Flexible Channel Simulation
EmulatorV3 Status
Ping Flooding Test
- Broadcasting (one-way traffic)
- ICMP ping requests sent out at 100 packets/second.
- Each experiment lasts for 20 seconds (2000 packets sent in total).
- Mean RSS value is calculated by averaging receiver chip RSS readings for each received ICMP ping request packet.
- Only ICMP ping request packet from the known sender is calculated.
- Packets received over the air:
    Boxes are currently open.
    During 20 seconds, 2000 packets are sent. In this case, the receiver often hears 0 ~ 10 ICMP ping request pkts over the air(less than 5%).
    Chip RSS values for these ICMP ping request packets are between -33dB and -34dB.


Expected Status (Reference)