Current PhD Students
- Aleksandar Armacki (Fall 2020 -- )
- Meiyi Li (Fall 2020 -- )
- Shuhua Yu (Fall 2019 -- )
- Ran Xin [web] (Fall 2019 -- )
- Carmel Fiscko [web] (Fall 2017 -- ; Coadvised by Bruno Sinopoli)
PhD Alumni
- Guannan He [web] (Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, MIT Energy Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Graduated Aug. 2019; Coadvised by Jay Whitacre)
Dissertation: Electrochemical Technologies for Low Carbon Energy Systems and Industries: Decisions, Business Models, Economics, and Policy.
- M. Hadi Amini [web] (Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University; Graduated May 2019)
Dissertation: Distributed Computational Methods for Control and
Optimization of Power Distribution Networks.
- Yaoqing Yang [web] (Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, EECS, University of California, Berkeley; Graduated May 2019; Coadvised by Pulkit Grover)
Dissertation: Coded Computing Systems Decoded: Dealing with Unreliability and Elasticity in Modern Computing.
- Yuan Chen (Current Position: Google; Graduated May 2019; Coadvised by Jose Moura)
Dissertation: Secure Distributed Inference.
- Joao Saude (Graduated Dec. 2018; Coadvised by Diogo Gomes)
Dissertation: Mean-field games: Theory, numerics, and applications.
- Anit Kumar Sahu [web] (Current Position: Amazon; Graduated Nov. 2018)
Dissertation: Inference and Optimization over Networks: Communication Efficiency and Optimality.
- Irfan Khan [web] (Current Position: Instructional Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Engineering Technology, Texas A&M University at Galveston; Graduated Jun. 2018)
Dissertation: Novel Control Algorithms for Hierarchical Control of Power Systems
- Brian Swenson [web] (Current Position: Pennsylvania State University; Graduated Apr. 2017; Coadvised by Joao Xavier)
Dissertation: Myopic Best-Response Learning in Large-Scale Games.
- Javad Mohammadi [web] (Current Position: Assistant Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, UT Austin; Graduated Sep. 2016; Coadvised by Gabriela Hug)
Dissertation: Distributed Computational Methods for Energy Management in Smart Grids.
- Sergio Pequito [web] (Current Position: Assistant Professor, Delft Center for Systems & Control, TU Delft; Graduated May 2014; Coadvised by Antonio Pedro Aguiar and Diogo Gomes)
Dissertation: A Structural Approach to Design, Analysis and Optimization of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems.
Postdoctoral Researchers (Current and Former)
- Brian Swenson (Jun. 2017 -- Jul. 2018 )
- Panayiotis Moutis (Spring 2016 -- Jul. 2018 )
- Jian Du (Spring 2016 -- Jul. 2018; Cosupervised by Jose M.F. Moura)
- David Shaw (Fall 2014 -- Fall 2015; Cosupervised by Aswin Sankaranarayanan)
- Chenye Wu [web] (Fall 2013 -- Fall 2014; Cosupervised by Gabriela Hug; Current Position: Assistant Professor, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University)
MS and BS Students (Current and Former)
- Anirudh Sridhar (CMU, ECE BS)
Research topic (Fall 2016 -- Spring 2018): Game-theoretic learning in distributed information settings.
- Hao Ming (CMU, ECE MS)
Research topic (Spring 2013 -- Fall 2013): Distributed algorithms for power flow control in electric power systems.
- Nicolas Huynh Thien (CMU, ECE MS)
Research topic (Spring 2012 -- Spring 2013): Secure sensor fusion for high assurance vehicular systems.
- Karanhaar Singh (CMU, ECE BS)
Research topic (Spring 2012): Distributed 3D Localization in Mobile Camera Networks.
- Tejas Dharamsi (PES Institute, Bangalore, India, Computer Science, BS Student), A Python based framework for peer-to-peer distributed computing, Summer Internship, Jun. 2015 - Aug. 2015.
- Di Li (TAMU, ECE, PhD Candidate), Summer 2014.
- Anit Sahu (IIT Kharagpur, India, ECE, BTech Student), Distributed linear prediction in multi-agent inference networks, Summer Internship, Jun. 2012 to Aug. 2012.