Sang Kil Cha

Curriculum Vitae (in PDF)

  • CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University
  • 4720 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213



Jan. 2010 - PresentPh.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (expected 2015)

Aug. 2008 - Dec. 2009M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Mar. 2001 - Feb. 2008B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Korea University, Seoul, Korea


Research Interests

Software security; systems security; software engineering; program analysis.


Honors and Awards

2014ACM Distinguished Paper Award

ICSE, Hyderabad, India

2013Student Travel Grant Awards

CCS, Berlin, Germany

2011Ann and Martin McGuinn Graduate Fellowship

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

2010Student Travel Grant Awards

CCS, Chicago, IL

2010Moon-Jung Chung Scholarship

Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association in America, Vienna, VA

2007Korea Research Foundation Science Scholarship

Korea University, Seoul, Korea


Conference Publications

[1] Sang Kil Cha, Maverick Woo, and David Brumley. Program-Adaptive Mutational Fuzzing. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), 2015
[2] Alexandre Rebert, Sang Kil Cha, Thanassis Avgerinos, and David Brumley. Optimizing Seed Selection for Fuzzing. In Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), pages 861–875, 2014.
[3] Thanassis Avgerinos, Alexandre Rebert, Sang Kil Cha, and David Brumley. Enhancing Symbolic Execution with Veritesting. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 1083–1094, 2014. ACM Distinguished Paper Award
[4] Maverick Woo, Sang Kil Cha, Samantha Gottlieb, and David Brumley. Scheduling Black-box Mutational Fuzzing. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 511–522, 2013.
[5] Sang Kil Cha, Thanassis Avgerinos, Alexandre Rebert, and David Brumley. Unleashing Mayhem on Binary Code. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), pages 380–394, 2012.
[6] Thanassis Avgerinos, Sang Kil Cha, Brent L.T. Hao, and David Brumley. AEG: Automatic Exploit Generation. In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), pages 283–300, 2011.
[7] Sang Kil Cha, Brian Pak, David Brumley, and Richard J. Lipton. Platform-Independent Programs. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 547–558, 2010.
[8] Sang Kil Cha, Iulian Moraru, Jiyong Jang, John Truelove, David Brumley, and David G. Andersen. SplitScreen: Enabling Efficient, Distributed Malware Detection. In Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), pages 377–390, 2010.

Journal Publications

[9] Thanassis Avgerinos, Sang Kil Cha, Alexandre Rebert, Edward J. Schwartz, Maverick Woo, and David Brumley. Automatic Exploit Generation. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 57(2):74–84, 2014.
[10] Sang Kil Cha, Iulian Moraru, Jiyong Jang, John Truelove, David Brumley, and David G. Andersen. SplitScreen: Enabling Efficient, Distributed Malware Detection. Journal of Communications and Networks, 13(2):187–200, 2011.


[11] David Brumley, Sang Kil Cha, Thanassis Avgerinos, and Alexandre Rebert. Detecting Exploitable Bugs in Binary Code. Patent App. US 20130312103, 2013.
[12] Weidong Cui, David Molnar, and Sang Kil Cha. Computer Memory Access Monitoring and Error Checking. Patent App. US 20130152053, 2013.
[13] David Brumley, Thanassis Avgerinos, and Sang Kil Cha. Automated Exploit Generation. Patent App. US 20120317647, 2012.


Teaching Experience

Spring 2011
Teaching Assistant

Vulnerability, Defense Systems, and Malware Analysis
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Worked with professor David Brumley


Introduction to Reversing and Offensive Computing
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
BK21 Short-Course Lecture on Software (12/27–12/31, 2010)

Fall 2010
Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Computer and Network Security and Applied Cryptography
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Worked with professor David Brumley

Spring 2009
Teaching Assistant

Mechatronic Design
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Worked with Professor Charles Neuman and John Dolan

Fall 2007
Peer Tutor

Data Structure & Algorithm
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Gave lectures to undergraduate peers for a semester

Spring 2007
Peer Tutor

Internet Programming
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Gave lectures to undergraduate peers for a semester

Professional Experience

Summer 2013
Research Intern

Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
Worked with Weidong Cui and Marcus Peinado

Summer 2011
Research Intern

Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
Worked with David Molnar and Weidong Cui

2009 – Present
Research Assistant

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Worked with professor David Brumley

2003 – 2005
Public Officer

Office of Education, SeongNam, Korea
Worked at the office of education as part of Korean military duty


Professional Activities

2013 – Present
Program Committee

International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2013, 2014

2011 – Present
Journal Reviewer

2 papers in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security
1 paper in Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques
1 paper in KSII Transaction on Internet and Information Systems

2010 - Present
External Reviewer

ACM CCS 2013
ACSAC 2013
ASIACCS 2010, 2011
IEEE S&P 2011, 2012, 2013
NDSS 2014

Other Activities

2009 – 2011
Hacking Competitions

with Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP)
2011, 7th place at Defcon 19 Final
2010, 1st place at 9th HUST Hacking Festival
2010, 1st place at RootedCon CTF
2010, 1st place at 8th HUST Hacking Festival
2009, 4th place at iCTF
2009, 3rd place at HackJam

Founding Member

Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

CSAW Research Award Finalist

Polytechnic Institute of New York University, New York, NY.



Optimizing Seed Selection for Fuzzing

USENIX Security, San Diego, CA

Unleashing Mayhem on Binary Code

KAIST Seminar, Daejeon, Korea

Bypassing Malware Analyses

Security Workshop, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea

Symbolic Execution and Secure Software

Korea University Seminar, Seoul, Korea

Unleashing Mayhem on Binary Code

IEEE S&P, San Francisco, CA

Platform-Independent Programs

Microsoft Research Seminar, Redmond, WA

Platform-Independent Programs

CCS, Chicago, IL

SplitScreen: Enabling Efficient, Distributed Malware Detection

NSDI, San Jose, CA