robustness Testing
Service," Testing Computer Software Conference, June 1999.
- Koopman, P., "Toward a Scalable
Method for Quantifying Aspects of Fault Tolerance, Software Assurance, and
Computer Security," Post proceedings of the Computer Security,
Dependability, and Assurance: From Needs to Solutions (CSDA'98), 11-13
November 1998, Washington, D.C., pp. 103-131.
- Bayouth, M. & Koopman, P., "Functional Evolution of an Automated Highway
System for Incremental Deployment," Transportation Research
Record, #1651, Paper #981060, pp. 80-88.
- Koopman, P. & Bayouth, M., "Orthogonal Capability Building Blocks for Flexible
AHS Deployment," Journal of Intelligent Transportation
SystemsVol. 4, pp. 1-19, 1998.
- Kropp, N., Koopman, P. & Siewiorek, D., "Automated Robustness Testing of Off-the-Shelf
Software Components," Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium, pp.
230-239, June 23-25, 1998.
- Koopman, P., Tran, E. & Hendrey, G. "Toward Middleware Fault Injection for
Automotive Networks," Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium, pp.
78-79, June 23-25, 1998.
- Koopman, P., "Using CAD Tools for
Embedded System Design: Obstacles Encountered in an Automotive Case
Study," Integrated Computer Aided Engineering, 5(1)
85-94, 1998. (Also,
Tech Report EDRC
05 103 96)
- Koopman, P., Sung, J., Dingman, C. & Siewiorek, D., "Comparing Operating Systems using
Robustness Benchmarks," Symposium on Reliable Distributed
Systems, Durham NC, October 22-24, 1997, pp. 72-79.
- Tran, E. & Koopman, P., Mission Failure Probability Calculations
for Critical Function Mechanizations in the Automated Highway System,
Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-97-44, Carnegie Mellon University, December
16, 1997. 34 pages.
- Koopman, P., Tracking down Lost Messages
and System Failures Embedded Systems Programming, 9(11),
October 1996, pp. 38-52
- Koopman, P., "Embedded System Design
Issues -- The Rest of the Story", Proceedings of the 1996
International Conference on Computer Design, Austin, October 7-9 1996.
- Koopman, P., "On Being the Bearer of
Bad News" (engineering ethics), The Institute, IEEE, vol. 20,
no. 6, pg. 15, June 1996. Reprinted in Engineering
Dimensions, Professional Engineers of Ontario, January 2000 pp. 25-26.
- Koopman, P., "A taxonomy of
decomposition strategies based on structures, behaviors, and goals",
1995 Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, Boston, September
- Gupta, R., Koopman, P. & Wolfe, A.,
"Tutorial on CAD for Digital Embedded Systems", Design
Automation Conference, June 1995.
- Koopman, P. & Upender, B., Time Division Multiple Access without a Bus
Master, Technical Report 9500470, United Technologies Research Center,
- Koopman, P., "A preliminary
exploration of optimized stack code generation", Journal of Forth
Applications and Research, 6(4), 1994.
- Upender, B. & Koopman, P., "Communication protocols for embedded
systems", Embedded Systems Programming, 7(11) 46-58,
November 1994.
- Upender, B. & Koopman, P. "Structured
Functional Modeling in SES/workbench," 1994 SES User Group
Conference, Austin TX, 16 pages, April 1994. [presentation only]
- D'Anniballe, J. & Koopman, P., "Towards execution models of distributed
systems: a case study of elevator design", ICCD Workshop on
Hardware/Software Codesign, Boston, October 1993.
- Upender, B. & Koopman, P., "Embedded Communication Protocol
Options," Proceedings of Embedded Systems Conference 1993,
Santa Clara, pp. 469-480, October 1993; repeated in Proceedings of Embedded
Systems Conference East 1994, Boston, April 1994.
- Koopman, P., "Perils of the PC
Cache", Embedded Systems Programming, 6(5) 26-34, May
- Koopman, P., "A Brief Introduction to
Forth," ACM SIGplan Notices, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 357-358, March
1993, (History of Programming Languages HOPL-II preprints issue.)
- Koopman, P., "Stack
Machines," In: Thorson, M. (ed.), "Usenet Nuggets,"
SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 21(1), pp. 36-37, March 1993.
- Keown, W., Koopman, P. & Collins, A., "Performance of the Harris RTX 2000 stack
architecture versus the Sun 4 Sparc and the Sun 3 M68020
architectures", Computer Architecture News, 20(3) 45-52,
June 1992.
- Keown, W., Koopman, P. & Collins, A., "Real-Time Performance of the Harris RTX 2000 Stack
Architecture versus the Sun 4 SPARC and the Sun 3 M68020 Architectures with a
Proposed Real-Time Performance Benchmark," Performance Evaluation
Review, May 1992, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 40-48.
- Koopman, P., Lee, P. & Siewiorek, D., "Cache Behavior of Combinator Graph
Reduction", Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
14(2) 265-297, April 1992.
- Koopman, P. & Siewiorek, D., "ICs for workstations", IEEE
Spectrum, 29(4) 52-54, April 1992.
- Siewiorek, D. & Koopman, P., The
Architecture of Supercomputers: Titan, a case study, Academic Press,
1991. (
- Koopman, P., Lee, P. & Siewiorek, D., "Architectural Considerations for Combinator
Graph Reduction," Lee, P. (ed.) Topics In Advanced Language
Implementation, MIT Press, 1991, pp. 369-95.
- Koopman, P. "Some Ideas for Stack
Computer Design," 1991 Rochester Forth Conference, pg. 58, June 1991.
- Koopman, P. (ed), SIGForth '90 and SIGForth '91 Conference
Proceedings, ACM Press, 1991.
- Koopman, P., An Architecture for Combinator
Graph Reduction, Academic Press, 1990.
- Koopman, P., "Testing
Toolkit," Forth Dimensions, vol. 12, no. 3 , pp. 31-32; 41,
September 1990.
- Koopman, P., "Embedded
Control as a Path to Forth Acceptance," SIGForth90, pp. 23-26, 1990.
- Koopman, P., "Heavyweight Tasking," Embedded Systems
Programming, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 42-52, April 1990.
- Koopman, P. "TIGRE: Combinator
Graph Reduction on the RTX 2000," 1990 Rochester Forth
Conference, pp. 82-86, June 1990.
- Koopman, P. "Architectural
Opportunities for Future Stack Engines," 1990 Rochester Forth
Conference, pp. 79-81, June 1990.
- Koopman, P. & VanNorman, R. "Adding a Third Stack to a Forth
Engine," 1990 Rochester Forth Conference, pp. 150-151, June
- Koopman, P. "Design Constraints on
Embedded Real Time Control Systems," System Design and Network
Architecture Conference, pp. 71-77, May 8-10, 1990.
- Koopman, P. "Modern Stack Computer
Architecture," System Design and Network Architecture
Conference, pp. 153-164, May 8-10, 1990.
- Koopman, P., Lee, P. & Siewiorek, D., "Cache Performance of Combinator Graph
Reduction", 1990 Int. Conf. on Computer Languages, March 12-15,
- Koopman, P., "Design Tradeoffs in
Stack Computers," Forth Dimensions, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 5-9,
March 1990.
- Koopman, P., Stack
Computers, Ellis Horwood, 1989.
- Koopman, P. & Lee, P., "A Fresh
Look at Combinator Graph Reduction", Proc. of the 1989 SIGPLAN
Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 21-23, 1989.
- Koopman, P. & VanNorman, R., "RTX 4000," 1989 Rochester Forth
Conference, pp. 84-86, June 6-10, 1989.
- Lee, P. & Koopman, P., Compiling for
Direct Execution of Combinator Graphs, Ergo report, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, 1989.
- Koopman, P. & Siewiorek, D., "The
Impact of Rent's Rule on Massive Parallelism", Frontiers of
Massively Parallel Computation, 1988.
- Koopman, P. "32 Bit RTX Chip
Prototype," Journal of Forth Application and Research
(Rochester Forth Conference Proceedings), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 331-335, 1988.
- Koopman, P., "Fractal
Landscapes," Dr. Dobb's Toolbox of Forth Vol. II, M&T
Publishing, pp. 347-356, 1988.
- Koopman, P., "Bresenham Line
Drawing Algorithm," Dr. Dobb's Toolbox of Forth Vol. II,
M&T Publishing, pp. 357-365, 1988.
- Koopman, P., "Writable Instruction
Set Stack Oriented Computers: The WISC Concept," Journal of Forth
Application and Research (Rochester Forth Conference Proceedings), vol. 5,
no. 1, pp. 49-71, 1987.
- Koopman, P., "The WISC Concept,"
12, no. 4, pp. 187-194, April 1987.
- Koopman, P., "Microcoded vs. Hard-Wired
Control," BYTE,
12, no. 1, pp. 235-242, January 1987.
- Haydon, G., & Koopman, P., "MVP
Microcoded CPU/16: History," Journal of Forth Application and
Research (Rochester Forth Conference Proceedings), vol. 4, no. 2 , pp.
273-276, 1986.
- Koopman, P., & Haydon, G., "MVP
Microcoded CPU/16: Architecture," Journal of Forth Application and
Research (Rochester Forth Conference Proceedings), vol. 4, no. 2, pp.
277-280 1986.
- Koopman, P., "Redefining
Words," Forth Dimensions, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 36-37, November
- Koopman, P., Forth Floating Point, Mountain View Press, 1985.
- US2022/0004818A1,
Systems and Methods
for Evaluating Perception System Quality, 2022-01-06. (Published
- WO2021/168435A1,
identification of training data candidates for perception systems,
2021-08-26. (Published application.)
- WO2020/142721A1,
Methods and
systems for improving permissiveness while ensuring the safety of an autonomous
vehicle, 2020-07-09. (Published application.)
- WO2020/123567A1;
autonomous systems performance and safety monitoring methods and apparatus,
2020-06-18. (Published application.)
- EP #3 400 676; A safety architecture
for autonomous vehicles; Wagner, Ray, Kane, Koopman, April 1, 2020. (See also
US #10,962,972, March 30, 2021 )
- #7,668,765; Method and apparatus for
location-sensitive, subsidized cell phone billing; Tanaka, Hendrey &
Koopman, February 23, 2010.
- #6,647,269; Method and system for
analyzing advertisements delivered to a mobile unit; Hendrey, Tanaka &
Koopman, November 11, 2003.
- #6,542,750; Method and system for
selectively connecting mobile users based on physical proximity; Hendrey,
Tanaka & Koopman, April 1, 2003.
- #6,542,749; Method and system for
connecting proximately located mobile users based on compatible attributes;
Tanaka, Hendrey, Koopman & King, April 1, 2003.
- #6,542,748; Method and system for
automatically initiating a telecommunications connection based on distance;
Hendrey, Koopman, King & Tanaka, April 1, 2003.
- #6,539,232; Method and system for
connecting mobile users based on degree of separation; Hendrey, Tanaka, Koopman
& King, March 25, 2003.
- #5,991,673; Vehicle anti-theft system
including vehicle identification numbers programmed into on-board computers;
Koopman & Carroll, November 23, 1999.
- #5,975,622; Wireless automotive door;
Koopman, November 2, 1999.
- #5,952,937; System and method of
updating communications in a security system; Koopman, Carroll, Grzybowski,
Marshall, September 14, 1999.
- #5,940,002; Security system with
random number remote communication; Finn, Koopman & Carroll, August 17,
- #5,783,994; Vehicle security system
with combined key fob and keypad anti-driveaway protection; Koopman, Carroll,
Grzybowski & Marshall, Jul. 21, 1998.
- #5,757,923; Method of generating
secret identification numbers; Koopman, May 26, 1998.
- #5,696,828; Random number generating
system and process based on chaos; Koopman, Dec. 9, 1997.
- #5,682,024; Elevator position
determination; Koopman & Finn, Oct. 28, 1997.
- #5,659,159; Elevator level control
system using elevator/landing gap as a reflection duct; Koopman, Aug. 19, 1997.
- #5,649,014; Pseudorandom
composition-based cryptographic authentication process; Koopman, Finn &
LaBarre, Jul. 15, 1997.
- #5,619,575; Pseudorandom
composition-based cryptographic authentication process; Koopman, Finn &
LaBarre, Apr. 8, 1997.
- #5,598,476; Random clock
composition-based cryptographic authentication process and locking system;
LaBarre & Koopman, Jan. 28, 1997.
- #5,535,212; Implicit Token Media
Access Protocol Without Collision Detection; Koopman & Brajczewski, Jul. 9,
- #5,450,404; Explicit and Implicit
Token Media Access Protocol with Multi-Level Bus Arbitration; Koopman &
Brajczewski, Sep. 12, 1995.
- #5,436,901; Synchronous Time Division
Multiplexing Using Jam-Based Frame Synchronization; Koopman, Jul. 25, 1995.
- #5,398,284; Cryptographic Encoding
Process; Koopman & Finn, Mar. 14, 1995.
- #5,377,270; Cryptographic
Authentication of Transmitted Messages Using Pseudorandom Numbers; Koopman
& Finn, Dec. 27, 1994.
- #5,363,448; Pseudorandom Number
Generation and Cryptographic Authentication; Koopman & Finn, Nov. 8, 1994.
(Also issued as European Patent
Re-issued with new claims as US
- #5,053,952; Stack memory based 32-bit
writable instruction set computer having a single data bus; Koopman &
Haydon, Oct. 1, 1991.
- #4,980,821; Stack memory based
writable instruction set computer having a single data bus; Koopman &
Haydon, Dec. 25, 1990.
Philip Koopman: