Timing Driven Initial Placement for FPGAs via Graph Matching
P. Gopalakrishnan and L. Pileggi, “Timing Driven Initial Placement for FPGAs via Graph Matching”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, October 2005.
P. Gopalakrishnan and L. Pileggi, “Timing Driven Initial Placement for FPGAs via Graph Matching”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, October 2005.
Y. Zhan, X. Li, A. Strojwas, and L. Pileggi, “Correlation-Aware Statistical Timing Analysis with Non-Gaussian Delay Distributions”, Design Automation Conference, June 2005.
V. Kheterpal, T. Hersan, V. Rovner, D. Motiani, Y. Takagawa, L. Pileggi and A. Strojwas, “Design Methodology for IC Manufacturability Based on Regular Logic-Bricks”, Design Automation Conference, June 2005.
Y. Xu, K. L. Hsiung, L. Pileggi, and S. Boyd, “OPERA: OPtimization with Ellipsoidal uncertainty for Robust Analog IC design”, Design Automation Conference, June 2005.
Y. Xu and L. Pileggi, “Metal-mask Configurable RF Integrated Circuits”, GOMACTech-05 Technical Program, April 2005.
X. Li, K.Y. Tong, Y. Xu and L. Pileggi, “Robust Optimization for Radiation Hardened Analog/RF Circuits”, GOMACTech-05 Technical Program, April 2005.
P. Li and L. Pileggi, “Modeling Interconnect Variability Using Efficient Parametric Model Order Reduction”, Design and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), February 2005.
S. Biswas, P. Li, S. Blanton and L. Pileggi, “Specification Test Compaction for Analog Circuits and MEMS”, Design and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), February 2005.
P. Li and L. T. Pileggi, “Compact Reduced-Order Modeling of Weakly Nonlinear Analog and RF Circuits”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 184-203, February 2005.
R. Batra, P. Li, Y-T. Chen and L. Pileggi, “A Methodology for Analog Circuit Macromodeling”, IEEE International Workshop on Behavioral Modeling and Simulation, October 2004.
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