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Parquet Class Reference

#include <Parquet.h>

Collaboration diagram for Parquet:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Parquet (int argc, const char *argv[])
int go ()
const parquetfp::Command_Lineparameters () const

Protected Attributes

const parquetfp::Command_Line params

Private Member Functions

 Parquet ()
 Parquet (const Parquet &)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Parquet::Parquet int  argc,
const char *  argv[]

Definition at line 62 of file Parquet.cxx.

References BoolParam::found(), NoParams::found(), params, parquetfp::Command_Line::printAnnealerParams(), and parquetfp::Command_Line::printHelp().

00064    : params(argc, argv)
00065 {
00066    BoolParam help1 ("h", argc, argv);
00067    BoolParam help2 ("help", argc, argv);
00068    NoParams  noParams(argc,argv);  // this acts as a flag
00069    params.printAnnealerParams();
00071    if (noParams.found() || help1.found() || help2.found())
00072    {
00073       params.printHelp(argc, argv);
00074       exit (0);
00075    }    
00076 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Parquet::Parquet  )  [private]

Parquet::Parquet const Parquet  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

int Parquet::go  ) 

Definition at line 78 of file Parquet.cxx.

References abkfatal, BaseAnnealer::SolutionInfo::area, parquetfp::Command_Line::baseFile, parquetfp::Command_Line::capoBaseFile, parquetfp::Command_Line::capoPlFile, parquetfp::Command_Line::compact, BaseAnnealer::compactSoln(), parquetfp::Command_Line::FPrep, BaseAnnealer::FREE_OUTLINE, Timer::getUserTime(), BaseAnnealer::go(), BaseAnnealer::SolutionInfo::height, BaseAnnealer::SolutionInfo::HPWL, parquetfp::Command_Line::inFileName, parquetfp::Command_Line::initCompact, parquetfp::Command_Line::initQP, parquetfp::Command_Line::iterations, parquetfp::Command_Line::maxWS, parquetfp::Command_Line::minWL, parquetfp::Command_Line::outPlFile, params, parquetfp::Command_Line::plot, parquetfp::Command_Line::plotNoNames, parquetfp::Command_Line::plotNoNets, parquetfp::Command_Line::plotNoSlacks, BaseAnnealer::postHPWLOpt(), parquetfp::Command_Line::reqdAR, parquetfp::Command_Line::save, parquetfp::Command_Line::saveCapo, parquetfp::Command_Line::saveCapoPl, parquetfp::Command_Line::savePl, parquetfp::Command_Line::solveMulti, Timer::start(), Timer::stop(), parquetfp::Command_Line::takePl, BaseAnnealer::takePlfromDB(), and BaseAnnealer::SolutionInfo::width.

Referenced by main().

00079 {
00080    Timer T;
00081    T.stop();
00083    double totalTime = 0;
00084    double successTime = 0;
00085    double successAvgWL = 0;
00086    double successAvgWLnoWts = 0;
00087    double successAvgArea = 0;
00088    double successMinWL = DBL_MAX;
00089    double successMinWLnoWts = DBL_MAX;
00090    double successMinArea = DBL_MAX;
00091    double successMaxWL = 0;
00092    double successMaxWLnoWts = 0;
00093    double successMaxArea = 0;
00094    double successAR = 0;
00096    double minArea = DBL_MAX;
00097    double minWS = DBL_MAX;
00098    double minWL = DBL_MAX;
00099    double minWLnoWts = DBL_MAX;
00101    double aveArea = 0;
00102    double aveWS = 0;
00103    double aveWL = 0;
00104    double aveWLnoWts = 0;
00106    double maxArea = 0;
00107    double maxWS = 0;
00108    double maxWL = 0;
00109    double maxWLnoWts = 0;
00111    double currArea = DBL_MAX;
00112    double currWS = DBL_MAX;
00113    double currWL = DBL_MAX;
00114    double currXSize = DBL_MAX;
00115    double currYSize = DBL_MAX;
00116    double currWLnoWts = DBL_MAX;
00119    for (int i = 0; i < params.iterations; i++)
00120    {
00121       cout << endl << "***** START: round " << (i+1) << " / "
00122            << params.iterations << " *****" << endl;
00124       string blocksname(params.inFileName);
00125       blocksname += ".blocks";
00126       MixedBlockInfoType blockinfo(blocksname, "blocks");
00127       DB db(const_cast<char*>(params.inFileName));
00128       //DB db(db2,true);
00130       double blocksArea = db.getNodesArea();
00131       const double reqdArea = blocksArea * (1 + (params.maxWS/100.0));
00132       const double reqdWidth = sqrt(reqdArea * params.reqdAR);
00133       const double reqdHeight = reqdWidth / params.reqdAR;
00134       bool gotBetterSol = false;
00136       T.start(0.0);
00138       if (!params.solveMulti)
00139       {
00140          BaseAnnealer *annealer = NULL;
00141          if (params.FPrep == "BTree")
00142          {
00143             annealer =
00144                new BTreeAreaWireAnnealer(blockinfo,
00145                                          const_cast<Command_Line*>(&params),
00146                                          &db);
00147          }
00148          else if (params.FPrep == "SeqPair")
00149          {
00150             annealer = new Annealer(&params, &db);
00151          }
00152          else
00153          {
00154             abkfatal(false, "Invalid floorplan representation specified");
00155             exit(1);
00156          }
00158          // normal flat annealing
00159          if (params.takePl)
00160          {
00161             cout << endl;
00162             cout << "----- Converting placement to initial solution -----"
00163                  << endl;
00164             annealer->takePlfromDB();
00165             cout << "----- done converting -----" << endl;
00166          } 
00168          if (params.initQP)
00169          {
00170             cout << endl;
00171             cout << "----- Computing quadratic-minimum WL solution -----"
00172                  << endl;
00173             annealer->BaseAnnealer::solveQP();
00174             cout << "----- done computing -----" << endl;
00176             cout << "----- Converting placement to initial solution -----"
00177                  << endl;
00178             annealer->takePlfromDB();
00179             cout << "----- done converting -----" << endl;
00180          }
00182          if (params.initCompact)
00183          {
00184             // compact the curr solution
00185             cout << endl;
00186             cout << "----- Compacting initial solution -----"
00187                  << endl;
00188             annealer->compactSoln();
00189             cout << "----- done compacting -----" << endl;
00190          }
00192          cout << endl;
00193          cout << "----- Annealing with " << params.FPrep
00194               << " -----" << endl;
00195          annealer->go();
00196          cout << "----- Annealing with " << params.FPrep
00197               << " -----" << endl;
00199          if(params.compact)
00200          {
00201             // compact the design
00202             cout << endl;
00203             cout << "----- Compacting the final solution -----"
00204                  << endl;
00205             annealer->compactSoln();
00206             cout << "----- done compacting -----" << endl;
00207          }
00209          if (params.minWL &&
00210              params.reqdAR != BaseAnnealer::FREE_OUTLINE)
00211          {
00212             // shift design, only in fixed-outline mode
00213             cout << endl;
00214             cout << "----- Try Shifting the design for better HPWL -----"
00215                  << endl;
00216             annealer->postHPWLOpt();
00217             cout << "----- done trying -----" << endl;
00218          }
00222          delete annealer;
00223       }
00224       else 
00225       {
00226          // two-level annealing
00227          SolveMulti solveMulti(const_cast<DB*>(&db),
00228                                const_cast<Command_Line*>(&params));
00229          solveMulti.go();
00231          if (params.compact)
00232          {
00233             // compact the design            
00234             Annealer annealer(&params, &db);
00235             annealer.takePlfromDB();
00236             annealer.compactSoln();
00237          }
00238       }
00240       db.cornerOptimizeDesign();         
00241       T.stop();
00243       // ----- statistics -----
00244       totalTime += T.getUserTime();
00245       currXSize = db.getXSize();
00246       currYSize = db.getYSize();
00248       currArea = currXSize * currYSize;
00249       currWS = 100*(currArea - blocksArea)/blocksArea;
00250       currWL = db.evalHPWL();
00251       currWLnoWts = db.evalHPWL(false);
00253       gotBetterSol = false;
00254       if (params.reqdAR != BaseAnnealer::FREE_OUTLINE)
00255       {
00256          gotBetterSol = (currXSize <= reqdWidth && currYSize <= reqdHeight);
00258          if (params.minWL)
00259             gotBetterSol = gotBetterSol && (currWL < successMinWL);
00260          else
00261             gotBetterSol = gotBetterSol && (currArea < successMinArea);
00262       }
00263       else if (params.minWL)
00264          gotBetterSol = (currWL < minWL);
00265       else
00266          gotBetterSol = (currArea < minArea);
00268       aveArea += currArea;
00269       aveWS += currWS;
00270       aveWL += currWL;
00271       aveWLnoWts += currWLnoWts;
00273       minArea = min(minArea, currArea);
00274       minWS = min(minWS, currWS);
00275       minWL = min(minWL, currWL);
00276       minWLnoWts = min(minWLnoWts, currWLnoWts);
00278       maxArea = max(maxArea, currArea);
00279       maxWS = max(maxWS, currWS);
00280       maxWL = max(maxWL, currWL);
00281       maxWLnoWts = max(maxWLnoWts, currWLnoWts);
00284       if(params.reqdAR != BaseAnnealer::FREE_OUTLINE &&
00285          ((currArea <= reqdArea && 
00286            currXSize <= reqdWidth &&
00287            currYSize <= reqdHeight) || db.successAR))
00288       {
00289          ++successAR;
00290          successTime += T.getUserTime();
00292          successAvgWL += currWL;
00293          successAvgArea += currArea;
00294          successAvgWLnoWts += currWLnoWts;
00296          successMinWL = min(successMinWL, currWL);
00297          successMinArea = min(successMinArea, currArea);
00298          successMinWLnoWts = min(successMinWLnoWts, currWLnoWts);
00300          successMaxWL = max(successMaxWL, currWL);
00301          successMaxArea = max(successMaxArea, currArea);
00302          successMaxWLnoWts = max(successMaxWLnoWts, currWLnoWts);
00303       }
00305       // plot and save the best solution
00306       if(gotBetterSol)
00307       {
00308          if(params.plot)
00309          {
00310             double currAR = currXSize/currYSize;
00311             bool plotSlacks = !params.plotNoSlacks;
00312             bool plotNets = !params.plotNoNets;
00313             bool plotNames = !params.plotNoNames;
00314             db.plot("out.plt", currArea, currWS, currAR, T.getUserTime(), 
00315                     currWL, plotSlacks, plotNets, plotNames);
00316          }
00318          if(params.savePl)
00319             db.getNodes()->savePl(const_cast<char*>(params.outPlFile));
00321          if(params.saveCapoPl)
00322             db.getNodes()->saveCapoPl(const_cast<char*>(params.capoPlFile));
00324          if(params.saveCapo)
00325             db.saveCapo(const_cast<char*>(params.capoBaseFile),
00326                         params.reqdAR);
00328          if(
00329   <char*>(params.baseFile));
00331          //if(db.successAR)
00332          //db.saveBestCopyPl("");
00333       }
00335       BaseAnnealer::SolutionInfo curr;
00336       curr.area = currArea;
00337       curr.width = currXSize;
00338       curr.height = currYSize;
00339       curr.HPWL = currWL;
00341       //cout << endl << "Overall statistics: " << endl;
00342       //annealer->printResults(T, curr);
00344       cout << "***** DONE:  round " << (i+1) << " / "
00345            << params.iterations << " *****" << endl;
00347    } // end the for-loop
00349    aveArea /= params.iterations;
00350    aveWS /= params.iterations;
00351    aveWL /= params.iterations;
00352    aveWLnoWts /= params.iterations;
00353    totalTime /= params.iterations;
00354    successTime /= successAR;
00355    successAvgWL /= successAR;
00356    successAvgWLnoWts /= successAR;
00357    successAvgArea /= successAR;
00358    successAR /= params.iterations;
00360    cout << endl;
00361    cout << "***** SUMMARY of all rounds *****" << endl;
00362    cout << setw(15) << "Area: " << "Min: " << minArea << " Average: "
00363         << aveArea << " Max: " << maxArea << endl;
00364    cout << setw(15) << "HPWL: "<< "Min: " << minWL << " Average: "
00365         << aveWL << " Max: " << maxWL << endl;
00366    cout << setw(15) << "Unweighted HPWL: "<< "Min: " <<minWLnoWts<<" Average: "
00367         << aveWLnoWts << " Max: " << maxWLnoWts << endl;
00368    cout << setw(15) << "WhiteSpace: " << "Min: " << minWS << "% Average: "
00369         << aveWS << "%" << " Max: " << maxWS << "%" << endl;
00370    cout << "Average Time: " << totalTime << endl;
00372    if (params.reqdAR != BaseAnnealer::FREE_OUTLINE)
00373    {
00374       cout << endl;
00375       cout << "Success Rate of satisfying fixed outline: "
00376            << (100*successAR) << " %" << endl;
00378       if (successAR > 0)
00379       {
00380          cout << setw(15) << "Area: " << "Min: " << successMinArea 
00381               << " Average: "
00382               << successAvgArea << " Max: " << successMaxArea << endl;
00383          cout << setw(15) << "HPWL: "<< "Min: " << successMinWL << " Average: "
00384               << successAvgWL << " Max: " << successMaxWL << endl;
00385          cout << setw(15) << "Unweighted HPWL: "<< "Min: " << successMinWLnoWts
00386               << " Average: "<< successAvgWLnoWts << " Max: " 
00387               << successMaxWLnoWts << endl;
00388          cout << "Average Time: " << successTime << endl;
00389       }
00390    }
00391    return 0;
00392 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

const parquetfp::Command_Line & Parquet::parameters  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file Parquet.h.

References params.

00068 {   return params; }

Member Data Documentation

const parquetfp::Command_Line Parquet::params [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file Parquet.h.

Referenced by go(), parameters(), and Parquet().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Apr 25 01:15:04 2005 for Parquete by doxygen 1.3.2