1. Interactive Cosegmentation:
A java-based GUI for interactive cosegmentation used in the following demo:
Dhruv Batra, Adarsh Kowdle, Kevin Tang, Devi Parikh, Jiebo Luo, Tsuhan Chen.
Interactive Cosegmentation by Touch.
Demo session at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 (CVPR '09).
[ project page ]
Download v1.0 here
2. Mex Wrappers for Planar Max-Cut:
Mex-wrappers for Nic Schraudolph's Planar Max-Cut / Ising Inference code.
Schraudolph and Kamenetsky. Efficient exact inference in planar Ising models.
NIPS 2008, arXiv 2008.
Please also see citation note here, and in README.TXT included in the tar.gz.
Download v0.8 here
New: Updated to include min-marginal computation via dynamic planar-cuts described here:
Dhruv Batra, Tsuhan Chen.
Dynamic Planar-Cuts: Efficient Computation of Min-Marginals for Outer-Planar Models.
Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning (DISCML), NIPS 2009.
Tested on (Gentoo) Linux. Should work on windows and mac if "mex -setup" is successful.
3. Multi2Bool
Matlab/Mex implementation of Ramalingam et al.'s multi2bool (Battleship) transformation.
Ramalingam et al. Transforming multi-label higher order CRFs to Boolean Pairwise Ones.
CVPR 2008.
Download v1.1 here
Tested on (Gentoo) Linux. Should work on windows and mac if "mex -setup" is successful.