18649 - Unit Test Log

18649 <semester>
Group x - Student names and andrewIds

Unit Test Status

The table describes the unit tests and summarizes the current unit test results.  For each submission, these results must be consistent with the code and test files submitted with that version of the portfolio.  Be sure to include all information listed in the project handouts.

Controller Name
Controller File
Message Injector File
States / Transitions Tested
Number of passed assertions
Number of failed assertions
Test Results
doorcontrol.cf doorcontrol_test1.mf State numbers / transition numbers
If you failed the test (one or more failed assertions), list the source of the failure: whether the test is buggy, the implementation is wrong, or the design is flawed. If the error is in the implementation, give the file name and line number, and then trace the source of the failure. This must also be recorded in your defect tracking.