Siewiorek and Walker Family Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering and CyLab
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering and CyLab
Carnegie Mellon University
Office: | 2312 Collaborative Innovation Center |
Phone: | (412) 268-4340 |
Fax: | (412) 268-5531 |
Email: | agr@andrew.cmu.edu |
Postal: | CIC 2312 4720 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
About Me
I am a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University and also a member of CyLab. In addition to my full-time role at CMU, I am also a Chief Scientist for Bosch Research, working in the Pittsburgh Office. Bosch graciously provides much of the funding for my group's research.
Research Interests
My research focuses on networked real-time embedded systems for sensing and control applications that help couple physical and virtual systems. The core of my work is on on developing sensing systems and their supporting technologies that are energy-efficient and provide real-time properties. Sensor networks are a practical mechanism for bringing contextual information and new abilities to the already numerous embedded systems that surround us. They have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of application areas ranging from transportation and critical infrastructure monitoring to smart buildings and microgrids. Part of this effort has involved developing systems that provide precise timing and navigation to support localization in GPS-denied environments like inside buildings.
My most recent interests are on platforms and system support for multi-user collaborative mixed (eXtended) reality systems. XR systems combine elements of sensing, precise localization, wearable hardware and edge computing in a way that allows us to seamlessly link traditional computer applications with the real-world.
I was recently the director of the CONIX Research Center, one of six centers in JUMP, an SRC program sponsored by DARPA investigating the future of distributed computing. CONIX aims to provide a new middle tier of distributed computing that tightly couples the cloud and edge by pushing increased levels of autonomy and intelligence into the network.
For more information about my group, please visit the Wireless, Sensing and Embedded Systems (WiSE Lab) webpage.
I have information and photos for talks on my bio page.
- Oct 2024: Congrats to Sruti and Edward for winning Best Student Paper at ISMAR for their XR Cognitive Assist XaiR platform
- Sep 2024: New paper at Conference on Language Modeling (COLM) on our framework BumbleBee for "Infinite-Context" Transformers
- Jun 2024: Congrats to Tianshu, John, Akarsh, Tao and Tarana for their CVPR Oral Presentation on Novel Radar View Synthesis with DART
- Mar 2024: New project on SOSA aligned sensing applications with Pacific Defense, Perceptronics, and ONR
- Feb 2024: Two new papers at IEEE VR on volumetric capture and AR for live events
- Jan 2024: Hacker News discussion about Wasm Linux Interface work. Who needs reviewers when you have the Internet :-)
- Dec 2023: Congrats to Mallesh for accepting a faculty position at Northeastern
- Oct 2023: New paper at ISMAR on Hybrid Rendering for mobile devices
- Apr 2023: Congratulations to Edward for being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Apr 2023: Congratulations to Edward for being a Meta Fellowship Finalist
- Feb 2023: Congratulations to Patrick for joining Bell Labs to work on XR
- Aug 2022: New paper Lumos on IoT security using AR getting some press by Der Spiegel, Hackernews , Technical.ly, and Trak.in
- Jun 2022 : Fun collaboration between Yodel Labs (localization) and Misapplied Sciences (Parallel Reality Display) for Delta Airlines
- Apr 2022: Congratulations to Thomas King for winning the Mobicom best undergraduate student presentation.
- Mar 2022: Lyam B. Gabel, the dance floor, the hospital room, and the kitchen table uses ARENA.
- Mar 2022: Congrats to SparkMeter for a new round of fund raising
- Mar 2022: NSF Future Architecture workshop hosted in ARENA!
- Oct 2021: Congrats to the ARENA team for winning the ISMAR Hybrid Experiences Competition with paper
- Sep 2021: New Bosch Project on Spatial Computing for future manufacturing
- Mar 2021: Congrats to SparkMeter for being voted most innovative in energy by FastCompany!
- Jan 2021: Congrats to Elahe for accepting a faculty position at UIUC!
- Aug 2020: Gizmodo wrote a nice article about our Osprey work.
- May 2020: Congrats to Akarsh, Vaibhav and Artur on two new MobiSys papers.
- Jun 2020: Congrats to Akshay on winning IPSN best paper!
- Apr 2020: Article about GridBallast in Rural Electric Magazine
- Mar 2020: Congrats to Rahul, Adwait, John, Akshay and Nick for two new IPSN papers.
- Oct 2019: Congrats to Elahe for winning the EECS Rising Stars workshop Research Pitch Competition!
- Sep 2019: Congrats to Niranjini, John, Krishna and Anh for Best Paper Runner up at IPIN on some early AR work
- Aug 2019: Congrats to Team Explorer for winning the first round of the DARPA SubT challenge!
- Jun 2019: New NSDI paper on LP-WAN
- May 2019: Congrats to Yodel Labs for wining the AlphaLab Gear Nationals.
- May 2019: Congrats to SparkMeter on their recent fundraising!
- Apr 2019: Two new CPS Week papers at IPSN and ICCPS in Montreal.
- Sep 2018: New IoT@CyLab initiative launching
- Apr 2018: Congrats to Niranjini, John, Krishna and Anh for winning best demo at IPSN for their AR work.
- Apr 2018: Congrats to Adwait, Revathy, Akshay, Anh and Artur for winning best paper at IPSN for Charm.
- Apr 2018: CMU and Yodel Labs (ALPS spinout) came in first and second at the IPSN Indoor Localization Competition.
- Apr 2018: Three new papers at IPSN in Porto!
- Jan 2018: The CONIX Research Center awarded $27.5M (press release)
- Nov 2017: New ARPA-E project with Endeveo on people counting
- July 2017: Great NPR Morning Edition segment talking about our safe cyclist project!
- Jun 2017: New NIST project on Localizing Firefighters inside Buildings
- Aug 2016: New DOE Project on HVAC Control
- Aug 2016: New ARPA-E GridBallast project on Load Control with NRECA
- May 2016: Congrats to Niranjini for winning one of this year's Samsung Fellowships
- Mar 2016: I'm honored to receive the Dr. William D. and Nancy W. Strecker Early Career Chair.
- Feb 2016: Just got back from the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. Watch my 5 min Talk about IoT security.
- Dec 2015: Co-chairing ACM SenSys 2016 at Stanford
- Dec 2015: New Bosch Energy Research Network (BERN) project on energy management software
- Oct 2015: Excited to be a recipient of CMU's Steven J. Fenves Research Award
- Nov 2015: New ALPS localization work at SenSys and some early Non-Technical Loss Microgrid work at BuildSys
- Aug 2015: New NSF BIC project on Indoor Localization in the Pittsburgh Convention Center
- July 2015: Internet of Things Google Expedition launches
- Jun 2015: Haiti micro-grid expanded to 430 homes
- May 2015: New Samsung project on indoor localization.
- Apr 2015: New ALPS system wins Infrastructure-based Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition
- Apr 2015: ICCPS paper on occupancy estimation and RTAS paper on localization and time sync presented at CPS week.
- Jun 2014: New NSF project about keeping track of time in Cyber-Physical Systems.
- Apr 2014: Co-chairing ACM/IEEE IPSN 2015 in Seattle
- Apr 2014: New ALPS hardware came in a respectable 4th in the IPSN localization competition for infrastructure-based solutions.
- Apr 2014: Two new IPSN papers to be presented at CPS week.
- Dec 2013: New DOE project on programmable buildings
- Dec 2013: Two new papers at RTSS
- Aug 2013: Deployed a wirelessly controlled micro-grid in Les Anglais Haiti. More details in this paper.
- Aug 2013: Our CMUcam5 kickstarter is funded! Thanks for the support: Gizmodo, EE Times, Hack-a-day, Techcrunch, Azosensors, PCWorld, Scoop.it!, Solid State Technologies, Ubergizmo, Electronics Weekly and WSJ Marketwatch.
- Jan 2013: The TerraSwarm Research Center awarded $27.5M.
- Nov 2012: SenSys paper on ultrasonic ranging of smartphones.
- Mar 2012: CMUcam4 now on sale!
- Nov 2011: Appliance Classification using multi-modal sensing won best poster at BuildSys 2011
- Nov 2010: Some Sensor Andrew making its way to the local press.
- Nov 2010: EMF-based appliance state detection got voted Best Paper by the crowd at BuildSys 2010.
- Jan 2010: NSF video piece on energy management.
- Nov 2009: Syntonistor wins SenSys 2009 best paper award.
- Feb 2009: 'Smart' buildings, structures may save billions article about Sensor Andrew.
- Dec 2008: Nano-RK gets an energy boost from Rate-Harmonized Scheduling at RTSS.
- Fall 2023: 18-453 Introduction to Mixed Reality
- Spring 2020-2024: 18-449 Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
- Fall 2018-2023: 18-349 Introduction to Embedded Systems
- Fall 2017: 18-349 Introduction to Embedded System Design
- Spring 2016: 18-549 Embedded Systems Design (capstone)
- Fall 2016: 18-349 Introduction to Embedded System Design
- Spring 2016: 18-549 Embedded Systems Design (capstone)
- Fall 2015: 18-349 Introduction to Embedded System Design
- Spring 2015: 18-549 Embedded Systems Design (capstone)
- Fall 2014: 19-848c Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
- Spring 2014: 15/18-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
- Fall 2013: 18-848c Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
- Fall 2012: 18-648 Real-Time Embedded Systems
- Spring 2012: 15-213/18-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
- Fall 2011: 18-848c Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
- Spring 2011: 15-213/18-243 Introduction to Computer Systems
- Fall 2010: 18-848c Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
- John Miller (Ph.D.)
- Akarsh Prabhakara (Ph.D. co-advised with Swarun Kumar)
- Tao Jin (Ph.D.)
- Tianshu Huang (Ph.D., co-advised with Carlee Joe-Wong)
- Arjun Ramesh (Ph.D.)
- Edward Lu (Ph.D.)
- Sagar Bharadwaj (Ph.D., co-advised with Srini Seshan)
- Sruti Srinidhi (Ph.D)
- Tarana Laroia (Ph.D)
- Jaehong Kim (Post-doc, co-advised with Srini Seshan)
- Ivan Liang (Research Programmer)
- John Choi (Research Programmer)
- Mike Farb (Senior Research Programmer)
- Nuno Pereira (Professor at the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto, working in close collaboration)
- Anthony Rowe (Professor in ECE at CMU)
Previous Lab Members
- 2024: Jaspreet Riar (Apple), Mallesh Dasari (Northeastern University), Rahul Sharma (Ph.D., Amazon)
- 2023: Patrick Kittipat (Post-doc, Bell Labs), Toni Fox (CONIX Research Admin)
- 2022: Elahe Soltanaghaei (Post-doc, Faculty UIUC), Eric Riebling (Senior Research Programmer),
- 2022: Artur Balanuta (Ph.D., Amazon)
- 2021: Adwait Dongare (Ph.D., Apple)
- 2019-2021 Alex Johnson (M.S.), Jonathan Nee (U.G.), Josh Corona (U.G.), Daniel Cohen (U.G.), Sharan Turlapati (M.S.), Nimita Naik (M.S.), Reese Grimsley (Texas Instruments), Corentin Dugué (M.S.), Courtney Kowaluk (Research Programmer)
- 2019 Niranjini Rajagopal (Ph.D.)
- 2019 Evan Li (Research Programmer), Nick Wilkerson (Research Programmer), Anh Luong (Post-Doc), Craig Hesling (M.S. / Research Programmer), Malik Parker (M.S.), Darius Davis (M.S.), Vinamra Benara (U.G), Yu-Sam Huang (M.S.), Wei-Chia "Henry" Yen (M.S.), Karan Dhabalia (U.G.), Matthew Chu (U.G.)
- 2018 Max Buevich (Ph.D.)
- 2018 Oliver Shih (Ph.D., Apple)
- 2018 Luis Pinto (Ph.D.)
- 2018 Nikhil Mohan (U.G.), Aaron Perley (U.G.), Baavana Balaji (M.S.),
- 2017 Patrick Lazik (Ph.D.)
- 2017 Khushboo Bhatia (Research Programmer), Rohit Garg (Research Programmer)
- 2017 Jacob Brooks (U.G.),Abhinand Sukumar (U.G.), Krishna Kumar (M.S.), Gokul Devaraju (M.S.), Baavana Balaji (M.S.), Jonathan Appiagyei (U.G.), Vikram Shanker (U.G.)
- 2017 Ryan Park (U.G.), Kyuin Lee (U.G.), Sander Shi (U.G.), Nuno Pereira (Visiting Professor)
- 2016 Frank Mokaya (Ph.D. co-advised with Pei Zhang)
- 2016 Sindhura Chayapthy (M.S.), Nikhil Choudhary (U.G.), Chris Palmer (Research Programmer), Anson Wang (U.G.)
- 2015 Ian Hartwig (U.G), Aaron Reyes (U.G.), James Mackaman (U.G.), Kaan Dogrusoz (U.G)
- 2014 Spencer Barton (U.G.), Connor Brem (U.G.)
- 2013 Nat Storer (U.G.), Kwabena Agyemen (U.G.), Steven DeVincentis (U.G.)
- 2012 Amey Asgaonkar (M.S.), Str Bargav (M.S.), Abhijeeth Nuthan (M.S.), Shyama Asokan (M.S.)
- 2011 Vishakh Rao (M.S.), Xianliang Li (M.S.), Xu Zhang (M.S.)
- 2009 Yi-Zhi Wu, (M.S.), Pavan Rao (M.S.)
- 2008 Aditya Bhave (M.S), Gurpreet Singh (M.S.)
Services (TPCs)
- 2020-2023: IPSN, SenSys, Mobicom, TOSNJ (incomplete pandemic blur)
- 2020: IPSN, Mobicom
- 2019: SenSys, IPSN, Mobicom, eWSN, TOSNJ
- 2018: SenSys, IPSN, eWSN, TOSNJ
- 2017: SenSys, ION GNSS, CPS Week Organization, ACM TOSN Journal Associate Editor, MobiSys
- 2016: SenSys (co-chair), IPSN, eWSN, RTAS, HotMobile, ION GNSS
- 2015: SenSys, IPSN (co-chair), RTAS, RTSS, ICDCS
- 2012: SenSys, IPSN, RTAS (WSN chair), RTSS
- 2011: SenSys, BuildSys, RTSS, RTAS, ICDCS, IGCC
- 2010: RTSS (WiP), SUTC