Stack Computers: the new wave
© Copyright 1989,
Philip Koopman,
All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6. Understanding Stack Machines
The obvious difference between stack machines and conventional machines is the use of 0-operand stack addressing instead of register or memory based addressing schemes. This difference, when combined with support of quick subroutine calls, makes stack machines superior to conventional machines in the areas of program size, processor complexity, system complexity, processor performance, and consistency of program execution.
A popular saying is that "memory is cheap." Anyone who has watched the historically rapid growth in memory chip sizes knows the amount of memory available on a processor can be expected to increase dramatically with time.
The problem is that even as memory chip capacity increases, the size of problems that people are calling on computers to solve is growing at an even faster rate. This means that the size of programs and their data sets is growing even faster than available memory size. Further aggravating the situation is the widespread use of high level languages for all phases of programming. This results in bulkier programs, but of course improves programmer productivity.
Not surprisingly, this explosion in program complexity leads to a seeming contradiction, the saying that "programs expand to fill all available memory, and then some." The amount of program memory available for an application is fixed by the economics of the actual cost of the memory chips and printed circuit board space. It is also affected by mechanical limits such as power, cooling, or the number of expansion slots in the system (limits which also figure in the economic picture). Even with an unlimited budget, electrical loading considerations and the speed-of-light wiring delay limit bring an ultimate limit to the number of fast memory chips that may be used by a processor. Small program sizes reduce memory costs, component count, and power requirements, and can improve system speed by allowing the cost effective use of smaller, higher speed memory chips. Additional benefits include better performance in a virtual memory environment (Sweet & Sandman 1982, Moon 1985), and a requirement for less cache memory to achieve a given hit ratio. Some applications, notably embedded microprocessor applications, are very sensitive to the costs of printed circuit board space and memory chips, since these resources form a substantial proportion of all system costs (Ditzel et al. 1987b).
The traditional solution for a growing program size is to employ a hierarchy of memory devices with a series of capacity/cost/access-time tradeoffs. A hierarchy might consist of (from cheapest/biggest/slowest to most expensive/smallest/fastest): magnetic tape, optical disk, hard disk, dynamic memory, off-chip cache memory, and on-chip instruction buffer memory. So a more correct version of the saying that "memory is cheap" might be that "slow memory is cheap, but fast memory is very dear indeed."
The memory problem comes down to one of supplying a sufficient quantity of memory fast enough to support the processor at a price that can be afforded. This is accomplished by fitting the most program possible into the fastest level of the memory hierarchy.
The usual way to manage the fastest level of the memory hierarchy is by using cache memories. Cache memories work on the principle that a small section of a program is likely to be used more than once within a short period of time. Thus, the first time a small group of instructions is referenced, it is copied from slow memory into the fast cache memory and saved for later use. This decreases the access delay on the second and subsequent accesses to program fragments. Since cache memory has a limited capacity, any instruction fetched into cache is eventually discarded when its slot must be used to hold a more recently fetched instruction. The problem with cache memory is that it must be big enough to hold enough program fragments long enough for the eventual reuse to occur.
A cache memory that is big enough to hold a certain number of instructions, called the "working set," can significantly improve system performance. How does the size of a program affect this performance increase? If we assume a given number of high level language operations in the working set, consider the effect of increasing the compactness of the encoding of instructions. Intuitively, if a sequence of instructions to accomplish a high level language statement are more compact on machine A than machine B, then machine A needs a smaller number of bytes of cache to hold the instructions generated for the same source code as machine B. This means that machine A needs a smaller cache to achieve the same average memory response time performance.
By way of example, Davidson and Vaughan (1987) suggest that RISC computer programs can be up to 2.5 times bigger than CISC versions of the same programs (although other sources, especially RISC vendors, would place this number at perhaps 1.5 times bigger.) They also suggest that the RISC computers need a cache size that is twice as large as a CISC cache to achieve the same performance. Furthermore, a RISC machine with twice the cache of a CISC machine will still generate twice the number of cache misses (since a constant miss ratio generates twice as many misses for twice as many cache accesses), resulting in a need for higher speed main memory devices as well for equal performance. This is corroborated by the rule of thumb that a RISC processor in the 10 MIPS (Million RISC Instructions Per Second) performance range needs 128K bytes of cache memory for satisfactory performance, while high end CISC processors typically need no more than 64K bytes.
Stack machines have much smaller programs than either RISC or CISC machines. Stack machine programs can be 2.5 to 8 times smaller than CISC code (Harris 1980, Ohran 1984, Schoellkopf 1980), although there are some limitations to this observation discussed later. This means that a RISC processor's cache memory may need to be bigger than a stack processor's entire program memory to achieve comparable memory response times! As anecdotal evidence of this effect, consider the following situation: while Unix/C programmers on RISC processors are unhappy with less than 8M to 16M bytes of memory, and want 128K bytes of cache, Forth programmers are still engaged in heated debate as to whether more than 64K bytes of program space is really needed on stack machines.
Small program size on stack machines not only decreases system costs by eliminating memory chips, but can actually improve system performance. This happens by increasing the chance that an instruction will be resident in high speed memory when needed, possibly by using the small program size as a justification for placing an entire program in fast memory.
How can it be that stack processors have such small memory requirements? There are two factors that account for the extremely small program sizes possible on stack machines. The more obvious factor, and the one usually cited in the literature, is that stack machines have small instruction formats. Conventional architectures must specify not only an operation on each instruction, but also operands and addressing modes. For example, a typical register-based machine instruction to add two numbers together might be:
This instruction must not only specify the ADD opcode, but also the fact that the addition is being done on two registers, and that the registers are R1 and R2 .
On the other hand, a stack-based instruction set need only specify an ADD opcode, since the operands have an implicit address of the current top of stack. The only time that an operand is present is when performing a load or store instruction, or pushing an immediate data value onto the stack. The WISC CPU/16 and Harris RTX 32P use 8 and 9 bit opcodes, respectively, yet have many more opcodes than are actually needed to run programs efficiently. Loosely encoded instructions found on the other processors discussed in this book, exemplified by the Novix NC4016, allow packing 2 or more operations into the same instruction to achieve little sacrifice in code density over a byte-oriented machine.
A less obvious, but actually more important reason for stack machines having more compact code is that they efficiently support code with many frequently reused subroutines, often called threaded code (Bell 1973, Dewar 1975). While such code is possible on conventional machines, the execution speed penalty is severe. In fact, one of the most elementary compiler optimizations for both RISC and CISC machines is to compile procedure calls as in-line macros. This, added to most programmers' experience that too many procedure calls on a conventional machine will destroy program performance, leads to significantly larger programs on conventional machines.
On the other hand, stack oriented machines are built to support procedure calls efficiently. Since all working parameters are always present on a stack, procedure call overhead is minimal, requiring no memory cycles for parameter passing. On most stack processors, procedure calls take one clock cycle, and procedure returns take zero clock cycles in the frequent case where they are combined with other operations.
There are several qualifications associated with the claim that stack machines have more compact code than other machines, especially since we are not presenting the results of a comprehensive study here. Program size measures depend largely on the language being used, the compiler, and programming style, as well as the instruction set of the processor being used. Also, the studies by Harris, Ohran, and Schoellkopf were mostly for stack machines that used variable length instructions, while machines described in this book use 16 or 32 bit fixed length instructions. Counterbalancing the fixed instruction length is the fact that processors running Forth can have smaller programs than other stack machines. The programs are smaller because they use frequent subroutine, allowing a high degree of code reuse within a single application program. And, as we shall see in a later section, the fixed instruction length for even 32-bit processors such as the RTX 32P does not cost as much program memory space as one might think.
When speaking of the complexity of a computer, two levels are important: processor complexity, and system complexity. Processor complexity is the amount of logic (measured in chip area, number of transistors, etc.) in the actual core of the processor that does the computations. System complexity considers the processor embedded in a fully functional system which contains support circuitry, the memory hierarchy, and software.
CISC computers have become substantially more complex over the years. This complexity arises from the need to be very good at all their many functions simultaneously. A large degree of their complexity stems from an attempt to tightly encode a wide variety of instructions using a large number of instruction formats. Added complexity comes from their support of multiple programming and data models. Any machine that is reasonably efficient at processing COBOL packed decimal data types on a time sliced basis with running double-precision floating point FORTRAN matrix operations and LISP expert systems is bound to be complex!
The complexity of CISC machines is partially the result of encoding instructions to keep programs relatively small. The goal is to reduce of the semantic gap between high level languages and the machine to produce more efficient code. Unfortunately, this may lead a situation where almost all available chip area is used for the control and data paths (for instance the Motorola 680x0 and Intel 80x86 products). Additionally, an argument made by RISC proponents is that CISC designs may be paying a performance penalty as well as a size penalty.
The extremes to which some CISC processors take the complexity of the core processor may seem excessive, but they are driven by a common and well founded goal: establishment of a consistent and simple interface between hardware and software. The success that this approach can have is demonstrated by the IBM System/370 line of computers. This computer family encompasses a vast range of price and performance, from personal computer plug-in cards to supercomputers, all with the same assembly language instruction set.
The clean and consistent interface between hardware and software at the assembly language level means that compilers need not be excessively complex to produce reasonable code, and that they may be reused among many different machines of the same family. Another advantage of CISC processors is that, since instructions are very compact, they do not require a large cache memory for acceptable system performance. So, CISC machines have traded off increased processor complexity for reduced system complexity.
The concept behind RISC machines is to make the processor faster by reducing its complexity. To this end, RISC processors have fewer transistors in the actual processor control circuitry than CISC machines. This is accomplished by having simple instruction formats and instructions with low semantic content; they don't do much work, but don't take much time to do it. The instruction formats are usually chosen to correspond with requirements for running a particular programming language and task, typically integer arithmetic in the C programming language.
This reduced processor complexity is not without a substantial cost. Most RISC processors have a large bank of registers to allow quick reuse of frequently accessed data. These register banks must be dual-ported memory (allowing two simultaneous accesses at different addresses) to allow fetching both source operands on every cycle. Furthermore, because of the low semantic content of their instructions, RISC processors need much higher memory bandwidth to keep instructions flowing into the CPU. This means that substantial on-chip and system-wide resources must be devoted to cache memory to attain acceptable performance. Also, RISC processors characteristically have an internal instruction pipeline. This means that extra hardware or compiler techniques must be provided to manage the pipeline. Special attention and extra hardware resources must be used to ensure that the pipeline state is correctly saved and restored when interrupts are received.
Finally, different RISC implementation strategies make significant demands on compilers such as: scheduling pipeline usage to avoid hazards, filling branch delay slots, and managing allocation and spilling of the register banks. While the decreased complexity of the processor makes it easier to get bug-free hardware, even more complexity shows up in the compiler. This is bound to make compilers complex as well as expensive to develop and debug.
The reduced complexity of RISC processors comes, then, with an offsetting (perhaps even more severe) increase in system complexity.
Stack machines strive to achieve a balance between processor complexity and system complexity. Stack machine designs realize processor simplicity not by restricting the number of instructions, but rather by limiting the data upon which instructions may operate: all operations are on the top stack elements. In this sense, stack machines are "reduced operand set computers" as opposed to "reduced instruction set computers."
Limiting the operand selection instead of how much work the instruction may do has several advantages. Instructions may be very compact, since they need specify only the actual operation, not where the sources are to be obtained. The on-chip stack memory can be single ported, since only a single element needs to be pushed or popped from the stack per clock cycle (assuming the top two stack elements are held in registers.) More importantly, since all operands are known in advance to be the top stack elements, no pipelining is needed to fetch operands. The operands are always immediately available in the top-of-stack registers. As an example of this, consider the T and N registers in the NC4016 design, and contrast these with the dozens or hundreds of randomly accessible registers found on a RISC machine.
Having implicit operand selection also simplifies instruction formats. Even RISC machines must have multiple instruction formats. Consider, though, that stack machines have few instruction formats, even to the extreme of having only one instruction format for the RTX 32P. Limiting the number of instruction formats simplifies instruction decoding logic, and speeds up system operation.
Stack machines are extraordinarily simple: 16-bit stack machines typically use only 20 to 35 thousand transistors for the processor core. In contrast, the Intel 80386 chip has 275 thousand transistors and the Motorola 68020 has 200 thousand transistors. Even taking into account that the 80386 and 68020 are 32-bit machines, the difference is significant.
Stack machine compilers are also simple, because instructions are very consistent in format and operand selection. In fact, most compilers for register machines go through a stack-like view of the source program for expression evaluation, then map that information onto a register set. Stack machine compilers have that much less work to do in mapping the stack-like version of the source code into assembly language. Forth compilers, in particular, are well known to be exceedingly simple and flexible.
Stack computer systems are also simple as a whole. Because stack programs are so small, exotic cache control schemes are not required for good performance. Typically the entire program can fit into cache-speed memory chips without the complexity of cache control circuitry.
In those cases where the program and/or data is too large to fit in affordable memory, a software-managed memory hierarchy can be used: frequently used subroutines and program segments can be place in high speed memory, while infrequently used program segments are placed in slow memory. Inexpensive single-cycle calls to the frequent sections in the high speed memory make this technique very effective.
The Data Stack acts as a data cache for most purposes, such as in procedure parameter passing, and data elements can be moved in and out of high speed memory under software control as desired. While a traditional data cache, and to a lesser extent an instruction cache, might give some speed improvements, they are certainly not required, nor even desirable, for most small- to medium-sized applications.
Stack machines, therefore, achieve reduced processor complexity by limiting the operands available to the instruction. This does not force a reduction of the number of potential instructions available, nor does it cause an explosion in the amount of support hardware and software required to operate the processor. The result of this reduced complexity is that stack computers have more room left for program memory or other special purpose hardware on-chip. An interesting implication is that, since stack programs are so small, program memory for many applications can be entirely on-chip. This on-chip memory is faster than off-chip cache memory would be, eliminating the need for complex cache control circuitry while sacrificing none of the speed.
Processor performance is a very tricky area to talk about. Untold energy has been spent debating which processor is better than another, often based on sketchy evidence of questionable benchmarks, heated by the flames of self interest and product loyalty (or purchase rationalization).
Some of the reasons that comparisons are so difficult stem from the question of application area. Benchmarks that measure performance at integer arithmetic are not adequate for floating point performance, business applications, or symbolic processing. About the best that one can hope for when using a benchmark is to claim that processor A is better than processor B when installed in the given hardware (with associated caches, memories, disks, clock speeds, etc.), using the given operating systems, using the given compilers, using the given source programming language, but only when running the benchmark that was measured. Clearly, measuring the performance of different machines is a difficult matter.
Measuring the performance of radically different architectures is even harder. At the core of this difficulty is quantifying how much work is done by a single instruction. Since the amount of work done by a polynomial evaluation instruction in a VAX is different than a register-to-register move in a RISC machine, the whole concept of "Instructions Per Second" is tenuous at best (even when normalized to a standardized instruction measure, using those same benchmarks that we don't really trust). Adding to the problem is that different processors are built using different technology (bipolar, ECL, SOS, NMOS, and CMOS, with varying feature sizes) and different levels of design sophistication (expensive full-custom layout, standard cell automatic layout, and gate array layout). Yet, the very concept of comparing architectures requires deducting the effects of differences in implementation technologies. Furthermore, performance varies greatly with the characteristics of the software being executed. The problem is that in real life, the effectiveness of a particular computer is measured not only by processor speed, but also by the quality and performance of the system hardware, operating system, programming language, and compiler.
All these difficulties should lead the reader to the conclusion that the problem of finding exact performance measures is not going to be resolved here. Instead, we shall concentrate on a discussion of some reasons why stack machines can be made to go faster than other types of machines on an instruction-by-instruction basis, why stack machines have good system speed characteristics, and what kinds of programs stack machines are well suited to.
Figure 6.1(a) -- Instruction phase overlapping -- raw instruction phases.
The most sophisticated RISC processors boast that they have the highest possible instruction execution rate -- one instruction per processor clock cycle. This is accomplished by pipelining instructions into some sequence of instruction address generation, instruction fetch, instruction decode, data fetch, instruction execute, and data store cycles as shown in Figure 6.1a. This breakdown of instruction execution accelerates overall instruction flow, but introduces a number of problems. The most significant of these problems is management of data to avoid hazards caused by data dependencies. This problem comes about when one instruction depends upon the result of the previous instruction. This can create a problem, because the second instruction must wait for the first instruction to store its results before it can fetch its own operands. There are several hardware and software strategies to alleviate the impact of data dependencies, but none of them completely solves it.
Stack machines can execute programs as quickly as RISC machines, perhaps even faster, without the data dependency problem. It has been said that register machines are more efficient than stack machines because register machines can be pipelined for speed while stack machines cannot. This problem is caused by the fact that each instruction depends on the effect of the previous instruction on the stack. The whole point is, however, that stack machines do not need to be pipelined to get the same speed as RISC machines.
Consider how the RISC machine instruction pipeline can be modified when it is redesigned for a stack machine. Both machines need to fetch the instruction, and on both machines this can be done in parallel with processing previous instructions. For convenience, we shall lump this stage in with instruction decoding. RISC and some stack machines need to decode the instruction, although stack machines such as the RTX 32P do not need to perform conditional operations to extract parameter fields from the instruction or chose which format to use, and are therefore simpler than RISC machines.
In the next step of the pipeline, the major difference becomes apparent. RISC machines must spend a pipeline stage accessing operands for the instruction after (at least some of) the decoding is completed. A RISC instruction specifies two or more registers as inputs to the ALU for the operation. A stack machine does not need to fetch the data; they will be waiting on top of the stack when needed. This means that as a minimum, the stack machine can dispense with the operand fetch portion of the pipeline. Actually, the stack access can also be made faster than the register access. This is because a single-ported stack can be made smaller, and therefore faster than a dual-ported register memory.
The instruction execute portion of both the RISC and stack machine are judged to be about the same since the same sort of ALU can be used by both systems. But, even in this area some stack machines can gain an advantage over RISC machines by precomputing ALU functions based on the top-of-stack elements before the instruction is even decoded, as is done on the M17 stack machine.
The operand storage phase takes another pipeline stage in some RISC designs, since the result must be written back into the register file. This write conflict with reads that need to take place for new instructions beginning execution, causing delays or the need for a triple-ported register file. This can require holding the ALU output in a register, then using that register in the next clock cycle as a source for the register file write operation. Conversely, the stack machine simply deposits the ALU output result in the top-of-stack register and is done. An additional problem is that extra data forwarding logic must be provided in a RISC machine to prevent waiting for the result to be written back into the register file if the ALU output is needed as an input for the next instruction. A stack machine always has the ALU output available as one of the implied inputs to the ALU.
Figure 6.1(b) -- Instruction phase overlapping -- typical RISC machine.
Figure 6.1(c) -- Instruction phase overlapping -- typical stack machine.
Figure 6.1b shows that RISC machines need at least three pipeline stages and perhaps four to maintain the same throughput: instruction fetch, operand fetch, and instruction execute/operand store. Also, we have noted that there are several problems inherent with the RISC approach, such as data dependencies and resource contention, that are simply not present in the stack machine. Figure 6.1c shows that stack machines need only a two-stage pipeline: instruction fetch and instruction execute.
What this all means is that there is no reason that stack machines should be any slower than RISC machines in executing instructions, and there is a good chance that stack machines can be made faster and simpler using the same fabrication technology.
System performance is even more difficult to measure than raw processor performance. System performance includes not only how many instructions can be performed per second on straight-line code, but also speed in handling interrupts, context switches, and system performance degradation because of factors such as conditional branches and procedure calls. Approaches such as the Three-Dimensional Computer Performance technique (Rabbat et al. 1988) are better measures of system performance than the raw instruction execution rate.
RISC and CISC machines are usually constructed to execute straight-line code as the general case. Frequent procedure calls can seriously degrade the performance these machines. The cost for procedure calls not only includes the cost of saving the program counter and fetching a different stream of instructions, but also the cost of saving and restoring registers, arranging parameters, and any pipeline breaking that may occur. The very existence of a structure called the Return Address Stack should imply how much importance stack machines place upon flow-of-control structures such as procedure calls. Since stack machines keep all working variables on a hardware stack, the setup time required for preparing parameters to pass to subroutines is very low, usually a single DUP or OVER instruction.
Conditional branches are a difficult thing for any processor to handle. The reason is that instruction prefetching schemes and pipelines depend upon uninterrupted program execution to keep busy, and conditional branches force a wait while the branch outcome is being resolved. The only other option is to forge ahead on one of the possible paths in the hopes that there is nondestructive work to be done while waiting for the branch to take effect. RISC machines handle the conditional branch problem by using a "branch delay slot" (McFarling & Hennesy 1986) and placing a nondestructive instruction or no-op, which is always executed, after the branch.
Stack machines handle branches in different manners, all of which result in a single-cycle branch without the need for a delay slot and the compiler complexity that it entails. The NC4016 and RTX 2000 handle the problem by specifying memory faster than the processor cycle. This means that there is time in the processor cycle to generate an address based on a conditional branch and still have the next instruction fetched by the end of the clock cycle. This approach works well, but runs into trouble as processor speed increases beyond affordable program memory speed.
The FRISC 3 generates the condition for a branch on one instruction, then accomplishes the branch with the next instruction. This is really a rather clever approach, since a comparison or other operation is needed before most branches on any machine. Instead of just doing the comparison operation (usually a subtraction), the FRISC 3 also specifies which condition code is of interest for the next branch. This moves much of the branching decision into the comparison instruction, and only requires the testing of a single bit when executing the succeeding conditional branch.
The RTX 32P uses its microcode to combine comparisons and branches into a two-instruction-cycle combination that takes the equivalent time as a comparison instruction followed by a condition branch. For example, the combination = 0BRANCH can be combined into a single four-microcycle (two instruction cycle) operation.
Interrupt handling is much simpler on stack machines than on either RISC or CISC machines. On CISC machines, complex instructions that take many cycles may be so long that they need to be interruptible. This can force a great amount of processing overhead and control logic to save and restore the state of the machine within the middle of an instruction. RISC machines are not too much better off, since they have a pipeline that needs to be saved and restored for each interrupt. They also have registers that need to be saved and restored in order to give the interrupt service routine resources with which to work. It is common to spend several microseconds responding to an interrupt on a RISC or CISC machine.
Stack machines, on the other hand, can typically handle interrupts within a few clock cycles. Interrupts are treated as hardware invoked subroutine calls. There is no pipeline to flush or save, so the only thing a stack processor needs to do to process an interrupt is to insert the interrupt response address as a subroutine call into the instruction stream, and push the interrupt mask register onto the stack while masking interrupts (to prevent an infinite recursion of interrupt service calls). Once the interrupt service routine is entered, no registers need be saved, since the new routine can simply push its data onto the top of the stack. As an example of how fast interrupt servicing can be on a stack processor, the RTX 2000 spends only 4 clock cycles (400 ns) between the time an interrupt request is asserted and the time the first instruction of the interrupt service routine is being executed.
Context switching is perceived as being slower for a stack machine than other machines. However, as experimental results presented later will show, this is not the case.
A finally advantage of stack machines is that their simplicity leaves room for algorithm specific hardware on customized microcontroller implementations. For example, the Harris RTX 2000 has an on-chip hardware multiplier. Other examples of application specific hardware for semicustom components might be an FFT address generator, A/D or D/A converters, or communication ports. Features such as these can significantly reduce the parts count in a finished system and dramatically decrease program execution time.
The type of programs which stack machines process very efficiently include: subroutine intensive programs, programs with a large number of control flow structures, programs that perform symbolic computation (which often involves intensive use of stack structures and recursion), programs that are designed to handle frequent interrupts, and programs designed for limited memory space.
Advanced RISC and CISC machines rely on many special techniques that give them statistically higher performance over long time periods without guaranteeing high performance during short time periods. System design techniques that have these characteristics include: instruction prefetch queues, complex pipelines, scoreboarding, cache memories, branch target buffers, and branch prediction buffers. The problem is that these techniques cannot guarantee increased instantaneous performance at any particular time. An unfortunate sequence of external events or internal data values may cause bursts of cache misses, queue flushes, and other delays. While high average performance is acceptable for some programs, predictably high instantaneous performance is important for many real time applications.
Stack machines use none of these statistical speedup techniques to achieve good system performance. As a result of the simplicities of stack machine program execution, stack machines have a very consistent performance at every time scale. As we shall see in Chapter 8, this has a significant impact on real time control applications programming.
Phil Koopman --