Overview Cell Structures Cell Migration Cell Division  

Cell Migration

Lamellipodia, Lamella, and Cell Shape

Flux of Actin Subunits at the Leading Edge of Fibroblasts (1985)
Responses of the Actin Cytoskeleton to PKC Activation (1986)
Highly Dynamic Invadopodia in Transformed Cells (1987)
Assembly and Flux of Myosin II in the Lamella of Fibroblasts (1989)
Effects of Profilin and Profilin-Actin Complexes on Lamellipodia (1992)
Non-Filamentous Actin Aggregates (1993)
Function of Myosin IIB in Maintaining Cell Shape and Polarity (2004)
Contraction-Dependent Constraint of Cell Shape on Ring-Shaped Substrates (2006)

Mechanical Interactions: Actuation and Coordination

Traction Forces of Normal and Ras-Transformed Cells (2001)
Distinct Roles of Frontal and Rear Adhesions in Traction Force Generation (2001)
Relationship between Traction Forces and Focal Adhesions (2001)
Regulation of Traction Forces by Stretch-Activated Channels (2004)
Top-Down Mathematical Modeling of Cell Shape and Migration (2008)
Probing Intracellular Forces with Soft Polymers (2008)
Dissecting Regional Functions in Cell Migration with Microfluidic Local Drug Delivery (2012)
Stabilization of Migration Polarity by Microtubules (2014)
Control of the Location of the Rear Rather than Front by Centrosome (2014)
Cell-Cell Contact Mediated Coordination of Cell Migration: Contact Following and Contact Inhibition of Locomotion (2018)

Mechanical Interactions: Sensing

Guidance of Cell Migration by Forces and Substrate Sitffness (2000)
Requirement of Focal Adhesion Kinase for Sensing Mechanical Signals (2001)
Responses of Cell Shape and Migration to Dorsal Integrin Anchorage (2004)
Regulation of Artificial Tissue Formation by Substrate Rigidity (2006)
Responses of Cell Shape and Migration to Pillar Topography (2006)
Mechanosensitive Protein Fluxes at Focal Adhesions (2007)
Probing Local Responses to Substrate Rigidity Using a Photolabile Hydrogel (2008)
Substrate Dimensionality as a Guidance Cue for Cell Migration (2013)
Mechanism of Stiffness Sensing Revealed with a Composite Substrate (2014)