Learning Class-Specific Affinities for Image Labelling


Dhruv Batra, Rahul Sukthankar, Tsuhan Chen


Learning non-parametric class-specific affinities, Parameter learning in CRFs, Joint segmentation and recognition of object classes, Supervised segmentation


Spectral clustering and eigenvector-based methods have become increasingly popular in segmentation and recognition. Although the choice of the pairwise similarity metric (or affinities) greatly influences the quality of the results, this choice is typically specified outside the learning framework. In this paper, we present an algorithm to learn class-specific similarity functions. Mapping our problem in a Conditional Random Fields (CRF) framework enables us to pose the task of learning affinities as parameter learning in undirected graphical models. There are two significant advances over previous work. First, we learn the affinity between a pair of data-points as a function of a pairwise feature and (in contrast with previous approaches) the classes to which these two data-points were mapped, allowing us to work with a richer class of affinities. Second, our formulation provides a principled probabilistic interpretation for learning all of the parameters that define these affinities. Using ground truth segmentations and labellings for training, we learn the parameters with the greatest discriminative power (in an MLE sense) on the training data. We demonstrate the power of this learning algorithm in the setting of joint segmentation and recognition of object classes. Specifically, even with very simple appearance features, the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on standard datasets.
Figure 1: The need for class-specific affinities: the affinity between “blue” and “white” regions should be high for images in the top row (those colors occur together in street signs); the same affinities should be low for images in the bottom row to enable white buildings and birds to be segmented from blue sky.
Figure 2: Overview of our approach: (a) an input image; (b) superpixels extracted from this image; (c) region graph G constructed over those superpixels; (d) optimal labelling of the image; (e) visualization of raw feature space F; (f) visual words extracted in this feature space; (h) shows the complete graph Gf over these visual words, along with weights on nodes and edges. Unlike previous work, we employ class-specific edge weights.
Figure 3: Class-Specific Affinities: plot (top) shows the learnt affinities between a pair of visual words (brown–green) as a function of classes; bottom rows shows images containing the pair of classes (cow–grass) under which these visual words had the highest affinity between them.
Table 1: Comparison of our method (CSA) with other works; first row holds accuracies achieved by node features alone; second row shows accuracies by using the overall learning framework; and the third row shows the gain.
Figure 4: Example results on the MSRC dataset: Top row shows original images; middle row shows ground-truth; and bottom row shows our results.


Dhruv Batra, Rahul Sukthankar, and Tsuhan Chen. Learning Class-Specific Affinities for Image Labelling. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2008 (CVPR '08).
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Dhruv Batra, Rahul Sukthankar, and Tsuhan Chen. Learning Class-Specific Affinities for Image Labelling. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report: AMP08-01.
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