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Attacks and Countermeasures

We identify a number of possible attacks which serve to impersonate the user. In the following scenarios, Mallory is an attacker who wants to impersonate Alice.

Brute-force attack. Mallory attempts to impersonate Alice by picking random images in the challenge set, hoping that they are part of Alice's portfolio. The probability that Mallory succeeds is 1 / {n m}, which depends on the choice of n, the number of images in the challenge set, and m, the number of portfolio images shown. For example, for n=20 and m=5, we get 1 / {20 5} = 1 / 15504, which is equivalent to a four-digit PIN. To prevent brute-force attacks, the system may deny access after a small number of trials.

Educated Guess Attack. If Mallory knows Alice's taste in images he might be able predict which images are in Alice's portfolio.

Our first countermeasure is to use Random Art, which makes it hard for Mallory to predict Alice's portfolio images, even if he knows her preferences. Our user study shows that if photographs are used instead of Random Art, it is easier to predict some portfolio images chosen by Alice, given some knowledge about her.

Since users tend to pick the most aesthetically appealing pictures for their portfolios, it will be clear which images in the challenge set are the portfolio images if they are not all equally appealing. We therefore hand select images to ensure that no weak images are used. (We call images weak, if no user would select them for their portfolio). Hand selecting images is not a drawback, since a Déjà Vusystem can function with a fixed set of images, on the order of 10,000 images.

Observer Attacks. Ross Anderson shows that observation of PIN codes on ATMs has been used to impersonate users [And94]. Similarly, if Mallory observes Alice during multiple authentications, he can know Alice's portfolio perfectly. We propose the following countermeasures.

Intersection Attack. If all the portfolio images are part of the challenge set, and all decoy images are changed in each challenge, Mallory can use the intersection of two challenge sets to reveal the portfolio. This is a serious problem, but we can design a system which can resist this attack through the following countermeasures.

Another possibility is to combine the countermeasures such that Mallory does not receive any useful information from multiple unsuccessful logins. First, the system uses the multi-stage authentication, which reveals only decoy images after the user makes an error in any stage. In addition, the system discards portfolio and decoy images that are shown in any unsuccessful login attempt. A shortcoming is that too few images may remain in the portfolio, and the system would need to perform a portfolio replenishment phase after a successful login. Since this takes time and may annoy the user, this method might be impractical. To prevent a denial-of-service attack from depleting the portfolio, the system can disable logins after a small number of unsuccessful login attempts. In case a user successfully authenticates after an unsuccessful attempt, the system can then replace the previously discarded portfolio images and perform a training phase with the images the user forgot.

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Adrian Perrig
Fri Sep 1 22:15:23 PDT 2000