Osman Yağan
Grants & Awards
Office of Naval Research (ONR): Resilient Distributed Machine Learning in Secure Navy Tactical Networks (Grant # N00014-23-1-2275), PI: O. Yağan, Co-PIs: V. Gligor and S. Kar, Duration: 5/2023-5/2025.
National Science Foundation (NSF): CIF: Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Contagion Processes in Networks,
PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 10/2022-10/2025.
Army Research Office (ARO):
Modeling and Analysis of Correlated, Competing, and Evolving Propagation of Opinions and Information (Grant # W911NF-22-1-0181 ), PI: O. Yağan,
Duration: 8/2022—8/2025.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR): Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Robustness in Interdependent Networks (Grant # FA9550-22-1-0233), PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 5/2022–5/2025.
Army Research Laboratory (ARL)-AI Enabled Additive Manufacturing Program: Robustifying Army Supply Chains by Optimal Deployment of Additive Manufacturing: A Reinforcement Learning Based Approach, PI: C. Joe-Wong, Co-PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 10/2022–10/2023.
CyLab Future Enterprise Security Initiative, Correlated Multi-armed Bandit Algorithms for Automating Security Checks and Responses, PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 9/2022-9/2023.
The US Department of Transportation, National University Transportation Center for Improving the Mobility of People and Goods (Mobility21), Managing EV Fleets to Deliver Humans, Goods, and Electricity, PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 6/2022–6/2023.
CyLab Seed, Towards Achieving Secure and Private Distributed Computing: Random K-out Graphs to the Rescue, PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 2/2022-2/2023.
Office of Naval Research (ONR): Secure, Distributed, and Continuous Machine Learning in Navy Tactical Networks (Grant # N00014-21-1-2547), PI: O. Yağan, Co-PIs: V. Gligor and S. Kar, Duration: 7/2021-7/2023.
CyLab@IoT: Secure, Resilient, and Continuous Machine Learning in Edge Networks, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: S. Kar,
Duration: 1/2021—1/2022.
The US Department of Transportation, National University Transportation Center for Improving the Mobility of People and Goods (Mobility21), Evaluating Resilience in Mixed- Autonomy Transportation Systems, PI: C. Joe-Wong, Co-PIs: O. Yağan, S. Qian, Duration: 1/2021–6/2022.
CMU-Portugal Program: Building HOPE: Building Holistic Optimization of Prosumed Energy, PI: J. Mohammadi, Co-PI: O. Yağan, Duration: 1/2021–1/2024.
IBM Academic Award, PI: O. Yağan, July 2020.
National Science Foundation (NSF): CIF: Efficient Sequential Decision-Making and Inference in the Small Data Regime,
PI: G. Joshi, Co-PI: O. Yağan, Duration 10/2020-10/2024.
Army Research Office (ARO):
Assessing the effectiveness of countermeasures against the spread of COVID-19 through a new mathematical model (Grant # W911NF-20-1-0204), PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: H. V. Poor (Princeton University),
Duration: 07/2020—07/2021.
National Science Foundation (NSF): RAPID: Collaborative Research: The effects of evolutionary adaptations on the spreading of COVID-19, PI: O. Yağan (Collaborative with H. V. Poor from Princeton),
Duration: 05/2020–5/2021.
C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute: Modeling and Control of COVID-19 Propagation for Assessing and Optimizing Intervention Policies, PI: H. V. Poor (Princeton), Co-PIs: O. Yağan, S. Levin (Princeton), J. Plotkin (UPenn), Duration: 07/2020–7/2021.
Scott Institute for Energy Innovation: Robustness of Power Systems against Cascading Failures, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: C. Joe-Wong,
Duration: 06/2020–6/2022.
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance (PITA): Containing Impacts of Communication Disruption in Energy IoT Networks, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: J. Mohammadi,
Duration: 01/2020–6/2021.
CyLab@IoT: Lightweight Security
Architectures for IoT Fog Networks, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: S. Kumar,
Duration: 1/2020—1/2021.
Carnegie Bosch Institute: Privacy-Preserving Inference and Decision-Making with IoT Data, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: G. Joshi,
Duration: 1/2019—3/2021.
CMKM: Leveraging AI for Personalized Promotions, PI: O. Yağan,
Duration: 3/2019—3/2021.
CyLab@IoT: Privacy-Preserving Learning with IoT Data, PI: G. Joshi, Co-PI: O. Yağan,
Duration: 3/2019—3/2020.
National Science Foundation (NSF): CIF: Contagion Processes in Multi-layer and Multiplex Networks, PI: O. Yağan,
Duration: 10/2018—09/2023.
National Science Foundation (NSF): CIF: EAGER: Statistical Inference and Decision-Making With Sequential Samples, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: G. Joshi,
Duration: 08/2018—07/2019.
Siebel Energy Institute: Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics in Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems, PI: G. Joshi, Co-PI: O. Yağan,
Duration: 10/2018—04/2019.
CyLab: Detection and Mitigation of Spread of Fake News, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: S. Kumar,
Duration: 9/2018—08/2019.
Richard King Mellon Foundation-Manufacturing Futures Initiative: Data-driven Fault Detection and Prediction in Advanced Manufacturing Systems,
PI: G. Joshi, Co-PIs: O. Yağan and B. Ozdoganlar,
Duration: 8/2018—09/2019.
CIT Dean's Early Career Fellowship, 2018-2021
Bosch Research and Technology Center, Unrestricted Gift, 2018.
Army Research Office (ARO):
Network Science: Data–driven Modeling of Information Propagation in Multi-layer and Multiplex Networks (Grant # W911NF-17-1-0587), PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: H. V. Poor (Princeton University),
Duration: 09/2017—3/2021.
National Science Foundation (NSF): CIF: Designing Secure, Reliable, and Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks, PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: V. Gligor,
Duration: 07/2016—06/2020.
National Science Foundation (NSF): NeTS: CIF: Robust and Optimal Design of Interdependent Networks, PI: O. Yağan,
Duration: 08/2014—07/2018.
Department of Energy (DoE): Developing an Open Source, Scalable Distributed Energy Resource Management System (sub-contract through SLAC), PI: O. Yağan.
Persistent Sytems, Inc., Unrestricted Gift, 2015.
Berkman Faculty Development Grant, CMU - Information and Influence Propagation in Multi-layer Networks: Modeling, Analysis, and Control, 2015.