Celebration of the first tapeout of the Centre for Hardware Security, 05/03/2020
(from left to right) Felipe, Gert, me, Tiago, Jaan, Malik, Zain
photographer: Tatiana

Celebration of the end of attestations (summer'21), 18/06/2021
(from left to right) Malik, Tiago, Levent, me, Zain, Muayad
photographer: Tatiana

Summer retreat at Roosta (summer'21), 16/07/2021
(from left to right, standing) Levent, Reza, Mahdi, Harish, Motjaba, Muayad, Lauri, Zain, Jaan, me, Hardi, Gert, Peeter, Tara, Mahdieh
(from left to right, kneeling) Tiago, Maksim, Malik, Mohammad, Dadmehr, Felipe
photographer: Kristjan

Celebration of the third tapeout of the Centre (ECO side-channel trojan), 01/Nov/2021
(from left to right) Levent, Muayad, Mohammad, Tiago, me, Zain, Malik
photographer: Tatiana

Celebration of the fifth tapeout of the Centre (SRAM PUF), 24/Mar/2022
(from left to right) Tiago, Levent, Muayad, Malik, Zain, me, Tatiana, Mohammad

Celebration Summer'22, 26/Aug/2022
(from left to right) Zain, Felipe, Tiago, me, Tim (guest from TU Munich), Muayad, Malik, Levent, Sumathi
Photographer: Mohammad

Summer School in Graz, 28/Sep/2022
(from left to right) Mahdi, Malik, me, Muayad, Levent, Mohammad
Photographer: unknown

SAFEEST visit, Glenh's castle, 7/Feb/2023
(from left to right) Jaan, Florence (LIRMM), Florent (LIRMM), me, Sophie (LIRMM), Marie (LIRMM), Levent, Alex (TU Munich), Zain
Photographer: Muayad

Dpt. Summer days 24/Aug/2023
(from left to right) Mahdi, Lauri, Maksim, Natalia, Konstantin, Jaan, me, Hardi, Mohammad, Zain, Tara, Reza, Malik, Mojtaba
Photographer: Mr. Drone

PhD defence of Zain UL Abideen 15/Jan/2024
(from left to right) Giorgio, Christian, me, Zain
Photographer: Maksim

PhD defence of Mohammad Eslami 04/Oct/2024
(from left to right) Kaveh, Philippe, Tara, Mohammad, me
Photographer: Maksim