Stack Computers: the new wave

Philip J. Koopman, Jr.

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Published in 1989, this was the first book to explore the new breed of stack computers led by the introduction of the Novix NC4016 chip. The author commences with an overview of how stacks are used in computing, and a taxonomy of hardware stack support which includes a survey of approximately 70 stack machines past and present. Detailed descriptions, including block diagrams and instruction set summaries, are given for seven new stack processors from Harris Semiconductor, Novix, Johns Hopkins University/APL, MISC, WISC Technologies, and Wright State University. Major topics covered also include architectural analysis of stack machines, software issues, application areas, and potential for future development.

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Originally published by Ellis Horwood in 1989 -- now on the World Wide Web!
© Copyright 1989, Philip Koopman, All Rights Reserved.

This web edition is essentially unchanged from the 1989 book. While some of the material is obviously dated and new work has been done in this area, I believe that the book remains the principal reference work on Forth-style stack computers. My Stack Computer web page serves as a starting point to exploring recent developments in the area.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise except as noted below, without the permission of Philip J. Koopman, Jr., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

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