Generating Sparse Partial Inductance Matrices with Guaranteed Stability

B. Krauter and L. Pileggi, “Generating Sparse Partial Inductance Matrices with Guaranteed Stability”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1995.

Coping with RC(L) Interconnect Induced Headaches

L. Pileggi, “Coping with RC(L) Interconnect Induced Headaches”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, (Invited Tutorial Paper) 1995.

Pre-characterization of ECL Gates for Timing Analysis

I. Tesu and L. Pileggi, “Pre-characterization of ECL Gates for Timing Analysis”, SCS ’95 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits & Systems, Iasi, Romania, October 1995.

Timing Analysis Models for Gates and Cells with Bipolar Transistor Output Stages

I. Tesu and L. Pileggi, “Timing Analysis Models for Gates and Cells with Bipolar Transistor Output Stages”, Proceedings of the IEEE ASIC Conference, 1995.

Transmission Line Synthesis

B. Krauter, R. Gupta, J. Willis and L. Pileggi, “Transmission Line Synthesis”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference , 1995.

Simultaneous Gate and Interconnect Sizing for Circuit-Level Delay Optimization

N. Menezes, S. Pullela and L. Pileggi, “Simultaneous Gate and Interconnect Sizing for Circuit-Level Delay Optimization”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, 1995.

The Elmore Delay as a Bound for RC-Trees with Generalized Input Signals

R. Gupta, B. Krauter, B. Tutuianu, J. Willis and L. Pileggi, “The Elmore Delay as a Bound for RC-Trees with Generalized Input Signals”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, 1995.

Low Power IC Clock Tree Design

S. Pullela, N. Menezes and L.T. Pillage, “Low Power IC Clock Tree Design”, Proceedings Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, May 1995.

Sparse Partial Inductance Matrix Formulation

B. Krauter, D. Neikirk and L.T. Pillage, “Sparse Partial Inductance Matrix Formulation”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, July 1995.

Wire Width Optimization of Transmission Lines for Low Power Design

Rohini Gupta, John Willis and L.T. Pillage, “Wire Width Optimization of Transmission Lines for Low Power Design”, IEEE Multi-chip Module Conference, February 1995.