News & Updates
Apr 23, 2014
CONNECT updated to version 202. Updates include:
- Command-line version of CONNECT is now available upon request. Please see FAQ.
- The "Virtual links" feature is now also supported for Input-Queued and Virtual-Output-Queued routers.
- Added support for visual preview when using topology and routing spec files to define custom networks.
- Generated networks now include topology/routing spec files that can be used as a starting point for building custom networks.
- Added new Statistics page and updated FAQ.
Nov 20, 2013
CONNECT updated to version 185 (includes minor fixes and optimizations).
Feb 11, 2013
Added support for Butterfly topology.
Jan 18, 2012
We will be holding a tutorial on CoRAM and CONNECT at FPGA 2013 on Feb. 11.
Jan 16, 2013
Updated FAQ and added README section.
Dec 2, 2012
New version (160) of CONNECT released! New features include:
- Support for three different router microarchitectures. (Virtual-Channel, Virtual-Output-Queued and Input-Queued).
- New Peek flow control in addition to credit-based flow control.
- Support for many new topologies (single switch, aggregation tree, distribution tree, mesh with exposed edge ports).
- Introduced three pipelining options (pipeline router core, allocator or flit/credit links).
- New option to preserve debug symbols in the generated Verilog.
Nov 18, 2012
We will be holding a tutorial on CoRAM and CONNECT at MICRO-45 on Dec. 2.
June 16, 2012
Added support for Fat Tree topology.
June 12, 2012
Gave a talk on CONNECT at the 2nd Workshop on the Intersections of Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Logic (CARL 2012).