Stack Computers & Forth
This page is no longer maintained.

My Pages:
Stack Computers -- Complete Book Now
(The definitive book on dual-stack computer architecture)
- A Brief Introduction to Forth
(From the History of Programming Languages Conference)
- A Preliminary Exploration of Optimized
Stack Code Generation
(Just because you're using a stack-based execution engine doesn't mean your
compiler must be inefficient)
- Why Stack Computers?
(a usenet posting)
- Performance of the Harris RTX 2000 stack
architecture versus the Sun 4 Sparc and the Sun 3 M68020 architectures,
June 1992.
- Real-Time Performance of the Harris RTX 2000
Stack Architecture versus the Sun 4 SPARC and the Sun 3 M68020 Architectures
with a Proposed Real-Time Performance Benchmark, May 1992.
- Some Ideas for Stack Computer Design,
June 1991 (includes ideas on pipeled execution).
- Testing Toolkit, September 1990.
- TIGRE: Combinator Graph Reduction on the
RTX 2000, June 1990.
- Architectural Opportunities for Future
Stack Engines, June 1990.
- Adding a Third Stack to a Forth
Engine, June 1990.
- Design Constraints on Embedded Real Time
Control Systems, May 1990.
- Modern Stack Computer Architecture, May
- Design Tradeoffs in Stack Computers,
March 1990.
- Testing Toolkit, Forth Dimensions
XII(3), 1990.
- RTX 4000, June 1989.
- 32 Bit RTX Chip Prototype, June 1988.
- Fractal Landscapes, Forth Dimensions
IX(1), 1988.
- Bresenham Line-Drawing Algorithm, Forth
Dimensions VIII(6), 1987.
- Writable Instruction Set Stack Oriented
Computers: The WISC Concept, June 1987.
- The WISC Concept, BYTE, April 1987.
- MVP Microcoded CPU/16: History,"
June 1986.
- MVP Microcoded CPU/16:
Architecture," June 1986.
- Redefining Words, November 1985.
- Where to buy a stack computer and
on-line supplement to Stack Computers book.
Historical Preservation:
- US Patent #4,980,821
Stack-Memory-Based Writable Instruction Set Computer Having a Single Data Bus
(16 bits)
(The patent on the WISC CPU/16)
- US Patent #5,053,952
Stack-Memory-Based Writable Instruction Set Computer Having a Single Data Bus
(32 bits)
(The patent on the WISC CPU/32, which evolved into the Harris BINAR/RTX 4000

- The Evolution
of Forth
(The definitive paper on the history of Forth, brought to you by
Forth Inc.)
- Forth - A
Language for Interactive Computing
(The seminal paper on Forth, circa 1970)
- The patent for the Novix NC4000, the first single-chip Forth engine: US
patent #5,319,757, which
was a continuation of US patent
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