
- José M. F. Moura, “Looking Forward, Reflecting on the Past,Past President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 27, Issue # 1, Page:, January 2010; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2009.000000.
- José M. F. Moura, “What is signal processing?, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Issue # 6, Page: 6, November 2009; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2009.934636.
- José M. F. Moura, “Your hard work, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Issue # 5, Page: 6 and 128, September 2009; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2009.933375.
- José M. F. Moura, “A long, hot summer of our discontent, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Issue # 4, Page: 6, July 2009; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2009.932407.
- José M. F. Moura, “A New Point of View, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Issue # 3, Page: 6, May 2009; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2009.932159.
- José M. F. Moura, “Lend an ear–Or was that bend an ear? President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Issue # 2, Page: 4, March 2009; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.931086.
- José M. F. Moura, “A Positive Future, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 26, Issue # 1, Page: 4, January 2009; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.931110.
- José M. F. Moura, “Shopping for a New Suit? Try it On, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 25, Issue # 6, Page:6, November 2008; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.930497.
- José M. F. Moura, “A Look at the Technical Activities Board, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 25, Issue # 5, Page: 6, 13, September 2008; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.929079.
- José M. F. Moura, “Far and Near, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 25, Issue # 4, Page:6, July 2008; DoI: 10.1109/MSP.2008.924958.
- José M. F. Moura, “Opening New Doors, Closing Others, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 25, Issue # 3, Page: , May 2008.
- José M. F. Moura, “Bring Signal Processing to the Public, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 25, Issue # 2, Page: 6, March 2008.
- José M. F. Moura, “Future Opportunities, President’s Message,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 25, Issue # 1, Page:4, January 2008.
- José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel, Jack Dongarra, and David Padua,
Scanning the Issue,Special Issue on Program Generation, Optimization, and Platform Adaptation,,
Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume: 93, number 2, pp. 211-215, February 2005.
- Alek Kavcic, José M. F. Moura, and Vijayakumar Bhagavatula,
Iterative Signal Processing,Special Issue on Soft Signal Processing for
Digital Communications, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 2004.
- José M. F. Moura, "SPS Publications," editorial,
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 18(6):5-7, November 2001.
- José M. F. Moura "A Good Reading," editorial
published on: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 5(12), pp., December
2000; IEEE Transactions on Acoustics and Speech Processing, 8(6):
645, November 2000; IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(12):
2005, December 2000; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48(12):
933, December 2000.
- A. Hero, P. Moulin, J. M. F. Moura, D. Snyder, and J. A. OSullivan,
"Introduction to Special Issue on Information Theoretic Imaging," editorial, IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, Special Issue on Information Theoretic Imaging, 46(5): 1709-1713,
August, 2000.
- José M. F. Moura "A Message from the Outgoing Editor-in-Chief,"
editorial published on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48(4):
933 , April 2000.
- José M. F. Moura "A Word from the Editor-in-Chief,"
editorial, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 44(5): 1061-1062,
May 1996.

- F. C. M. Martins and José M. F. Moura, "Representing
Video with 3D Object Models and Pose Estimates," Technical
Report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997.
- José M. F. Moura and Marcelo G. Bruno, "DCT/DST and
Gauss Markov Fields: Conditions for Equivalence," Technical
Report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 30 pages, September 1996.
- Sauraj Goswami and José M. F. Moura, "Covariance and
Sample Path Characterization of Gauss-Markov Random Fields,"
Technical Report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, April 1995.
- R. S. Jasinschi and José M. F. Moura, "Generative
Video," Technical Report, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, July 1994.
- R. S. Jasinschi and José M. F. Moura, "Representing
Global Motion on Lattices: Model-Based Image Sequence Analysis,"
Technical Report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1993.
- M. João D. Rendas and José M. F. Moura, "Wideband
Ambiguity Analysis in Underwater," Technical Report, Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1994.
- Derek B. Noonburg, G. A. Slavenburg, José M. F. Moura,
and John P. Shen, "Architecture Design of a Single-Chip VLIW
Processor for Real-Time Image/Video Compression," Technical
Report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, December 1992.
- Nikhil Balram and José M. F. Moura, "Eigenvalues of
Interaction Matrices," Technical Report, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PA, January 1993.
- M. Isabel L. F. Ribeiro and José M. F. Moura, "LD2ARMA
Estimator: Statistical Analysis," Technical Report, Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, January 1990.
- José M. F. Moura and Carlos A. C. Belo, "Nonlinear
Stochastic System Performance Evaluation: An Interactive Graphical
Approach," Technical Report, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 16 pages,
January 1989.
- José M. F. Moura and Sanjoy K. Mitter, "Identification
and Filtering: Optimal Recursive Maximum Likelihood Approach,"
Technical Report LIDS-P-1587, Laboratory for Information and Decision
Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, August
- Jorge N. S. Marques and José M. F. Moura, "Location
Receivers for Constant Curvature Arrays," Technical report,
CAPS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, 26 pages,
October 1985.
- M. Isabel L. F. Ribeiro and José M. F. Moura, "Dual
Estimation of the Poles and Zeros of an ARMA (p,q) Process,"
Technical Report LIDS-P-1521, Laboratory for Information and Decision
Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 34
pages, September 1985.
