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man, apropos, whatis

The information provided by man is divided into different sections. Table 11 shows the different sections.


1 Programs
2 System Calls
3 Library functions
4 Special Files
5 File Formats
6 Games
7 Miscellany section
8 Administration and privileged commands
9 Kernel reference
Table 11: Man Sections  

Usually, section 3 is subdivided into different subsections, such as 3c for c libraries, 3x for x libraries, 3tk or 3tcl for tcl/tk, etc.

Sometimes, there is a program and a library function with the same name. To specify, which section to read, you can try one of the following commands (examples for the time c-function which is in section 3):

The information about a certain man section, for example the library section, can be obtained with man -3 intro.

If you would like to know in which sections a word appears, try either of the two equivalent commands:

Apropos is another command which searches for keywords in a short descriptions of commands. It is equivalent to make -k and can be useful in case you do not exactly know what you are looking for.

Adrian Perrig
Wed Jun 12 00:18:25 MET DST 1996