CRC Polynomial Zoo
Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University
Interpret the table entries as follows:
- (0xea; 0x1d5) <=> (0xab; 0x157)
{85,85,2,2} [@177:proper,4.2x] |
gold | (*o) CRC-8
- "0xea" is an implicit +1 value of the polynomial, followed by the
long version (explicit +1). The notation is admittedly slightly quirky, but has
the advantage that machine words don't overflow on the polynomial value, and
matches with my publications, so I decided not to change it. The link points to
Hamming Weights for a variety of lengths, usually starting from length of 1 bit
through 64KBytes. At longer lengths weights are given for every 8 bits or every
32 bits. If you have an intermediate length you can always just use the next
higher table entry as a conservative approximation. See notes below on how to
interpret the file format.
- 0x1d5 is the explicit +1 notation of the same polynomial. In this
representation of the same polynomial value, each "1" bit corresponds
to a term in the polynomial, including the +1 at the end.
- 0xab is the bit-reversed polynomial in implicit +1 notation. (Wikipedia calls
this "reversed reciprocal" notation; and "Koopman
notation" and I guess it is my fault for creating a divergent
notation, but I did the original work before there was even a Wikipedia article
on this, so that's just how things go. I appreciate that folks have
accommodated this notation.) Bit-reversed polynomials have the same error
detection characteristics in terms of having the same Hamming Weights. Thus,
the data and corresponding bit flip error detection capability for 0xea is
identical to the data for 0xab. So I only list one of the two alternative
values in my tables. Usually it is the lexicographically smaller one, but there
are a few exceptions to match widely published reversed values.
- 0x157 is the explicit +1 notation 0xab of the bit-reversed polynomial.
- "{85,85,2,2}" gives the dataword lengths for Hamming Distance
(HD) values starting with HD=3. Polynomial 0xEA has HD=6 at
dataword length 1-2, no lengths for HD=5, HD=4 at dataword lengths 3-85, and
HD=2 at 86 bits and above. The repeating numbers in the list mean that this
polynomial skips directly from HD=2 to HD=4 to HD=6. Clicking on the link gives
machine-generated output to confirm the lengths.
- A notation of "{}" with no numbers within the braces means HD=2
at all lengths. HD=2 lengths are always infinite, and so are always left out of
this list.
- A boldfaced number means this has been confirmed to be the longest length
dataword at that HD for the given CRC size for all possible polynomials, not
just the ones listed. Sometimes the bolding does not show up when rendered, but
that is an html/browser issue.
- The notation "?" means that this HW
is still scheduled for computation and not yet available for posting.
- Note that while computations were automated, web page construction was
semi-automated, and in particular annotating the name of the polynomial was cut
and paste, so please always check underlying data files for accuracy.
- [@177:proper,4.2x] gives the proper polynomial characteristics for both low
(up to 50% BER) and high (above 50% BER) bit fault rates.
- @177 indicates that these characteristics apply up to and including 177 bit
data word lengths. Unless otherwise noted, at one greater this length (in this
case at data word length 178 data bits) there is a vulnerability to high BER
corruptions, including specifically an all "1" bit data word yields
and all "1" bit check value, meaning that 100% BER faults are
undetectable (0% fault detection effectiveness). Other high BERs similarly have
an elevated rate of undetected faults, in large part because they will by
chance create an all "1" bit code word due to chance far more often
than a 50% BER would.
- "proper" in the first position after the length indicates that
all BERs examined showed an undetected fault fraction no worse than
1/2k, for BERs up to and including 50%.
- "4.2x" in the second position after the length indicates that
BERs above 50% had a worse case of 4.2/2k (i.e., 4.2x worse than a
proper polynomial) maximum for all data word lengths between 1 and the
indicated data word length (in this case 177).
- NOTE: alternate notation [256:proper,4.2x][@1020] would mean: proper up to
50% up to 256 bit data word; 4.2x worse than the proper limit above 50% up to a
256 bit data word; and 100% BER faults undetectable at 1021 bit data word, with
the "properness" of data word lengths between 257 and 1020 not
evaluated other than to check that there are no 100% BER vulnerabilities up to
length 1020 and that there is definitely one such vulnerability at length 1021
- The "gold" entry is an abbreviated set of computations performed
by brute force computation without optimization as an integrity check. The main
tables are created by very highly optimized code (if we didn't we'd never get
done). The gold tables are the data used for regression testing the optimized
computation and are provided for reference.
- The final field, if present, is one or more "nicknames" for the
polynomial from various sources. See
more formal references. It also includes salient factorization information:
- *p - primitive polynomial. This has optimal length for HD=3, and good HD=2
performance above that length.
- *o - odd bit errors detected. This has a factor of (x+1) and detects all
odd bit errors (implying that even number of bit errors have an elevated
undetected error rate)
- *op - odd bit errors detected plus primitive. This is a primitive
polynomial times (x+1). It has optimal length for HD=4, and detects all odd bit
- Other factorizations are sometimes of interest, but are less directly
coupled to CRC performance. If you want to know the factorization of a
polynomial you are interested in, we recommend using
Wolfram Alpha, for example enter the
following to see the factorization over 0xea (with the polynomial found on the
first line of the Hamming Weight file 0xea):
factor x^8 +x^7 +x^6 +x^4 +x^2 +1 over GF(2)
or alternately in open code:
+ x^7 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + 1, Modulus -> 2]
which gives a result of:
(x+1)(x^2+x+1)(x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+1) (mod 2)
(Note that Wolfram could change their interface at any time, so I have not
attempted to build these factorization links for the data tables.)
Interpret the Hamming weight data files as follows:
- # 0xea=x^8 +x^7 +x^6 +x^4 +x^2 +1 (0x1d5) <=> (0xab; 0x157)
- "#" is a comment indicator so that you can grep to remove
- "0xea" is an implicit +1 value of the polynomial (see above).
- "x^8 +x^7 +x^6 +x^4 +x^2 +1" is the explicit polynomial
- 0x1d5 is the explicit +1 notation of the same polynomial (see above).
- 0xab is the bit-reversed polynomial in implicit +1 notation (see above).
- 0x157 is the explicit +1 notation 0xab of the bit-reversed polynomial (see
- #Length Poly HW(2) HW(3) HW(4) HW(5) HW(6) HW(7) HW(8) ...
- The "#Length" line is a comment indicating that the data format
is length of the data word (in bits), the polynomial (implicit +1
notation), followed by a list of Hamming Weights starting with HW(2). HW(1) is
always zero for a CRC, and is omitted. HW(5), for example, is the number of
undetected 5-bit errors out of all possible 5-bit errors affecting the codeword
(both corruptions to dataword and the check sequence are considered). The
number of HWs varies, but always includes at least the first non-zero HW, and
often additional HWs. When the Hamming Distance changes as the dataword size
increases, additional HW values are carried for a while to avoid protential
problems with so called "improper" polynomial situations.
- 88 0xea 3 0 26313
- This is an actual data entry. Each data file has HW values for many
different dataword lengths.
- 88=> the dataword length in bits, corresponding to an 11-byte dataword.
To be sure, CRC check sequence bits are NOT included in this number. For
smaller CRCs and dataword lengths values are given for every length, but in
larger data files entries may only be given for every 8 or 32 bits of dataword
length for longer lengths
- 0xea=> each line has the polynomial value to facilitate processing the
data with scripts
- 3=> this is the HW(2) value. This means that out of all possible 2-bit
errors, only 3 are undetected by this CRC for this dataword length.
- 0=> this is the HW(3) value. All 3-bit errors are detected (zero
undetected errors).
- 26313=> this is the HW(4) value. There are 26,313 undetected 4-bit
- Note that no HW(5) and higher HW values are given. How many HWs are given
depends on the HD at that dataword length. Be careful with integer size if you
are processing this data -- many of the HW values exceed 32 bit integer
capacity. I strongly recommend you use unsigned 64-bit integers when handling
HW values (which is how it is done in my tools) or you'll get some weird
results and potentially waste a lot of time tracking down the problem.
Interpret the Hamming distance data files as follows:
- # 0xea HD=3 len=85 Example: Len=86 {0} (0x80) (Bits=2)
- This polynomial has HD=3 up to and including dataword length 85.
- An example of a codeword that violates HD=3 is as follows:
- Length of dataword is 86 (codeword is therefore 86+8=94 bits long). The
example length is always one bit longer than the maximum HD dataword length
shown (i.e., 85+1=86). The last line of the per-HD data has a length of NONE,
providing an example showing that the indicated HD cannot be supported by the
polynomial at any length.
- Bit 0 is set (note that dataword bits are numbered 0..85). This is the
first bit in the dataword, making it the bit furthest away from the FCS field.
In other words, this bit has been cycled through a CRC shift register 86 times.
The examples always have bit 0 set.
- The FCS from computing the CRC for this dataword is 0x80. In other words,
this is the residual CRC computation value after computing the CRC over an 86
bit data word with all zeros except the first bit (bit 0)
- There are two bits set in this codeword (one bit from {0} plus one bit in
the FCS value of 0x80=two bits), confirming HD=2 for this codeword
- 0xea {85,85,2,2}
- 0xea is the polynomial
- {85,85,2,2} is the list of all lengths, and is a summary of the preceding
See Wikipedia
for citations and sources of most names.
- "CRC-nK/m.v" notation is for polynomials that as far as I know I
am the first to report as being "good" for a particular purpose. Some
I have previously published, and some are working results that haven't been in
a scholarly paper yet. The "n" means "n-bit CRC." The
"m" is the smallest "interesting" Hamming Distance for that
polynomial. Sometimes there is a ".v" if I've published two
polynomials for that HD with different properties that are still useful.Thus,
CRC-32K/6.1 is a 32-bit CRC that has good HD=6 performance and is version 1 (as
opposed another HD=6 polynomial CRC-32K/6.2 that is also good for HD=6 but
either published separately or has different but desirable secondary HD
- Similarly, CRC-nF/m.v refers to polynomials from: G. Funk,
"Determination of best shortened linear codes," Transactions Letters,
IEEE Trans. on Comms., 44(1), Jan 1996, pp. 1-6. (Note that in some cases the
"/m" part of the notation refers to HD performance at shorter than 4
bits of dataword length, so the data reported above might not appear to match
the notation.)
- "FP-n" is the "First Primitive" polynomial for an n-bit
CRC, meaning it is the smallest value polynomial that is primitive for that
size CRC. This polynomial always has the longest possible HD=3 length, and also
has all its "1" bits down near the bottom, which can make it more
efficient to compute that polynomials with more randomly distributed 1 bits in
the polynomial. It is often a poor choice if you care about anything better
than HD=3, but is a reasonable baseline for comparison with other polynomials.
The HD=3 length of any primitive polynomial of size n bits is ((2**n)-(n+1))
- "FOP-n" is the "First Odd+Primitive" polynomial for an
n-bit CRC, meaning it is the lexicographically smallest polynomial that is
(x+1) times a primitive (n-1)-bit CRC. This corresponds to the smallest n-bit
CRC that has "(*op)" annotation for factorization. This polynomial
always has the longest possible HD=4 length, and also has all its "1"
bits down near the bottom, which can make it more efficient to compute that
polynomials with more randomly distributed 1 bits in the polynomial. It is also
divisible by (x+1) and therefore detects all odd number of bit errors (at the
cost of even numbers of bit errors being undetected at an elevated rate). It is
often a poor choice if you care about anything better than HD=4, but is a
reasonable baseline for comparison with other polynomials. The HD=3 and HD=4
lengths of any primitive polynomial of size n bits is ((2**(n-1))-(n+1))
- "CRC-nK/DsubS" is for polynomials that have the property of only
the bottom S bits set. Most are previously unpublished, but to make it easier
to find I've added that notation in a few cases to previously discovered
polynomials. As an example: CRC-32K/6sub8 is a 32-bit polynomial with the best
HD=6 length for all polynomials that have bits set in only the lowest 8 bit
positions. Polynomials with only low bits set and no bits in the middle (except
for the highest bit) can be computed more quickly and with smaller lookup
tables than polynomials with bits set throughout the polynomial, albeit often
at the tradeoff of a shorter length than the best possible polynomial of that
I'll try to update Wikipedia with citations as they become formalized if
nobody beats me to it. I have checked pretty thoroughly, but a lot of work in
this area is pretty obscure. If I find out one of them was published before me
I will of course be happy to update the attribution.
I welcome correspondence and especially notification of any errors that
might have crept into the work. However, I cannot provide free individual
advice on CRCs via e-mail. From time to time I'll augment the data, but
research funding for this topic is scarce, so it mostly gets done more or less
as a hobby.
If you know of a standard polynomial (e.g., one in an ISO, IEC, or IEEE
standard) not in the "zoo" above, please let me know and I'll add it
as I have time. (Ideally, you should
add it to
Wikipedia and then let me know it is there so I can do a data run for it.)
While I have spent significant effort on getting things right, this data is
provided as-is and provide with out any warranty whatsoever, no matter what
might occur on an e-mail or other communication exchange. USE AT YOUR OWN
Thanks to:
- Prof. B. Gick for many enlightening discussions and data for Jones CRC-64.
- Bernhard Lindner for pointing out some manual transcription errors. I have
since reworked everything with automated scripts so that all the entries on the
pages oranized by CRC size are automatically generated.
Last update 5/2018.

This work is copyright 2015-2018 by Philip Koopman. Licensed under a
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.