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18-447 Course Schedule, Spring 2019

Reading assignments are to be completed BEFORE coming to class. (P&H=Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface, 1st Edition by Patterson and Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsvier.) You may also find it helpful to preview lecture notes from Spring 2018 before class. There will be additional assigned readings from research papers.

  • Part 1: L1~L12 Microrocessors
  • Part 2: L13~L19 Memory and I/O
  • Part 3: L20~L27 Parallel

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(Go to Canvas)

Week Date L# Topic Readings Lab Week
1 1/14 L1 Introduction P&H Ch1 No lab meeting
this week
1/16 L2 RISC-V RV32I ISA P&H Ch2
2 1/21 No classes (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) Lab 1A/B start
1/23 L3 Single-Cycle Implementation P&H 4.1~4.4
3 1/28 L4 ISA Design P&H Ch2 Lab 1A due
1/30 L5 Performance P&H Ch1.6~1.9
4 2/4 L6 Multi-Cycle Implementations P&H Appendix C Lab 1B due
2/6 L7 Pipelining: Basics P&H Ch4.5~4.6
5 2/11 L8 Pipelining: Data Hazard and Resolution P&H Ch4.7 Lab 2 start
2/13 L9 Pipelining: Control Hazard and Resolution P&H Ch4.8
6 2/18 L10 Pipelining: Branch Prediction P&H Ch4.8 mid-Lab 2 check-off
2/20 L11 Pipelining: Exceptions P&H Ch4.9 and rest
7 2/25 Midterm 1 in Class Lab 2 due
2/27 L12 Power and Energy
8 3/4 L13 Busses and I/O Ch5.5 Lab 3 start
3/6 L14 Memory Technology and Organization P&H Ch5.1, 5.2
3/11 No classes (Spring Break)
3/13 No classes (Spring Break)
9 3/18 L15 Caches P&H Ch5.3
3/20 L16 More caches P&H Ch5.4, 5.9
10 3/25 L17 VM: protection and paging P&H Ch5.6~5.8 Lab 3 due
3/27 L18 VM: page tables and TLB P&H Ch5.6~5.8
11 4/1 L19 VM: modern systems Rest of Ch5 and paper Lab 4 start
4/3 L20 ILP to multicore
12 4/8 Midterm 2 in class Lab 4 status check
4/10 L21 Parallel Computer Architecture P&H Ch6
4/11-13 Spring Carnival
13 4/15 L22 Multithreaded Programming Lab on
Tuesday only
4/17 L23 Parallel Performance Ch5.15
14 4/22 L24 Cache Coherence Ch5.10
4/24 L25 Synchronization Ch2.11, 5.14
15 4/29 L26 Interconnects Lab 4 due
5/1 L27 Hardware Acceleration
TBD Final Exam