  title =        {{OmniCrawl}: {Comprehensive} Measurement of {Web} Tracking With Real Desktop and Mobile Browsers},
  author =       {Darion Cassel and Su-Chin Lin and Alessio Buraggina and William Wang and Andrew Zhang and Lujo Bauer and Hsu-Chun Hsiao and Limin Jia and Timothy Libert},
  journal =      {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies},
  year =         2022,
  month =        jan,
  volume =       2022,
  number =       1,
  copyright =    {authors},
  publisher =    {De Gruyter Open},
  doi =          {10.2478/popets-2022-0012},
  url =          {https://www.ece.cmu.edu/~lbauer/papers/2022/pets2022-mobile-tracking.pdf},
  keywords =     {online tracking, privacy},
  note =         {<b><i>PETS 2022 Artifact Award.</i></b>},
  keywords =     {online tracking, privacy, measurement},