Carnegie Mellon University
18-849b Dependable Embedded Systems
Spring 1998
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In particular, make an assessment of the state of the art (mature, moderately OK, neophyte, nobody even worries about this yet, etc. etc.)
...Your text goes here.., with relative pointers to other topic directories such as "../life_cycle"
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Abstract: "We consider here the design of computer systems that must be trusted to satisfy simultaneously a variety of critical requirements such as human safety, fault tolerance, high availability, security, privacy, integrity, and timely responsiveness -- and that must continue to do so throughout maintenance and long-term evolution. Hierarchical abstraction is shown to provide the basis for successive layers of trust with respect to the full set of critical requirements, explicitly reflecting differing degrees of criticality. (47 Refs)"This is a broad-sweeping paper that ties together a highly inter-disciplinary view of dependability with respect to security, fault tolerance, and safety. It discusses how layered abstraction can be used to produce systems that might actually work in the real world (which is a very messy place indeed). Perhaps the most important point to take away is in the penultimate paragraph of the paper:
"Above all, it is vital to recognize that completely guaranteed behavior is impossible and that there are inherent risks in relying on computer systems in critical environments. The unforseen circumstances are often the most disasterous."