
- Richard S. Bucy and José M. F. Moura, Nonlinear Stochastic
Problems, edited volume, D. Reidel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1983.
- Isabel M. G. Lourtie and José M. F. Moura, Acoustic Signal Processing
for Ocean Exploration, edited volume, D. Reidel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
The links below provide access to published preprints. These are copyrighted material and the copyright in most cases belong to the Publisher (for example, IEEE.) The Publishers retain the rights to these materials and may place restrictions on their use.
- Husn-Hsien Chang José M. F. Moura "Biomedical Signal Processing," ed. Myer Kutz, in Biomedical Engineerng and Design Handbook, 2nd Edition, Volume 1,
McGraw Hill. 2010, Chapter 22, pp. 559-579. Invited Chapter.
- Pedro M. Q. Aguiar, Radu Jasinschi, José M. F. Moura, and
Charnchai Pluempitiwiriyawej, "Content-based
Image Sequence Representation," ed. Todd Reed, in Digital Image Sequence
Processing: Compression and Analysis,
CRC Press Handbook, Boca Raton, FL, 2004. Chapter 2, pp. 5-72. Invited Chapter.
- Victor A. N. Barroso, João Xavier, and José M. F.
Moura, "Blind Channel Identification and
Source Separation in SDMA Systems," in Handbook on Antennas in Wireless Communications,
edt. Lal Godara, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002. Chapter 21, pp. 21-1 - 21-55. Invited Chapter.
- Victor A. N. Barroso and José M. F. Moura, "Beamforming with
Correlated Arrivals in Mobile Communications" in CRC Handbook on Digital
Signal Processing, edts. V. Madisetti and Williams, Chapter 69, pp. 69-1
69-19, CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1998. Invited.
- José M. F. Moura and Nikhil Balram, "Statistical Algorithms
for Noncausal Markov Random Fields," in Handbook of Statistics, edts.
N. K. Bose and C. R. Rao, Chapter 15, North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
July 1993. Invited Chapter.
- José M. F. Moura and Carlos A. C. Belo, "Threshold Extension
for Nonlinear Techniques," in Underwater Acoutic Data Processing, edt.
Y. T. Chan, pp. 433-452, D. Reidel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989. Invited.
- José M. F. Moura, "Stochastic Filtering: Linear and Nonlinear," in Signal Processing Les Houches XLV, edts. J. L. Lacoume and R. Stora,
pp. 205-276, North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1987. Invited chapter.
- José M. F. Moura and M. João D. Rendas, "Optimal Filtering
in the Presence of Multipath," in Stochastic Processes in Underwater
Acoustics, edt. C. R. Baker, Chapter 3:64-94, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1986.
Invited Chapter.
- José M. F. Moura, "Geometric Aspects in Array Processing," in Issues in Acoustic Signal/ Image Processing and Recognition, edt. C.
H. Chen, pp. 139-154, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983.
- José M. F. Moura, "Phase Demodulation: A Nonlinear Filtering
Approach," in Nonlinear Stochastic Problems, edts. Richard S. Bucy
and José M. F. Moura, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1983.
