Jimmy Zhu's Students
Current Students

- B.S. Physics, May 2000, Allegheny College, PA.
- M.S. Elec Comp. Eng, Aug 2002, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Ph.D. Elec Comp. Eng, expected 2007, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Fabrication of Ring-Shaped Vertical MRAM
- CPP/GMR and the Enhancement of CPP/GMR
- Fabrication and Testing of Patterned Media
- Developed the fabrication processes for ring-shaped vertical MRAM
- Designed and built a test bed for measuring low resistance CPP/GMR devices
- Successfully fabricated three CPP/GMR ring-shaped MRAM test structures
- Achieved one step switching of the free layer in our MRAM devices
- Significantly enhanced the GMR Ratio in our ring-shaped MRAM elements
- Won the Best Poster Award for the fabrication and testing of our annular vertical MRAM at the 2005 MMM Conference
- Developed a fabrication process for and successfully recorded on patterned media

- B.S. Ceramic Engineering, Feb 1993, Inha University, Korea
- M.S. Material Science and Engineering, Feb 1995, Pohang University of Sci. & Tech., Korea
- M.S. Material Science and Engineering, Aug 2006, Penn State University – University Park, PA
- Ph.D. Elec Comp. Eng, expected 2010, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Giant magnetothermal resistance (GMTR)
- Thermal characterization of thin films using nanosecond time-resolved thermoreflectance method
- Built a pump-probe system for measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films using a nanosecond time-resolved thermoreflectance technique.
- Developed MATLAB codes for a thermal model to extract thermal properties from thermoreflectance signals.
- Measured the thermal conductivity of several metal films and dielectric films.
- Developing CIP GMR structure (high MR ratio, low switching field) using sputtering and patterning for GMTR application.
- Patents: US 6159571, US 2002160307
- Powder diffraction pattern (JCPDS) : #49-266, Li0.5Fe2.5O4
- Proceedings of ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 2009.
- Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 103, 07A917, 2008.
- Proceedings of ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 2007.
- J Electroceram, vol. 18, 261–268, 2007.
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2001), 40(3B), 1609
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2000), 39(5A), 2775
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2000), 39(2B), 741
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2000), 39(2B), 745
- Journal of Applied Physics (1999), 86(2), 774
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (1995), 31(6), 397

- B.S. Material Science, Jun 1995, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
- M.S. Material Science, Jun 1999, National Tsing-Hwa University, Taiwan
- Ph.D. Elec Comp. Eng, expected 2010, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- PMR head/media write performance
- Contact write/read testing methodology

- B.S. Chemistry, Mar 1997, Seoul National University, Korea
- M.S. Chemistry, Mar 1999, Seoul National University, Korea
- Ph.D. Elec Comp. Eng, expected 2010, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Perpendicular MTJ and GMR spin-valve devices for future MRAM
- Spin-torque-transfer (STT) induced magnetization switching
- STT induced magnetization precession for microwave oscillator application
- Experimental demonstration of the perpendicular MTJ with Co/Pt multilayers
- STT switching at the nano-sized magnetoresistive devices with perpendicular anisotropy
- Spin-torque oscillation at the prototype oscillator devices with two different perpendicular polarizers composed of Co/Pt and Co/Pd multilayers

- B.S. Materials Science and engineering, May 2005, Illinois Institute of Technology, IL
- M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, May 2008, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, expected 2010, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Co/Pt based Perpendicular MTJ
- Analytical TEM study on perpendicular recording media
- Increasing head field gradient in perpendicular recording
- Successfully developed a soft intermediate layer to increase the head field gradient

- B.S. Materials Science & Engineering, May 2007, University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA.
- M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, May 2009, Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, expected 2011, Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Intergranular exchange coupling and interface anisotropy in perpendicular media.
- Switching field distribution in bit patterned CoCrPt films.
- V. Sokalski. J-G. Zhu, D.E. Laughlin. "Characterization of oxide materials for exchange decoupling in perpendicular media." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 46, No. 6, June 2010.
- V. Sokalski. D.E. Laughlin, J-G. Zhu. "Experimental modeling of intergranular exchange coupling for perpendicular thin film media." Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 95, pp. 1025071, 2009.
- Zhu, J-G., V. Sokalski (presenter)., Y. Wang, D.E. Laughlin. "Understanding the micromagnetic properties of perpendicular thin film media (INVITED)." Materials Science & Technology Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. 2009.

- B-Tech Metallurgical Engineering, May 2007, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU)
- MS Materials Science and Engineering, May 2009, Carnegie Mellon University
- PhD Materials Science and Engineering, Expected 2011, Carnegie Mellon University
- Thermomagnetic switching in FeRh thin films to be used as a write-assist mechanism for high anisotropy magnetic media.
- Optimized fabrication conditions to achieve best possible switching in FeRh thin films.
- Microstructural studies and microanalysis of the thin films.
- “Origin of room temperature Ferromagnetic moment in Rh-richer Fe/Rh multilayer thin films”, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09E318 (2010).

- B.S. Electronic Engineering, July 2006, Tsinghua University, China
- M.S. Elec Comp. Eng, May 2009, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Ph.D. Elec Comp. Eng, expected 2011, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- Micromagnetic simulation on energy assisted magnetic recording (heat assisted magnetic recording and microwave assisted magnetic recording), perpendicular recording and magnetic tape storage systems.
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2008), 44(11), 3557
- Journal of Applied Physics (2009), 105, 07B902
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2009), 45(10), 3737
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2010), 46(03), 751

- B.E. Mat. Sci. & Eng., May 2009, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Ph.D. Materials Science, expected 2012, Carnegie Mellon University, PA
- High Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy L1(1) CoPt