18649 - Requirements to Constraints Traceability

18649 Spring 2010
Group 7 - Justin Ray/justinr2

This table maintains traceability between the requirements behaviors and the constraints given for each module.

You must provide a row in this table for every behavioral requirement in the elevator control system, Sections 5 through 11. This will obviously involve adding rows to the table below. You do not need to create table rows for the environmental objects, Sections 1 through 4.  There constraints are already given in the columns.

If you modify the given behaviors for the DoorControl, CarPositionControl and Dispatcher, this traceability table should reflect what you hand in. So that might involve changing some of the given answers in the table. In other words, we want the table you hand in to reflect your project which will almost certainly involve you changing what we've given below. We've just seeded it with some answers that happen to match the examples we've provided in the assignment to get you going.

Be sure to include the name of each team member who did the traceability for each object.

Note:  Although Event-Triggered requirements are included in the requirements document, for the example, we only trace the time-triggered requirements to constraints.

Behavioral Requirements/Constraints for
ButtonControl - completed by Justin Ray/justinr
No Constraints

R2.1. -> set mButtonState to ButtonState

R2.2. -> light off when empty ~

R2.3. -> light on when non-empty and idle ~

R2.4a. -> set button state during vend ~

R2.4b. -> flash light during vend ~

R2.5. -> set button state after vend

Behavioral Requirements/Constraints for
CoinControl - Completed by Justin Ray/justinr2
C3.1.  retain no more than SODACOST coins

R3.1a. -> set ReceiveCoin value

R3.1b. -> increment CoinCount ~

R3.2a. -> return extra coin X

R3.2b. -> decrement CoinCount X

R3.3. -> clear CoinCount on vend ~

R3.4a. -> return coins ~

R3.4b. -> clear coinCount on CoinReturn ~

R3.5. -> set mCoinCount to CoinCount

R3.6 -> reset ReceiveCoin

Behavioral Requirements/Constraints for
CarPositionControl - Completed by Justin Ray/justinr2
C4.1 Vend only activated if VendMotor STOP

R4.3a. -> vend soda

R4.3a. -> vend soda

Behavioral Requirements/Constraints for
VendPositionControl - Completed by Justin Ray/justinr2
C5.1 VendMotor only activated if mVend false
C5.2 VendMotor stopped at terminal positions
R5.3 -> begin moving to target chute
R5.4 -> stop at target chute
R5.5 -> stop at teminal chutes
R5.6 -> set mVendMotor to VendMotor