Robust Embedded Systems:
Books & Standards

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Available on-line:
- FIPS PUB 101: Guideline for lifecycl validation, verification, and
testing of computer software, Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication, 1983 June 6. (41 pages)
This guideline presents an integrated approach to validation, verification, and
testing (VV&T) for use use throughout the software lifecycle.
On-line Copy available.
- Military Handbook 217F: Reliability Prediction of Electronic
Equipment, MIL-HDBK-217F, December 1991, U.S. Dept. of Defense. (205
pages+change notices 1 & 2)
Gives a methodology for computiung and comparing the reliability of different
hardware design alternatives.
On-line Copy available (IMPORTANT:
look for change notices 1 & 2 at end of document!).
- Military Handbook 338B: Electronic Reliability Design Handbook,
MIL-HDBK-338B, October 1998, U.S. Dept. of Defense. (1046 pages)
Gives a lifecycle approach for designing reliable electronic systems.
On-line Copy available.
- Military Handbook 347: Mission-Critical Computer Resources Software
Support, MIL-HDBK-347, May 1990, U.S. Dept. of Defense. (82 pages)
Covers software support activities and requirements throughout the system
On-line Copy available.
- Military Handbook 470A: Designing and Developing Maintainable Products
and Systems, MIL-HDBK-470A, August 1997, U.S. Dept. of Defense. (719 pages)
Provides guidance to maintainability managers and engineers in developing and
implementing a sound maintainability program for all types of products.
On-line Copy available.
Reference only:
- Benchmarking Commercial Reliability Practices, Ned Criscimagna,
Reliability Analysis Center, Rome NY, 1995. (140 pages)
This reports the results of a business "benchmarking" exercise in
which 41 companies from seven industries were surveyed to determine their
current reliability practices. 11 companies were then interviewed.
Details available. (dependability,
- Reliability Engineering Handbook, Dimitri Kececioglu; Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1991. (two volume set; 1229 pages+)
This is an extensive treatise on the mathematics of reliability engineering.
Volume 1 is based on the bathtub curve of component and system reliability.
Volume 2 discusses reliability analysis and improvement techniques.
Details available. (dependability; electro-mechanical
hardware, design)
- Safeware: system safety and computers, Nancy Leveson,
Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1995. (680 pages+).
This book puts software safety into the context of traditional industrial
safety engineering, which the author contends can teach many lessons that
software practitioners need to learn. It also prescribes the elements of a
safety-critical software program including analyses, design, and verification.
Details available. (dependability, safety, software,
humans; requirements, design)
- Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering, Michael Lyu (Editor),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996. (850+ pages).
This is a comprehensive collection of chapters on Software Reliability, and is
an excellent place to review the current state of knowledge in the area. Topics
covered include a survey or reliability modeling techniques, discussion of
operational profiles (which are central to many modeling approaches), current
practice & experience, data analysis, and several emerging techniques.
Details available. (dependability, software; design,
- Long-Term Non-Operating Reliability of Electronic Products, Judy
Pecht & Michael Pecht, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995. (119 pages).
A discussion of physics-of-failure for electronics stored for long periods of
time, including in-use storage such as parked automobiles or dormant comsumer
Details available. (dependability, electronic
hardware, logistics; design)
- Introduction to Software Reliability: a state of the art review,
Report # F30602-94-0087, Reliability Analysis Center (Mary Hartz, Ellen Walker,
David Mahar listed as authors), Rome NY, 1996. (183 pages).
Surveys software reliability concepts for hardware engineers, including
software development methods, metrics, and reliability models.
Details available. (dependability, software, design;
electronic hardware, requirements)
- Electronic Reliability SP-573, SAE (Marvin Hartz, editor),
Warrendale PA, 1984. (52 pages).
This is an early collection of SAE papers on electronic and wiring harness
reliability, including some lifecycle considerations.
Details available. (dependability, electronic
hardware, design, manufacturing)
- Automotive Electronics Reliability SP-696, SAE, Warrendale PA, 1987.
(67 pages).
This is a collection of SAE papers that together form a design manual for
automotive reliability. In particular it addresses the differences between
automotive applications and defense/aerospace approaches such as MIL-HDBK-217.
Details available. (dependability, electronic
hardware, design; affordability, electro-mechanical hardware, manufacturing,
- RTCA/DO-178B: Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
Certification, Document, SC-167/Eurocae WG-12, RTCA, Washington DC, 1992.
(85 pages+)
This document, often referred to as "DO-178B" provides guidance for
software planning, development, verification, configuration management, quality
assurance, certification, and maintenance. It is used to guide development for
flight-critical software for commercial aviation.
Details available. (safety, software, design,
manufacturing; dependability, requirements, deployment, logistics)
- Safety-Critical Computer Systems, Neil Storey, Addison-Wesley,
Harlow England, 1996. (453+ pages).
This is arguably the most comprehensive book available in the area of robust
embedded system design. It is written in an introductory textbook style, and is
an excellent starting point for an engineer trying to understand the
multi-disciplinary technical issues involved with safety-critical systems.
Details available. (dependability, safety, electronic
hardware, software, design; requirements)
- Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Assessment,
Alain Villemeur; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1992. (two volume set; 746
Broad-ranging, multidisciplinary discussion of system-level dependability
topics. Volume 1 is a survey of mathematics, and 9 analysis methods. Volume 2
discusses multiple disciplines, automated tools, and case studies.
Details available. (dependability; safety,
electronic hardware, software, humans)
Other Book Lists:
Philip Koopman: koopman@cmu.edu