Novel STT Device Design To Enable All Metallic Spin Logic Circuits Free of Transistors

J. Zhu, D. Bromberg, D. Morris and L. Pileggi, “Novel STT Device Design To Enable All Metallic Spin Logic Circuits Free of Transistors”, (Invited Presentation) Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, October 2011.

Application-Specific Logic-in-Memory for Polar Format Synthetic Aperture Radar

Qiuling Zhu, Franz Franchetti and Larry Pileggi, “Application-Specific Logic-in-Memory for Polar Format Synthetic Aperture Radar”, Fifteenth Annual High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) Workshop at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, September 2011.

Indirect Phase Noise Sensing for Self-Healing Voltage Controlled Oscillators

S. Yaldiz, V. Calayir, X. Li, L. Pileggi, et al, “Indirect Phase Noise Sensing for Self-Healing Voltage Controlled Oscillators”, Int’l Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Sept. 2011.

Post-Silicon Calibration of Analog CMOS Using Phase-Change Memory Cells

C.-Y. Wen, J. Paramesh, L. T. Pileggi, J. Li, S. Kim, J. Proesel, C. Lam, “Post-Silicon Calibration of Analog CMOS Using Phase-Change Memory Cells”, European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), September 2011.

Design of Embedded Memory and Logic Based On Pattern Constructs

D. Morris, K. Vaidyanathan, N. Lafferty, K. Lai, L. Liebmann, L. Pileggi, “Design of Embedded Memory and Logic Based On Pattern Constructs”, IEEE Symposium on VLSI (Invited Presentation), June 2011.

A Non-volatile Look-Up Table Design Using PCM (Phase-Change Memory) Cells

C.-Y. Wen, J. Li, S. Kim, M. Breitwisch, C. Lam, J. Paramesh, L. T. Pileggi, “A Non-volatile Look-Up Table Design Using PCM (Phase-Change Memory) Cells”, IEEE Symposium on VLSI, June 2011.

8-bit Flash ADC Design Based on Post-Manufacturing Statistical Element Selection

Gokce Keskin, Jon Proesel and Larry Pileggi, “8-bit Flash ADC Design Based on Post-Manufacturing Statistical Element Selection”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (Invited), Volume 46 , Issue 8, May 2011.

Virtual Phase Noise Sensor for Self-Healing Voltage Controlled Oscillators

S. Yaldiz, F. Wang, X. Li, L. Pileggi, A.S. Natarajan, M.A. Ferriss, J. Tierno, “Virtual Phase Noise Sensor for Self-Healing Voltage Controlled Oscillators”, GOMACTech-11 Technical Program, March 2011.

Performance and Manufacturability Trade-offs of Pattern Minimization for sub-22nm Technology Nodes

V. Rovner, T. Jhaveri, Daniel Morris, Andrzej J. Strojwas, and Larry Pileggi, “Performance and Manufacturability Trade-offs of Pattern Minimization for sub-22nm Technology Nodes”, SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference, February 2011.

A Phase-change via-Reconfigurable On-Chip Inductor

C.-Y. Wen, E. K. Chua, R. Zhao, T. C. Chong, J. A. Bain, T. E. Schlesinger, L. T. Pileggi, J. Paramesh, “A Phase-change via-Reconfigurable On-Chip Inductor”, International Electron Devices Meeting, December 2010.