Rohit Negi

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ECE CMU Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University


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Current Students

Student Alumni!
    Qiao Li (Ph.D. ECE 2012)
    Euiseok Hwang (Ph.D. ECE 2011)
    Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (Ph.D. ECE 2011)
    Satashu Goel (Ph.D. ECE 2009)
    Gyouhwan Kim (Ph.D. ECE 2008)
    Samsung Electronics
    SungChul Han (Ph.D. ECE 2007)
    Samsung Electronics
    Yaron Rachlin (Ph.D. ECE 2007)
    Draper Labs
    Arjunan Rajeswaran (Ph.D. ECE 2007)
    Bain Consulting
    Xun Zhang (Ph.D. ECE 2006)
    Agere Corporation
    Dapeng (Oliver) Wu (Ph.D. ECE 2003)
    Associate Professor at University of Florida, Gainesville
    Nehemiah Liu (M.S. ECE 2003)
    Peter Bratton (M.S.I.N. 2003 )
    Karthik Polsani (M.S. ECE 2003)
    Nasreen Badruddin (M.S. ECE 2002)
    Rohyt Belani (M.S.I.N. 2002)
    Saumitra Das (M.S.I.N. 2002)
Research applicant information

    Given the nature of my research, applicants to my research group should have a demonstrated interest in engineering mathematics. Skills in software programming and software packaGes are certainly useful, but are quite secondary to any consideration.
    If you are interested in applying, please send me email with a resume that explicitly lists mathematics, engineering mathematics (signal processing, etc.) and physics courses that you have taken, along with the grades


    Sample Publications

    1. Qiao Li and Rohit Negi, ``Backpressure routing and optimal scheduling in wireless broadcast networks,'' Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2009.
    2. Qiao Li and Rohit Negi, ``Scheduling in ad hoc networks with priorities,'' Proc. IEEE Infocom, 2009.
    3. Qiao Li, Gyouhwan Kim and Rohit Negi, ``Maximal scheduling in a hypergraph model for wireless networks'', Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications, 2008.
    4. Gyouhwan Kim, Qiao Li and Rohit Negi, ``A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for weighted sum-rate maximization in UWB networks,'' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications, 2008.
    5. X. Zhang, R. Negi, ``A MAP based algorithm for joint timing error and transition jitter estimation,'' IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, pp. 2256-2258, June 2007.
    6. Yaron Rachlin, Rohit Negi, Pradeep Khosla, ``The sensing capacity of sensor networks,'' undergoing second round of review in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
    7. A. Rajeswaran, Gyouhwan Kim and R. Negi, ``Joint power adaptation, scheduling and routing for ultra wide band networks," IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 6, pp. 1964 - 1972, May 2007.
    8. A. Rajeswaran and R. Negi, ``Capacity of power constrained ad hoc networks," IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 6, pp. 1964-1972, May 2007.
    9. S. Goel, R. Negi, "The queued-code in finite-state Markov fading channels with large delay bounds," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory, pp. 30-34, Seattle, USA, July 2006.
    10. R. Negi and A. Rajeswaran, ``Physical layer effect on MAC performance in ad-hoc wireless networks,'' Proc. IASTED Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, Phoenix, USA, Nov. 2003.
    11. Dapeng Wu, and R. Negi, ``Effective capacity: A wireless channel model for support of quality of service,'' IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 2, pp. 630-643, July 2003.
    12. R. Negi, J.M. Cioffi, "Delay-constrained capacity with causal feedback," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48, pp. 2478-2494, Sep. 2002.
    13. R. Negi, J.M. Cioffi, "Blind OFDM symbol synchronization in ISI channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 50, pp. 1525-1534, Sep. 2002.
    14. R. Negi, A. Tehrani, J.M. Cioffi, "Adaptive Antennas for Space-Time Codes in Outdoor Channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 50, Dec. 2002.

    Curriculum Vitae

      Professor of Electrical and Computer Engg.,
      Carnegie Mellon University, since July 2009
      Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engg.,
      Carnegie Mellon University, July 2005 to June 2009
      Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engg.,
      Carnegie Mellon University, September 2000 to June 2005
      Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, September 2000
      Thesis: Power Adaptation Strategies for Delay Constrained Channels
      Advisor : Prof. John Cioffi
      M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, June 1996
      B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering,
      Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, July 1995
      Download resume in pdf format here

    Contact Information

      Email, phone:
      Mailing Address: Electrical and Computer Engineering
      5000 Forbes Avenue
      Carnegie Mellon University
      Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA
      Admin. Assist.: Marilyn L. Patete

    Last updated: August 2013