Jan/2025 - We have a new book out on FPGA-like obfuscation. Link
Oct/2024 - Mohammad Eslami has succesfully defended his PhD. Link to the full text
Sep/2024 - Our
paper describing a hardware trojan contest will appear in TCHES.
Jul/2024 - Our
paper on PQC HW Trojans appear on Asia CCS. Coverage
Jun/2024 - Our
paper on FPGA-inspired obfuscation appears on ACM Computing Surveys.
Mar/2024 - NSF has funded our US-EE-UA
project on secure crypto hardware accelerators.
Jan/2024 - Zain Ul Abideen has succesfully defended his PhD. Link to the full text
Nov/2023 - We have a new paper appearing at DATE'24. Preprint already available
Oct/2023 - I will be joining Carnegie Mellon University starting in 2024.
Aug/2023 - Malik Imran has succesfullly defended his PhD. Link to the full text
Aug/2023 - Two new preprints with results from fabricated chips:
SRAM bias and
May/2023 - Our
paper on fast hashing and wide PQC architectures appears on IEEE TCAS-II.
Feb/2023 - Our
paper on LUT-based obfuscation appears on IEEE TCAD.
Feb/2023 - Our team won the HeLLo CTF'22
Feb/2023 - Tiago Perez defends his PhD thesis titled "Security-Aware Physical Synthesis of Integrated Circuits". Link to the full thesis
Jan/2023 - Cool
paper from our group appearing on ISQED'23: how resynthesis can aid attacks on logic locking.