Best Student Data Mining Paper Runner Up in ECML/PKDD
/in home-slider, News & Events, Recent News & Events /by pileggiThis recognition was received at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, for the following paper:
GridWatch: Sensor Placement and Anomaly Detection in the Electrical Grid
Bryan Hooi (ML/Stat), Dhivya Eswaran (CSD), Hyun Ah Song (MLD), Amritanshu Pandey (ECE), Marko Jereminov (ECE), Larry Pileggi (ECE), Christos Faloutsos (CSD/MLD)
The paper solves two related problems: (a) it gives fast algorithms to detect anomalies in power-grid networks, for a given set of voltage and current sensors placed on some nodes and edges; and (b) it shows where to put such sensors, to maximize detection probability.
Students receive innovation award for Graph Challenge at IEEE HPEC 2018
/in home-slider, News & Events, Recent News & Events /by pileggiFazle Sadi led a collaborative effort for the Graph Challenge at the 2018 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) workshop. The recognized work appeared in the following publication:
PageRank Acceleration for Large Graphs with Scalable Hardware and Two-Step SpMV – Fazle Sadi, Joe Sweeney, Scott McMillan, Tze Meng Low, James C. Hoe, Larry Pileggi, Franz Franchetti
Pandey, Jereminov, Hug and Pileggi receive 2017 PES Prize Paper Award
/in home-slider, News & Events, Power Systems, Recent News & Events /by pileggiStudents and Post-Docs Receive CAD Contest Prize
/in home-slider, News & Events, Recent News & Events /by pileggiECE students Mehmet Isgenc and Joe Sweeney with post-docs Mayler Martins and Sam Pagliarini won first place at the International Conference in Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) CAD contest. The team, under the guidance of ECE professor Larry Pileggi, took first place in Problem C: Pattern Classification for Integrated Circuit Design Space Analysis, with a $5000 prize. The 2016 CAD Contest at ICCAD is a challenging, multi-month, research and development competition, focused on advanced, real-world problems in the field of Electronic Design Automation. Multi-person teams from across the world compete in the contest.
Tom Jackson, Rongye Shi and Abhishek Sharma received John Bardeen Award at SONIC Annual Review
/in home-slider, News & Events, Recent News & Events /by pileggiAll student presentations at the SONIC YR3 Annual Review Meeting (held on September 30 and October 1, 2015) were eligible for one of the following research awards – The Shannon Award for Excellence in Systems Research, The von Neumann Award for Excellence in Architectures Research, and The Bardeen Award for Excellence in Circuits and Devices Research. The award winners were selected by an Awards Selection Committee comprised of members from several industry and government sponsors. The winning project for Tom Jackson, Rongye Shi and Abhishek Sharma (Faculty Advisors – Larry Pileggi and Jeff Weldon) was entitled “Oscillatory Neural Networks Based on Emerging Technologies.”
Larry Pileggi to receive the 2015 SIA University Research Award
/0 Comments/in News & Events, Recent News & Events /by pileggiLarry Pileggi has been chosen to receive the 2015 SIA University Research Award. This award was established in 1995 by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) to recognize lifetime research contributions to the U.S. semiconductor industry by university faculty. The SIA board members are CEOs and executive VPs of major semiconductor companies. The award is will be presented later in 2015 at an SIA Board of Directors meeting .
Tom Jackson and Vehbi Calayir receive award at SONIC
/0 Comments/in News & Events /by pileggiTom Jackson and Vehbi Calayir received the John Bardeen Award at the StarNET SONIC review for their collaborative project with researchers at Stanford: “A Cellular Neural Network using CMOS Neurons and RRAM/PCM Synapses.” The group of Thomas Jackson, Vehbi Calayir, S. Burc Eryilmaz, Joon Sohn, Zizhen Jiang, Clare Chen, Ethan Ahn, under the direction of Professors H.-S. Philip Wong and Larry Pileggi, designed and fabricated a Cellular Neural Network chip in 65nm CMOS with deposition of RRAM at Stanford for integration of artificial synapses.
Qiuling (Jolin) Zhu presents paper that receives 2013 HPEC Best Paper Award
/0 Comments/in News & Events, Recent News & Events /by pileggiQiuling (Jolin) Zhu, Tobias Graf, H. Ekin Sumbul, Larry Pileggi and Franz Franchetti received a best paper award at the Seventeenth Annual High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) Workshop at MIT Lincoln Laboratory for their paper titled: A Logic-in-Memory Accelerated 3D-DRAM for Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication. Jolin Zhu presented the paper and accepted the award.
Pileggi Receives Benjamin Richard Teare Teaching Award
/0 Comments/in News & Events /by pileggiLarry Pileggi received the B.R. Teare Teaching Award that is made to a faculty member within the Carnegie Institute of Technology in recognition of excellence in engineering education. Fred Higgs of Mechanical Engineering also received the award for this year.
More details can be found at: http://www.cit.cmu.edu/faculty_staff/faculty_awards/teare.html.
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