Industry Forum
Call for
William Carter
Previous Conferences:
2001 |
Quick Links:
Room-sharing information is at the bottom of the hotel and
registration page.
The Student Forum at DSN provides an opportunity for students currently
working in the area of dependable computing to present and discuss their
research objectives, approach and preliminary results. The Forum is centered
around a conference track during which the selected student research papers
will be presented.
Submission guidelines:
Student research papers should be single-authored and describe the topic,
preliminary results, and future direction of the student's on-going research.
Papers submitted to the Forum should be at most three pages in length, must be
formatted using standard two-column IEEE format, and must be submitted by the
deadline of April 11, 2008. Since there is
no revision cycle, the papers must be completely ready for printing. The
two-column IEEE format layout guide is available
here (follow
sidebar: Information for Authors / Formatting).
Submit papers in PDF format at
Please use the following naming convention: Student_Y_Z.pdf where Y is the
first author's last name, and Z is an abbreviation of the first author's
institution. For Recipient's e-mail address, please use jhoe+DSN@ece.cmu.edu
Questions or comments about the Student Forum should be directed to the
Student Forum Chair Ravi Iyer, University of Illinois:
Selection and Notification:
The criteria for acceptance of Student Research Papers will be originality,
relevance and interest to the community. The submitted papers will be reviewed
by a selection committee, led by the Student Forum Chair. Accepted
contributions will be published in the supplementary volume of the 2008
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, and presented in
the Student Forum track at the conference. (Submission of a contribution to the
Forum indicates agreement that the author will present the work, if accepted,
at the conference).
Authors will be notified of decisions by April 28,
IMPORTANT: do not register for the conference until
after you have heard about your travel grant. If you have not gotten a
decision about your travel grant by May 9 (one week before early registration
cutoff), then contact us to request status. If you are going to attend, we
strongly urge you to make hotel and air reservations as soon as possible, even
if you do conference registration later. To be clear: DO make your hotel
reservation as soon as you can; DO make your air reservation as soon as
you can (unless your attendance depends on whether you get the grant, but that
issue is up to you); DO NOT pay the registration fee until you are
notified, so that we can waive your registration fee as part of the travel
grant when you register.
The 38th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks is soliciting applications for travel scholarships to partially offset
the cost of students planning to attend DSN-2008 in Anchorage, Alaska June
24-27, 2008.
To be eligible, the applicant must be enrolled in a degree program at the
time of DSN-2008. Authors of accepted papers and fast abstracts, students
currently submitting papers to the Student Forum, and other students are all
welcome to apply. Participation, such as presenting a regular paper or a paper
in the Student Forum, will be used as one criterion in awarding the
We anticipate awarding travel and registration grants with a value in the
range of $1,000 per student, thanks primarily to the support of our industrial
sponsors and IFIP. Some of this award may take the form of a waived
registration fee. We expect to have at least 20 available student grants, and
hope for more, with the number available depending on industrial donations.
Student Travel Grant Application Submission:
To apply, submit by email a write-up not exceeding 500 words stating your
student status and summarizing your current research related to dependable
computing, what you hope to learn by attending the conference, and how you
expect it to affect your future research directions.
Also include, at the front of your submission:
- Your name, postal address, electronic mail address, telephone number, and
fax number.
- To which DSN component, if any, did you submit a contribution (PDS, DCCS,
which workshop, student forum, fast abstracts)?
- What is your paper title?
- Was your paper accepted (if known)?
- What degree program are you in (BS/MS/MS+PhD/PhD)?
- Who is your thesis advisor/supervisor?
Applications must be received no later than April
14, 2008. Application submission is via e-mail, preferably as a pdf
attachment, to the following address: dsn2008sf@crhc.uiuc.edu . The awards
will be announced on May 8, 2008. Questions can be directed to: Ravi Iyer,
University of Illinois, using that same e-mail address.