
- Past President, IEEE Signal Processing Society (2010-2011).
- Chair Nominations and Appointments Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society (2010-2011).
- Invited Speaker, 3rd CAMSAP, The Third International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Aruba, Dutch Antilles, Dec 13-16, 2009.
- Plenary Speaker, 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, Centro Culturale, Don Orione Artigianelli, Venice, Italy, Sep 24-27, 2009.
- Invited Speaker, Multimedia, Mathematics, and Machine Learning II, BIRS, Banf, Alberta, Canada, Jul 6, 2009.
- Plenary Speaker, International Symposium on Signals, Circuits, and Systems, Technical University Iasi, Iasi, Romania, July 9-10, 2009.
- Plenary Speaker, IEEE 13th Digital Signal Processing Workshop and 5th Sign. Pr. Ed., Marco Island, FL, Jan 4-7, 2009.
- Panel Member, Sp. Session Sensor Net., PIMRC, Cannes, France, Sep 18, 2008
- Speaker, CNRS Lab. Signaux, Systémes (L3S), Sophia-Antipolis, France, Sep 17, 2008.
- Keynote Speaker, 5th Int. Conf. on Networked Sensing Syst., Kanazawa, Japan, Jun 17, 2008.
- Seminar Speaker, Electrical and Systems Eng. Dep., Washington Un. at St. Louis, Apr 11, 2008.
- ECE Colloquium, Department Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tufts Univ., Apr 16, 2008.
- President IEEE Signal Processing Society (2008-09).
- Vice Chair, IEEE Publications Services and Products Board, PSPB, 2008.
- Invited presentation, Workshop on Data Fusion, IEEE Globecom, Washington DC, Nov 26, 2007.
- Invited Seminar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, Jul 26, 2007
- Panel Member, PAPS, Columbia University, New York City, NY, March 24, 2007
- ECE Graduate Seminar, NC State, Raleigh, NC, March 2, 2007.
- ECE Colloquium, Boston University, Boston, February 21, 2007.
- Distinguished lecture, ECE , Iowa State University, Des Moines, IA, January 22, 2007
- Invited Seminar, Computing Research Institute, Computer Science Department, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, January 19, 2007
- Invited Seminar, Communication, Networking, Signal & Image Processing Seminar Series, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, January 18, 2007
- Invited lecture, Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities in Sensor Networks Workshop, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, January 10, 2007.
- Invited Seminar, Stochastic Systems Group, LIDS, MIT, November 29, 2006
- Invited Speaker, University of California Los Angeles, CA, November 21, 2006.
- Member, NSF Committee of Visitors (COV), Computing and Communication Foundations Division, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), June 15-16, 2006.
- President Elect of IEEE Signal Processing Society (2006-2007).
- Invited Speaker, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, Mar 3, 2006.
- Invited Speaker, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, February 23, 2006.
- Invited Speaker and Panel Member, Robust Signal Processing and Stochastic Eigen-Analysis Workshop (SEA05), Hosted by Department of Mathematics and Center for Ocean Engineering, MIT, October 14-15, 2005.
- Invited Speaker, 2nd IEEE/CreateNet Workshop on BroadBand Advanced Sensor Networks (BaseNetS 2005), Radisson Hotel, Boston, MA, October 3, 2005.
- Member of External Advisory Board, Network of Excellence on the Application and Communication Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networking (CRUISE), European Consortium of Universities, National Labs, and Industrial Research Labs on Sensor Networks, since September 2005.
- Member of Panel on Wireless Sensor Networks –From Sensor Networks to Smart Dust, at the 16TH IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Berlin, Germany, September 12-14, 2005.
- Invited Speaker, “Banff International Research Station Multimedia and Mathematics Workshop,” Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 24-27, 2005.
- NSF SRC Panel Review Member, UCLA, June 15-17, 2005.
- Invited speaker, “ARO/AMRDEC Workshop on Information Theoretic Image Processing,” ARO/AMRDEC Workshop, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL, June 14-15, 2005.
- Invited speaker, “Sensor Networks: Detection and Estimation under Constraints,” SENSIP Workshop, Tempe, Arizona, April 28-29, 2005.
- Steering committee member, ACM/IEEE International Symposium in Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2005-.
- Key note speaker, “Sensor Networks: Challenges and Applications,” Next Wave Digital Home. Community Symposium, Institute for Information Industry, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2004.
- Invited talk at Frontiers in Optics FiO'04, October 2004.
- Member of Panel on Sensor Networks - Interacting with the Real World, at the 15TH IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Sensor and Multichannel Array Processing (SAM’04), July 2004.
- Plenary Speaker, IEEE 5th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC’04), July 2004.
- Founding Member of Technical Committee, Bio Signal and Image Processing, IEEE Signal Prrocessing Society (2004-)
- Member of founding Editorial Board, ACM Journal on Sensors Networks, January 2004.
- Guest co-Editor, IEEE Proceedings, Special Issue on High Performance Tuning, scheduled for January 2005.
- Book Series Editor, Lectures in Signal Processing , Morgan & Claypool Publisher (January 2004–)
- Guest co-Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January
- Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2003 - )
- Member, IEEE TAB Periodicals Review Committee (2002 - )
- Chair, IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) Transactions Committee
(joining all 80+ IEEE Transactions and Journals) (2002 - 2003)
- Member, IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee (2002 - 2003)
- Member of Steering Committee, IEEE International Symposium
on BioImaging (2002-)
- Acting Editor in Chief, IEEE Signal Processing Letters ( December 2001 - March 2002)
- Plenary speaker, IEEE 11th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing,
Singapore, August 2001
- Member Steering Committee, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- Vice President for Publications, IEEE Sensors Council (2000
- 2002)
- Vice President for Publications, IEEE Signal Processing Society
(2000 - 2002)
- Chair Publications Board, IEEE Signal Processing Society
(2000 - 2002)
- Member of Administrative Committee, IEEE Sensors Council
(in representation of IEEE Signal Processing Society) (1999 - 2002)
- Member, IEEE Proceedings Editorial Board (1999 - 2002 and
2003 - 2007)
- Member at large, Board of Governors, IEEE Signal Processing
Society (1999 - 2001)
- Editor in Chief, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
(1995 - 1999)
- Guest Co-Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Special
Issue on Information Theoretic Imaging, August 2000
- Member of Technical Committee, IEEE on Sensors Array and Multichannel
Processing, March 2000
- Member of Publications Board, IEEE Signal Processing Society,
(1995 -2002)
- Member of Technical Program Committee for 2nd and 3rd Workshops on Multimedia Signal Processing (1998 and 1999)
- Organizer and chair of session on Random Processes, IEEE 1999
Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification, and
Imaging, February 1999
- Founding Member, IEEE Technical Committee on Sensor Array and
Multichannel Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society (1998 - )
- Member, IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Signal Processing,
IEEE Signal Processing Society (1997 - )
- Member, IEEE Technical Committee on Underwater Acoustics and
Radar Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society (1988 - 1997)
- Member of Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing, ICIP99
- Member of Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing, ICIP98
- Member of Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing, ICIP97
- Associate Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (1993-1995)
- Member of Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing, ICIP95
- Organizer and Chair, Special Session on "Undersea and Applications
of Acoustic Signal Processing," IEEE International Conference on
Signal Processing, ICASSP95, Detroit, MI, March 1995
- Member of Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Symposium
on Information Theory, 1993
- Editorial Board Member, IEEE Press Board (1991 - 1995)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on ASSP (1988 - 192)
- Member International Committee, IEEE International Symposium
on Information Theory, 1985 - 1987
- Cofounder, IEEE Portugal Section, 1980

- Panel Member, 7th Program European Commission Review Panel, Brussels, Nov 23-25, 2009
- NSF Review Panel, April 2009.
- NSF Science and Technology Research Center Panel Review Chair, UCLA, May 13-16, 2007.
- Panel Member, PAPS, Columbia University, New York City, NY, March 24, 2007.
- Member, NSF Committee of Visitors (COV), Computing and Communication Foundations Division, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), June 15-16, 2006.
- Member of External Advisory Board, Network of Excellence on the Application and Communication Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networking (CRUISE), European Consortium of Universities, National Labs, and Industrial Research Labs on Sensor Networks, since September 2005.
- Steering committee member, ACM/IEEE International Symposium in Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2005-.
- Member of Panel on Sensor Networks - Interacting with the Real World, at the 15TH IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004.
- Book Series Editor, Lectures in Signal Processing , Morgan & Claypool Publisher (January 2004–)
- Member of founding Editorial Board, ACM Journal on Sensors Networks, (January 2004-)
- Science Foundation Ireland, Baseline Assessment Public Research
System in Ireland, Information and Communications Technologies (June
- ARESII, Member of Panel on "Advanced Research and Experiments
in Sensing II," Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Science and Technology, December 2000, and January 2001
- Member, Editorial Board, Applied Signal Processing Journal,
European Signal Processing Society Journal, (2000 - 2003)
- Member, Advisory Board of the Digital Signal Processing Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1997)
- Organizer and Chair, Special Session for Channels, Models, and
Signal Processing, SPIE Conference on Coding and Signal Processing for
Information Storage, September 1995
- Coorganizer and Chair, Invited Session on "Statistics and
the Ocean Sciences," American Statistical Society Annual Meeting
- Co-Director (with I. Lourtie), Advanced Study Institute on "Acoustic
Signal Processing for Ocean Exploration," Madeira, July/August 1992
- Director, Laboratory of Automated Systems and Information Processing
(LASIP), Carnegie Mellon University, 1988 - 1992
- Member of Editorial Board, "Signal Processing Journal," Grenoble, France
- Co-Director (with R. S. Bucy) of Advanced Study Institute, "Nonlinear
Stochastic Problems," Armação de Pera, Algarve, Portugal, May/ June 1982
- Cofounder, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores,
INESC, Lisboa, Portugal, 1979
- Director, Centro de Análise e Processamento de Sinais,
CAPS, Instituto Superior Técnico, 1978 - 1980
- Chair of several sessions at US and international conferences;
member of several program committees for other U.S. and international
scientific and technology conferences.
