Pearl Street Technologies Named Start-Up of the Year at Largest Renewable Energy Event in North America,Chief%20Business%20Officer%2C%20RE%2B%20Events.

Winner of Best Paper Award at PES 2021

Aayushya Agarwal, Amrit Pandey, and Larry Pileggi received the Best Paper Award in the Bulk Power Generation and Transmission category at the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting that was held as a virtual conference, July 25-29, 2021. The paper was titled:

Fast AC Steady-State Power Grid Simulation and Optimization Using Prior Knowledge

CMU Technologies to Rapidly Restore the Electrical Grid after Cyberattack

CMU SUGAR technology, for analysis and optimization of power systems, gets highlighted in DARPA briefing regarding new technology for black start of grid.

Carnegie Mellon spinout raises funds for integrated-circuit modeling tech adapted to model renewables-rich power grids