Andy's Christmas 2005 Wish List

Quick Description Long Description
Hard cover books Used is better than new.
Tolkien: Silmarillion, Hobbit
Petroski: Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error and Judgment in Engineering
Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming
Antoine de Saint Exupery: The Little Prince
Dr. Seuss: Just about anything, (Ones that I have: Six by Seuss, You're Only Old Once, The Cat in the Hat, Oh, the Places You'll Go!, Dr. Seuss Goes to War
Steig: CDC?
Comic compilations: Bloom County, Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes
Books from The Onion (no hardcovers available, but they're still "bound" to be funny!)

Other: Sorry Everybody (also here).
LEGO E-bay is a worthwhile source -- large (lbs) lots are a nice way to get a good variety of parts.

Bionicle is a no-no. Technic sets are good, as are space, town, and castle. Already have big Tie Advanced, X-Wing, Yoda, Darth Maul.
Other LEGO stuff from a big LEGO store would be cool.
I have soooo many sets that I have not yet assembled...
Tools! Load up ye-olde-toolbox.
Tupperware Storage items. Serving / mixing bowls.
Wind-up items
(no batteries!)
Just about anything that doesn't need batteries.
I have a wind-up radio and wind-up flashlight. More wind-up toys would be good. A metronome would be cool. Wind-up clocks.
Muppets All things Muppet are wonderful. I already have the set of DVDs. T-shirt
Levitron A magnetic levitation top. Available from other places than just online. It's been out for a few years. source

WOW a bunch of cool stuff!!
Magazine subscriptions Scientific American, Nature.
Recycled circuit board items I already have a decent sized clipboard
source source source (Froogle search for "recycled circuit board."
Looney Tunes Shirts, ties, DVDs, etc.
Marvin the Martian, Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner, Daffy Duck ...
Classic cartoon.
Dippy bird One of those little glass birds that dips into water, looking like it's constantly drinking. I already have a simple one, about 6.5 inches tall, with blue hat, blue liquid, and red head, white legs, and red base. (He's really showing his age, though.) If you find a different color, that'd be neat, or a smaller one, or a larger one, or an older one!
Fun T-Shirts This looks like a good source. And here are some more.
Name imprinter The type of thing that stamps one's name in to a sheet of paper. Maybe just initials. For "personalizing" books.
Clothes Workout pants, pajamas, leather belt, rugby-type shirt, nice shirts, fancy socks.
Brown socks: apparently I need more brown (not black) socks.
Class supplies Tennis racquet (I think I signed up for tennis in the spring)
Neat lists Here and here.
Something From a pawn shop.
Frames For various diplomae: high school, BS, MS, etc.
Car Magnet-wheeled Hot Wheels car, for racing around filing cabinets, etc.
Surprise me! If there's something that catches your eye and you think it might make me happy, there's a good chance that at the least it'll make me think of you whenever I see it!
Try here, maybe here, here, here, here, here, or here. New one.
knives really nice kitchen knives
hamper a blue mesh nylon sack stretched over plastic tubing just isn't cutting it anymore

Coat size = 40 long
arm inside seam = 17"
chest underarm = 38"
chest overarm = 48"
T-shirt = L

waist = 34"
outseam = 43"
hip = 43"
jeans = 34" by 34"
neck = 16 to 16.5"
sleeve = 34/35

Shoes: 10.5 US, 44 EUR (actually a better fit)
2004 list

Last modified: Wed Jan 26 16:12:16 EST 2005