We briefly present two extensions to the BiBa broadcast protocol. An optimal protocol would satisfy the following three properties: low receiver computation overhead (as low as the BiBa signature protocol), low communication overhead (only the disclosed SEALs are in the packet), and perfect robustness to packet loss. Unfortunately, we could not find such a protocol and we leave its quest to future research. However, we can achieve two out of the three properties. The standard BiBa broadcast authentication protocol we describe in the previous section has low communication overhead, perfect robustness to packet loss, but requires more receiver computation overhead than the standard BiBa signature protocol (to verify the authenticity of the SEALs). In this section, we propose the extension A and B. Extension A does not tolerate packet loss, and extension B has a higher communication overhead. Hybrid schemes exist, but we do not describe them here. The difference among the three protocols is how they manage the SEALs.