  title =        {``I would have to evaluate their objections'': Privacy tensions between smart home device owners and incidental users},
  author =       {Camille Cobb and Sruti Bhagavatula and Kalil Anderson Garrett and Alison Hoffman and Varun Rao and Lujo Bauer},
  journal =      {Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies},
  year =         2021,
  month =        oct,
  volume =       2021,
  number =       4,
  copyright =    {authors},
  publisher =    {De Gruyter Open},
  url =          {https://www.ece.cmu.edu/~lbauer/papers/2021/popets2021-incidental-users.pdf},
  keywords =     {privacy, human factors, smarthome},
  doi =          {10.2478/popets-2021-0060},