18-348 Lab Module Tests

Test1: APS12C128 CPU module only, via USB TBDML port

  1. Unzip the support file into a "base" directory wherever you want. (This is the support file: 348_APS12C128_module_test.zip) -- the same as for Test2
  2. Remove power, and remove the CPU module from the proto-board. Ensure that jumpers on the CPU module are set as follows:
  3. Connect module power via USB TBDML connector to PC USB. Ensure that "VDD" light illuminates and "STATUS" light illuminates
  4. Launch code warrior and open the file 348_APS12C128_module_test.mcp from the directory you created via unzipping
  5. In code warrior: ensure "TBDML" is in target box above the Files tab
  6. Select "make" (the pencil and paper icon)
  7. Select "debug" (green up-left arrow), and ensure that no error pop-ups during download . This will open the debugging window
  8. In the CodeWarrior True-Time debugger window: Select "Start/continue" (green right arrow; F5 will work)
  9. LEDs 1 through 4 should light up in sequence and repeat. Pressing push button switch 1 should light up all LEDs, while push button switch 2 should turn off all LEDs

If you get communication errors, make sure:

Test 2: APS12C128 CPU module + Prroject board via project board USB

  1. Unzip the support file into a "base" directory wherever you want. (This is the support file: 348_APS12C128_module_test.zip -- the same as for Test1)
  2. Remove power and USB cables. Plug the CPU module into the protoboard. Ensure that jumpers on both are set as follows:
  3. Attach USB port on project board to computer USB. Ensure that green "USB" LED near USB cable illuminates. Ensure that green "VDD" LED on CPU module illuminates. If neither illuminates, make sure that you've let the "multilink" driver install in Windows and that you have correct jumper positions.
  4. Launch code warrior and open the file 348_APS12C128_module_test.mcp from the directory you created via unzipping
  5. In code warrior: make sure "P&E Multilink CycloneP" is in target box above the Files tab
  6. Select "make" (the pencil and paper icon)
  7. Select "debug" (green up-left arrow), and ensure that no error pop-ups during download . This will open the debugging window
  8. In the CodeWarrior True-Time debugger window: Select "Start/continue" (green right arrow; F5 will work)
  9. LEDs 1 through 4 should light up in sequence and repeat. Pressing push button switch 1 should light up all LEDs, while push button switch 2 should turn off all LEDs

Test 3: Serial port for data

Make sure the serial monitor is installed properly (see top of this page for instructions)

  1. Unzip the support file into a "base" directory wherever you want. (This is the support file: serial_test_348_s12.zip)
  2. Remove power and USB cables. Plug the CPU module into the protoboard. Ensure that jumpers on both are set as follows:
  3. Attach USB port on proto-board to computer USB. Ensure that green "USB" LED near USB cable illuminates. Ensure that green "VDD" LED on CPU module illuminates. If neither illuminates, make sure that you've let the "multilink" driver install in Windows and that you have correct jumper positions. Ensure that LCD display on proto-board displays "TEST OK" on the first line of the LCD and "OK" on the second line.
  4. Connect serial cable to module and computer. Ensure that serial port is COM1 on your machine (or change port in step 9 below if it isn't).
  5. Launch code warrior and open the file serial_test.mcp from the directory you created via unzipping
  6. In code warrior: make sure "P&E Multilink CycloneP" is in target box above the Files tab
  7. Select "make" (the pencil and paper icon)
  8. Select "debug" (green up-left arrow), and ensure that no error pop-ups during download . This will open the debugging window
  9. On the DOS command line, in the directory you created by unzipping, you should find the program SerialComm.exe. Run this program with the following command line:
    SerialComm -p com1 -b 9600 -f demo.txt
    (Notes: the file demo.txt must be in that same directory; "com1" is the comm port your serial cable is connected to, and might need to be changed)
  10. In the CodeWarrior True-Time debugger window: Select "Start/continue" (green right arrow; F5 will work)
  11. The DOS program should show the following characters received: "TEST OKJ" and the line "Query: TEST OK" followed by the line "Response: INVALID".
    (Note: the response "INVALID" is normal and expected because of the program being used -- it indicates correct operation for this particular test)
  12. Look at the proto-board. The word "INVALID" should be displayed on the LCD (again, this is normal and expected, indicating the string "INVALID" was successfully transmitted from the PC to the CPU module).