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ManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 >, including all inherited members.
_arg1ManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 > [private]
_arg2ManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 > [private]
_funcManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 > [private]
ManipFuncObj2(istream &(*f)(istream &, Arg1, Arg2), Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)ManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 > [inline]
operator()(istream &i) constManipFuncObj2< Arg1, Arg2 > [inline]

Generated on Mon Apr 25 01:14:26 2005 for Parquete by doxygen 1.3.2