You are expected to write your own paper reviews for each paper.
Reviews are due before class on the assigned day. This will help you be more engaged in the in-class discussions.
Submit paper reviews here
Reviews must be written
on your own without collaboration and you should not look at reviews from other classes
posted on the Web.
Expect to write a fairly detailed review filling in the relevant fields in the review form
- What type/category of paper is this?
- What problem is this paper solving? 2-3 sentences.
- Did you like this paper? Why? 1-2 sentences.
- What are the strengths of this paper? 3-4 sentences.
- What are the main weaknesses in the paper? Do you see any potential attacks? 3-4 sentences.
- What would you do differently? Are there assumptions you disagree with? Do you see ideas for future work or improving the solution proposed? 3-4 sentences