Initial Conditions
- A passenger in the front hallway makes a front hall call when the
elevator is at another floor.
- No front door reversal ocurs when the passenger enters.
- The car isn't overweight after the passenger gets on.
- The passenger pushes a front car call button after entering.
Step 1: Scenario
- S1.1. The elevator arrives at the passenger's floor with the
front doors shut.
- S1.2. The front doors open.
- S1.3. The passenger gets in.
- S1.4. The front doors close when the passenger pushes a front car
call button.
Step 2: Write requirements using precise words
- R-FDC1. When the elevator arrives at the passenger's floor, both
front doors shall be commanded to open.
- R-FDC2. The front doors shall remain open while
the passenger boards.
- R-FDC3. The front doors should be commanded to
close when a front car call button is pushed.
Step 3: Write requirements using consistent terms
- R-FDC1. When mAtFloor[f,b] and mHallCall[f,b,d] are true for the
same f and mDriveSpeed is Stop, mDoorMotor[b,*] shall be
commanded to Open.
- R-FDC2. When mDoorOpen[b,r] is true, mDoorMotor[b,*] shall
not be commanded to Close for at least 5 seconds.
- R-FDC3. If any mCarCall[f,b] is true, mDoorMotor[b,*] should
be commanded to Close.
Step 4: Number requirements
Hey, they're already numbered! How about that.
Step 5: Write test cases
- R-FDC1. When mAtFloor[f,b] and mHallCall[f,b,d] are true for the
same f and mDriveSpeed is Stop, mDoorMotor[b,r] shall be
commanded to Open.
- Test: Set mAtFloor[f,b] and mHallCall[f, d] to true for some f.
Observe both mDoorMotor[b,r] being commanded to Open.
- R-FDC2. When mDoorOpen[b,r] is true, mDoorMotor[b,r] shall
not be commanded to Close for at least 5 seconds.
- Test: Run the test for R-FDC1. Observe that both
mDoorMotor[b,r] are commanded to something other than Close for at
least 5 seconds.
- R-FDC3. If any mCarCall[f,b] is true, mDoorMotor[b,r] should
be commanded to Close.
- Test: In a situation that would not conflict with R-FDC2 where
the elevator doors are open (all DoorOpen[b,*] are true), and all
mCarCall[f,b] are false, set a mCarCall[f,b] to true. Observe that
mDoorMotor[b,r] is commanded to Close.
Step 6: Traceability
- R-FDC1. When mAtFloor[f,b] and mHallCall[f,b,d] are true for the
same f, both mDoorMotor[b,r] shall be commanded to Open.
- R-T1: Passengers are able to board.
- R-T3: Passengers are able to board
- R-S1: The mDoorMotor[b,r] are only commanded to Open if
mAtFloor[f,b] is true.
- R-S2: The mDoorMotor[b,r] are only commanded to Open if
mHallCall[f,b,d] is true for the mAtFloor[f,b] which is also true.
- R-S3: All mDoorReversal[b,r] are false for this scenario
(Initial conditions). This requirement doesn't command the door to
- R-S4: CarWeight is less than MaxCarCapacity for this scenario
(Initial conditions). This requirement doesn't command the door to
- R-FDC2. After being commanded to Open, both mDoorMotor[b,r] shall
not be commanded to Close for at least 5 seconds.
- R-T1: This allows passengers to board the elevator so they may
use the elevator.
- R-T3: By placing a limit on the time the door is open,
performance may be improved.
- R-Sl: This requirement doesn't command the door to open.
- R-S2: This requirement doesn't command the door to open.
- R-S3: All mDoorReversal[b,r] are false for this scenario
(Initial Conditions). This requirement doesn't command the door to
- R-S4: CarWeight is less than MaxCarCapacity for this scenario
(Initial Conditions). This requirement doesn't command the door to
- R-FDC3. Both mDoorMotor[b,r] should be commanded
to Close if a mCarCall[f,b] is true.
- R-T1: Closes the doors once a passenger is inside, so the
elevator may move.
- R-T3: Helps performance as the doors will close when someone
picks a floor instead of waiting a fixed time.
- R-Sl: This requirement doesn't command the door to open.
- R-S2: This requirement doesn't command the door to open.
- R-S3: All mDoorReversal[b,r] are false for this scenario
(Initial Conditions). BUT for the final requirements, a
mDoorReversal[b,r] true should take precedence over this requirement.
- R-S4: CarWeight is less than MaxCarCapacity for this scenario
(Initial Conditions). BUT the door would have to reopen/remain open if
the CarWeight was greater than MaxCarCapacity; that would take
precedence over this requirement.
Step 7: Process audit (the checklist)
Step 1: Is there a scenario? Yes
Step 2: Do the requirements use only shall and should, or the words
from lecture on 9/4? Yes
Step 3: Do the requirements use the terms given in the Interface
section to describe sensors, actuators and controllers on the elevator?
Step 4: Are the requirements numbered? Yes
Step 5: Is there a test given for each of the requirements? Yes
Step 6: Traceability - Does *each* requirement either support or not
contradict *each* of the high-level requirements? Yes
Name: Xavier Q. Student (