The Impact of Coupling on Worst-Case Waveform Analysis
K. Rajagopal, P. Gross and L. Pileggi, “The Impact of Coupling on Worst-Case Waveform Analysis”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, September 1998.
K. Rajagopal, P. Gross and L. Pileggi, “The Impact of Coupling on Worst-Case Waveform Analysis”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, September 1998.
T. Lin and L. Pileggi, “Looking Beyond the Elmore Delay — Metrics for Deep Submicron”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, September 1998.
M. Beattie and L. Pileggi, “Equipotential Shells for Efficient Inductance Extraction”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, September 1998.
F. Liu, L. Pileggi and A.J. Strojwas, “A Synthesized Driving-Point Model for Capacitively Coupled Interconnects”, Proceedings of the SRC Techcon Conference, September 1998.
Rohini Gupta, John Willis and L.T. Pileggi, “Analytic Termination Metrics for Pin-to- Pin Lossy Transmission Lines with Nonlinear Drivers”, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 457-463, September 1998.
A. Odabasioglu, M. Celik and L. T. Pileggi, “PRIMA: Passive Reduced-Order Interconnect Macromodeling Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design (1999 IEEE Best Paper Award), Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 645-654, August 1998.
R. Kay and L. Pileggi, EWA: “Efficient Wire Sizing Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, January, 1998.
Florin Dartu and Lawrence Pileggi, “TETA: Transistor-Level Engine for Timing Analysis”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, June 1998.
Frank Liu, Lawrence Pileggi and Andrzej Strojwas, ftd: “An Exact Frequency to Time Domain Conversion for Reduced Order RLC Interconnect Models”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, June 1998.
Rony Kay and Lawrence Pileggi, “PRIMO: Probability Interpretation of Moments for Delay Calculation”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, June 1998.
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