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18-643 Reconfigurable Logic: Technology, Architecture and Applications

Fall 2018

Thank you for your interest in 18-643. 18-643 will not be offered in Fall 2018. It will return next in Fall 2019. I apologize for the very late change.


  • No recitation first two weeks of school
  • Recitation attendance optional. Recitation provides supplemental help on labs and projects.
  • students on waitlist should email instructor for access to Blackboard (important)

Course Description

Three decades since their original inception as a lower-cost compromise to ASICs, modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are versatile and powerful systems-on-a-chip for many applications that need both hardware level efficiency and the flexibility of reprogrammability. More recently, FPGAs have also emerged as a formidable computing substrate with applications ranging from data centers to mobile devices. This course offers a comprehensive coverage of modern FPGAs in terms of technology, architecture and applications. The coverage will also extend into on-going research investigations of future directions. Students will take part in a substantial design project applying the latest FPGA platforms to compute acceleration. Register-Transfer Level (RTL) hardware design experience is required.

Prerequisites: 18-341 or 18-447



  • Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30pm to 2:20pm, DH 2122
  • Recitations: Wednesday, 4:30pm-5:20pm, WEH 4709


  • Reconfigurable Computing: The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computation, 1st Edition, edited by Scott Hauck and André DeHon, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007. (ACM student members can access this on-line edition by logging in.)
  • The Zynq Book, by Louise H. Crockett, et al., Strathclyde Academic Media, 2014. (download ebook.)
  • Reading assignments will be supplemented by research papers (lots).