ECE 743 Power Aware Computing Project:


Dynamic speed/voltage scaling for GALS processors




Shelley Chen                           Anand Eswaran


Carnegie Mellon University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Email: {schen1, aeswaran}





          Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) has emerged as a successful and scalable solution to deal with the growing power consumption associated with increased chip complexity. However, DVS is not very effective when used with synchronous processors, as the performance of them is totally dependent upon the speed of the clock.  Higher clocking consumes a great deal of power while lower clocking will degrade performance significantly.  Thus, we?ve decided to use Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous processors.  These allow for selective clocking of different components of the system.  Clocking can thus be chosen in such a way as to minimize performance degradation.


          We describe two schemes that allow the extension of DVS across multiple clock domains specific to GALS out-of-order superscalar processors. One scheme addresses the issues involved in the commonly shared front end of the pipeline. The other enhances the effectiveness of voltage scaling within the various functional units of a superscalar processor by addressing dependency issues.


          We plan to implement our design on by modifying simGALS, a GALS simulator and power estimator designed by Iyer and Marculescu [1].  The architecture of the GALS processor is shown in the figure at the left.





Project Proposal:


As the scope of our project changed since, the proposal presentation, the information in the proposal slides is not relevant anymore.  Thus, unless specifically requested, the slides from the proposal presentation will not be put up on the website because they are irrelevant to this project.  The write up, however, was corrected in time.  The link is below.


Proposal Write up



Project Checkpoint 1:


Presentation slides for Checkpoint 1


Write up for Checkpoint 1


Key points:

1.     Front end adaptive scaling

·        Control the clock speed of the front end of the system (fetch and decode stages) based on commit rate.  The commit rate should be as close as possible to the fetch rate

·        Certain variables need to be considered including window size, thresholds and amount of speedup or slowdown of the fetch rate clock when needed.

2.     Dependency based adjustments

·        Since clock adjustments for the functional units are currently solely based on queue length, it can cause inefficient use of resources by speeding up functional units whose queues are filled with instructions waiting for dependencies.

·        We would like to change this so that the clock rate of each functional unit is based on the number of instructions that have no dependencies in the queue, rather than just the number of instructions.

·        This prevents unnecessary speedups, reducing wasted power consumption.



·        Familiarized ourselves with simGALS.

·        Implemented the module for calculating the commit and fetch rates of the asynchronous processor.

·        Currently implementing the slowdown of the fetch stage.

·        Identified the dependencies that we need to deal with for the dependency based adjustments of the functional unit clock



Project Checkpoint 2:


Presentation slides for Checkpoint 2


Writeup for Checkpoint 2



·        Implemented throttling of the front end of the pipeline.

·        Determined most of the values for variables of the implementation through simulations.

o       Optimal window size:  152

o       Optimal lower threshold: -3

o       Optimal clock period: 1.

·        We still need to determine the high threshold value by running more simulations.



Project Checkpoint 3:


Presentation slides for Checkpoint 3




We developed the algorithm and tested the algorithm for front-stage dynamic voltage scaling based on fetch rate commit rate matching in Milestone 2. In milestone 3, we concentrate on enhancing the DVS algorithm for functional units that is proposed by [1] to account for data dependencies.


The rationale behind the scheme of dynamic voltage scaling lies in the fact it is possible to achieve significant energy savings without significant performance degradation if the net throughput demand for the resource (functional unit) is relatively low.  This energy reduction is obtained by reducing the processor speed and scaling the voltage correspondingly.


In [1] and [2], the authors use queue length as a metric of the required speed-up of a functional unit. Thus if a functional unit (FU) has a large number of instructions in its issue queue, it indicates that there are a large number of instructions waiting for it and hence it probably lies on the critical path of instruction flow. Thus it should not be slowed down.


However, we believe that having the frequency track the envelope of the functional unit queue length over long periods of time has it drawbacks. This is because of data dependencies across functional units. In particular, instructions might be blocked in the issue queue because they depend on instructions ahead in the issue queue while the instruction at the head is blocking on output from some other functional unit. In this scenario,  speeding up the functional unit based on an increased queue occupancy results in high energy loss ( due to high clocking ) while little performance benefit.  Thus the original algorithm would benefit greatly if it took into account cross functional-unit data dependencies. 


We propose a change to the algorithm proposed in [1] based on our observations. We propose that the scaling be based upon two factors:

(1) The dependant-free (independent) instructions in each queue  

(2) The total number of direct dependencies on each functional unit.  The modified algorithm we propose is given below:


if (state == HIGH_STATE) {

   if   (independent instructions in queue  < threshold)   increment  count;

   if   (count  > CLOCK_INTERVAL)  state =  LOW_STATE;


else  // state == LOW_STATE


       if ( independent instructions in the queue < threshold)  OR ( direct dependency count >  dep_threshhold )  increment count;

   if (counter < CLOCK_INTERVAL) state  = HIGH_STATE;



Hardware Details:


   Our strategy for tracking the dependent count and independent count of each functional unit is simple and computationally efficient.


   We associate two counters (as opposed to one counter used in [1]) with each functional unit. One of these keeps track of the independent instructions and another keeps track of the dependent instructions associated with each FU. By judiciously choosing the parameters of this scheme we believe that we can achieve a good energy-performance balance.



Implementation in SimGALS:


   Just prior to the issue stage of each functional unit, we check if the instruction entering the issue queue has any dependency associated with it. If it does not, we increment the functional unit?s independent counter.  Else we increment the counter associated with   the source of the dependency.


   During the commit back stage the following operations take place. Firstly the committing instruction wakes up all issue queue entries associated with that functional unit   based on the output produced by that functional unit. Secondly it puts it?s result on the queues of other associated functional units. Thirdly it reads results produced by other functional units and wakes up instructions in its issue queue that were dependant on these functional units. We increase the independent counters of the FU?s by the number of instructions woken up by the first and third stages.


  The decrementing of the dependant counters takes place just before the second step. Here the instruction decrements the dependent count of the current functional unit by one for each instruction that resides in another functional unit queue which the current FU?s result wakes up.


   When the result is finally retired to the register file, the independent count is decreased by one.



Project Checkpoint 4:


Presentation slides for Checkpoint 4


Write up for Checkpoint 4




          For this checkpoint, we were able to fix that horrible counter problem that we were not able to resolve from the last Milestone.  In addition, currently, we believe that we have found the best configuration for the functional units of the simulator.  However, we have not delved into the configuration of the front end of the simulator and assumed that the two modules were orthogonal.  However, results seem to prove otherwise.  Our power consumption is not lower than the original baseline model, as expected.  In fact, for the fpppp benchmark, the power values are almost 4 times higher than the baseline!  This is definitely a problem that we have to look further into.  This will be the problem that we need to resolve soon.


Results from this Milestone:




Final Project Checkpoint:


Presentation slides for Final Project


Writeup for Final Project



·        Finally got the simulator working!



·        60% savings in power and 15% savings in Energy

·        See the writeup for a more complete description of the results.



Source Code:


·        The AFS location of our modified code for the project is at /afs/ece/usr/schen1/sim-GALS.  This code will be continually updated as work progresses on this project.



Related Research Papers:


1.     A. Iyer and D. Marculescu.  Power-Performance Evaluation of Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous Processors.  Intl. Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA).  May 2002.

2.     A. Iyer and D. Marculescu.  Power Efficiency of Multiple Clock, Multiple Voltage Cores. IEEE/ACM Intl. Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD).  Nov. 2002.

3.     G. Semeraro, D.H. Albonesi, S.G. Dropsho, G. Magklis, S. Dwarkadas, and M.L. Scott. Dynamic Frequency and Voltage Control for a Multiple Clock Domain Microarchitecture. 
35th International Symposium on Microarchitecture. November 2002.

4.     G. Semeraro, G. Magklis, R. Balasubramonian, D.H. Albonesi, S. Dwarkadas, and M.L. Scott. Energy-Efficient Processor Design Using Multiple Clock Domains with Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling.  8th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture. pp. 29-40, February 2002.

5.     A. Moshovos, D. N. Pnevmatikatos and A. Baniasadi.  Instruction Flow-based Front-end Throttling for Power-Aware Higher-Performance Processors.  Proc. International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), June 2001.

6.      D. Burger, T. Austin.  The SimpleScalar Tool Set, Version 2.0.  Technical Report CS-TR-97-1342.  University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, June 1997.




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