Microsystem Engineering for Life
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About Me

I was born in Scotland and immigrated to Canada at a young age. I returned to Scotland to do a BSc in Physics at Paisley College of Technology. After graduation I had a 12 year industrial career in semiconductors bracketing a couple of years teaching high school physics in northwest Ghana. In the economic upheaval of the early 2000's I joined the PhD program at Carnegie Mellon where I studied microsystems and graduated from the Electrical Engineering Dept. in 2010. I did a post-doc for two years, until transitioning to a faculty position in Electrical and Computer Engineering in July, 2012.

Microsystem Engineering Philosophy

Microsystems keep us safe, enhance our enjoyment of life and increase our interaction with our environment. They have become a vital technology in our society and their impact and penetration can only grow. The possibilities are vast and microsystems engineers need to be ready to help realize this potential and meet the needs of society. Marketers, business people, designers and fabricators must collaborate to rapidly and cost-effectively implement microsystems in high-yield applications. The microsystem engineer brings a wide-range of tools and knowledge to bear to span the space between design and application.