Marija D. Ilić


Title of Seminar or Presentation



The Challenge of Moving Forward. National Science Foundation Workshop on Future R&D Needs in Cyber Physical Energy Systems. Baltimore, MD June 2009
New Systems Control Formulations for the Changing Electric Energy Industry. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Sante Fe, NM May 2009
Integration, Innovation, and Expansion in Future Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. CCC Workshop, George Mason University. Fairfax, VA May 2009
The Future of Electricity Systems: General Trends and Develpments. Conference on Managing the Increasing Dependence of the Electricity Infrastructure on ICT. Utrecht, The Netherlands May 2009
Integrating Distributed Energy Resources and Demand-Side Management: The Key Role of Cynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DYMONDS). Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Washington, DC April 2009
Integration, Innovation, and Expansion in Undergraduate Education: Energy Systems. 25th ECEDHA Meeting. New Orleans, LA March 2009
Integrating Distributed Energy Resources and Demand-Side Management: The Key Role of Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DYMONDS). I-PCGRID Workshop, PG&E San Francisco, CA March 2009
Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DYMONDS) - Interactive System-Wide Multi-Layered Multi-Directional Means of Integration of Components. NEMA Meeting. Seattle, WA March 2009
Vision for Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems. The Fifth Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA March 2009
New Systems Control Formulations for the Changing Electric Energy Industry. Delft University. Delft, The Netherlands December 2008
Research Opportunities and Results in EESG at Carnegie Mellon University. TenneT. Arnhem, The Netherlands December 2008
Modeling and Control of Future Electric Energy Systems. Korean Electric Power Co. (KEPCO). Seoul, South Korea October 2008
The Role of Network Systems Engineering in Reaching the Energy and Environment Dream. ECE Graduate Student Seminar Series, Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA October 2008
Sensor-Based Control for Future Electric Energy Systems. CEIC Talk to the RAC. Pittsburgh, PA October 2008
The Role of Network Systems Engineering in Reaching the Energy and Environment Dream. PSERC Talk. Tempe, AZ October 2008
New Systems Control Formulations for the Changing Electric Energy Industry. (Invited Talk.) ETH. Zurich, Switzerland September 2008
Sensor-Based Modeling and Control for Future Electric Energy Systems. Smart Energy Strategies 2008. Zurich, Switzerland September 2008
The Role of Network Systems Engineering in Reaching the Energy and Environment Dream. Caltech, ACM. Pasadena, CA May 2008
The Role of Network Systems Engineering in Reaching the Energy and Environment Dream. JPL. Pasadena, CA May 2008
On Different Architectures for Future Energy Systems. PG&E Industry Meeting, 2008 Protection and Control Industry Workshop. San Francisco, CA March 2008
Why Details Matter in Futer Energy Systems. Fourth Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA March 2008
Engineering Future Energy Systems as Cyber-Physical Ecosystems. Invited Keynote, SMC 2007. Montreal, Canada October 2007
Unlocking Transmission Grid. Georia Tech University Workshop Atlanta, GA February 2007
Long-term Problems with and Solutions for Future Energy Systems. Northeastern University Boston, MA February 2007
Engineering Electricity Services of the Future: From Hierarchical to Open Access Systems. MIT IAP Lecture. Boston, MA January 2007
Short-term and Long-Term Risks in Electricity Markets Nice, France November 2006
Coherence of Technology and Regulation: The Case of Electricity, University of Paris Workshop on the NGI Project Sorbonne, France May 2006
Software Needs and Its Valuation in the Electric Power Industry, University of Novi Sad Novi Sad, Serbia May 2006
Preventing Future Blackouts by Means of Enhanced Control: From Complexity to Order. University of Liege Liege, Austria November 2005
Critically Missing Derivatives in Today’s Electricity Markets: A Possible Means of Relating Physical and Financial Signals, European Energy Forum London, England November 2005
Investment, Finance, and Safeguarding Public Interests in the Liberalized Electric Sector, Delft University Delft, Netherlands May 2005
Transmission Provision and Pricing Under Open Access, EPNES III, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, PR

July 2004

Transmission System Reliability/Security and Standard Market Design, Invited Panel Presentation, IEEE General Meeting Denver, CO June 2004
Making Electric Power Systems Both Secure and Efficient, Invited Panel Presentation, IEEE General Meeting Denver, CO June 2004
Multi-Layered Unbundled Delivery of Electricity Service to Customers under Normal Contitions, with H. Wang and I. Vogelsang, IEEE General Meeting Denver, CO June 2004
Toward a Multi-Layered Architecture for Complex Dynamic Systems, MIT ESD Symposium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA March 2004

A Multi-Layered Approach to Transmission Provision and Pricing in the Electric Power Networks, Institute for Mathematics and Applications (IMA), Workshop on Control and Pricing in Communication and Power Networks Univ. of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN

March 8-13, 2004 (invited)

Potential Implications of Making the Electric Power Network Secure/Reliable on Energy Use, MIT Energy Industry Symposium

Cambridge, MA

December 3, 2003 (invited)

A Systematic IT Architecture for Efficient Electric Power Industry Under Restructuring: The Missing Mechanism, Its Implications and Possible Design, KEYNOTE PRESENTATION, APSCOM '03

Hong Kong

November 12, 2003

Reliability in the Changing Industry, APSCOM’03 Tutorial (1 entire day), Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong

November 12, 2003

An Agent-based Approach to  Modeling Electricity Spot Markets, IMA Workshop, with Dr Poonsaeng Visudhiphan, Univ. of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN

November 3-6, 2003 (invited)

Large-Scale Dynamic Network Systems Revisited: The Case of Electric Power Systems, NSF Workshop on Applied Math

Arlington VA

November 2-3, 2003 (invited)

Dynamic Transmission Provision and Pricing for Electric Power Systems, EPNES NSF Workshop

Orlando, FL

October 24, 2003

Institutional and Technological Architectures for Distributed Power Systems of the Future, U.S. Department of Energy, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Next Generation Distribution System Visioning Workshop

Chicago, IL

October 9, 2003 (invited)

Preventing Blackouts in the Changing Electric Power Industry, ECE/CMU seminar, Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA

September 11, 2003

Risk Management, Liquidity and the Value of Information Technology, North East Power Conference

Boston, MA

June 25, 2003

Transformation of Electricity Markets: Value based transmission provision under open access, EPRI Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting, EPP/CMU, Carnegie Mellon

Pittsburgh, PA

April 24, 2003

Research on Complex Electric Power Networks, GAO presentation, CMU/ECE Meeting, Carnegie Mellon

Pittsburgh, PA

April 12, 2003

Making Electric Power Systems both Secure and Efficient: Protocols for Dynamic Energy Control (PDEC), CMU/EPP Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA

February 3, 2003

Transmission Reliability Revisited: Provision and Pricing in the Evolving Electric Power  Markets, EPRI/EMF Meeting,

Palo Alto, CA

January 16, 2003

Panel on Electricity Restructuring, AAAS Meeting

Boston, MA

February 2002

A Proposal for an Inter-Regional Transmission Organization (IRTO), IEEE Panel

New York, NY

January 2002

Model-Based Protocols for the Changing Electric Power Industry, MIT LIDS Series Talk

Cambridge, MA

December 2001

Model-Based Protocols for the Changing Electric Power Industry, EPP Department Talk, Carnegie Mellon University,

Pittsburgh, PA

November 2001

T&D Technologies—Systems Integration Opportunities and Challenges, Carnegie Mellon Workshop on Electricity Security and Survivability

Pittsburgh, PA

November 2001

The Electricity Provision in the Changing Industry, WPI ECE Department Talk Series

Worcester, MA

November 2001

Protocols and Software for the Changing Electric Power Industry:  Trade-offs between T&D and DG, Alstom/MIT Meeting

Cambridge, MA

October 2001

Valuing Transmission Service:  Product Definition, Market Design and Software, Electricity Transmission Meeting, IIR

Arlington, VA

September 2001

A Possible Transmission Market Design and Performance-Based Tariffs for Prudent Transmission Investments, Electric Power Market Performance Conference

Denver, CO

September 2001

Decision Tools for Electric Transmission Service and Pricing:  A Dynamic Programming Approach, EPRI/DOD Interactive Complex Networks Workshop

Washington, DC

June 2001

Change of Paradigms in Complexity and Interdependencies of Infrastructures, OSTP/NSF Meeting, White House

Washington, DC

June 2001

Electric Power Networks and Data Networks:  How Common Are the Underlying Problems?  EPRI/DOD Meeting, George Washington University

Washington, DC

April 2001

The Role of Information Technology in the Electric Power Industry, PowerCon200 (Plenary talk)

Perth, Australia

December 2000

A Strategic System for Electric Energy Technologies, NSF/DOE/EPRI Sponsored Workshop on Future Research Directions for Complex Interactive Electric Networks

Washington, DC

November 2000

Incentives for Transmission Investments:  A Proposal for a New England Regional Transmission Organization, IEEE Distinguished Lecture

Orlando, FL

September 2000

Integrating Electricity Markets for Wide Area Open Access, Workshop on Markets for Electricity, Economics and Technology (MEET):  A Flow-Based Paradigm for System Operation and Market Coordination, Stanford University

Palo Alto, CA

August 2000

The Role of IT in the Electric Power Industry

Chicago, IL

April 2000

The Role of IT in Competitive Electric Power Systems, MIT, Mechanical Engineering Department Series

Cambridge, MA

March 2000

On Underlying Principles for Designing Standards in the New Electric Power Industry, NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) Sponsored Workshop on Challenges for Measurements and Standards in a Deregulated Electric Power Industry

Arlington, VA

December 1999

Strategic Directions in R&D to Meet Future Demand: Setting R&D Priorities, Ontario Electricity Technology Forum:  The New Reality

Toronto, Canada

October 1999

On-Line Voltage Regulation in New England, IEEE Panel

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

July 1999

Electric Power Restructuring in the United States, IEEE Distinguished Lecture, French Chapter

Paris, France

June 1999

Research Challenges in Electric Power Systems, NSF Workshop on Innovations in Power Engineering Education and Research, National Science Foundation

Washington, DC

April 1999

Some Obstacles to Moving Forward with Successful Deregulation of the Electric Power Industry, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Washinton, DC

March 1999

Measures for Comparing Performance of Regulated and Deregulated Electric Power Industries, Mini-Symposium on Modeling and Computational Challenges in Deregulated Electricity Markets, 4th Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Edinburgh, Scotland

July 1999

On the Objectives of Transmission Pricing, IEEE Panel, Winter Power Meeting

New York, NY

February 1999

Power Markets:  Lessons for Internet, Internet Telephony Consortium Workshop, MIT

Cambridge, MA

January 1999

Critical Factors for Forming a Transmission Company, Alliance Transmission Owners, American Electric Power Headquarters

Washington, DC

January 1999

Electric Power Industry Restructuring:  Engineering and Economics, IEEE Distinguished Lecture, Orlando IEEE Chapter

Orlando, FL

November, 1998

Measuring Power System Performance in the New Industry, PostISO Implementation Conference

Sacramento, CA

October 1998

Transmission Constraints and Market Power, Stanford Energy Modeling Forum

Washington, DC

May 1998

Control Markets for Deregulated Electric Power Industry, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC

April 1998

Transmission Pricing in New England, Stanford Energy Modeling Forum

Stanford, CA

October 1997

Vital Issues Panel, Sandia National Laboratory

Washington, DC

July 1997

Public Comments to the Task Force on Electric System Reliability, Secretary of Energy Advisory Board

Washington, DC

June 1997

Long-Term Investment Issues, International Business Communications

Washington, DC

June 1997

Transmission Provision at Times of Scarcity: An ISO Cannot Do It All, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

Cambridge, MA

April 1997

The Impact of Transmission Constraints on the Electricity Market, IEEE Mid-Hudson Section

Poughkeepsie, NY

April 1997

Power Systems Under Competition, University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT

March 1997

Hierarchical Control Sturcture and Voltage Control in FACTS Controlled Electric Power Systems, The Korean Electric Power Research Institute

Taejong, South Korea

December 1996

A Unified Approach to Real-Time Operations, Planning, and Accounting Under Open Access, US Department of Energy

Washington, DC

November 1996

A Framework for Operations in Competitive Electric Power Industry, Cornell University

Ithaca, NY

October 1996

Getting It Right the First Time:  Value of Transmission and High Technology, Transmission Pricing Conference

Denver, CO

September 1996

Peak Load Pricing for Transmission, Edison Electric Institute

Washington, DC

August 1996

Transmission Capacity in Electric Power Networks, 12th Power Systems Computation Conference

Dresden, Germany

August 1996

Flexible Planning for Power Transmission in a Competitive Industry, MIT

Cambridge, MA

July 1996

Deregulation in the Northeast of the United States, Energy Modeling Forum, Stanford University Working Group 15

Washington, DC

June 1996

A Possible Framework for Operations Planning in a Changing Industry:  Coordination vs. Competition, American Electric Power Co.

Columbus, OH

February 1996

Engineering vs. Market-Based Pricing for the Interconnected Operating Services, Electric Utility Planning Meeting

Cambridge, MA

January 1996

Open Problems in Using Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Technologies, Electricite de France

Paris, France

January 1996

A New Framework for Operations Planning under Open Access, Electricite de France

Paris, France

January 1996

New Models for Representing Technical and Economic Processes of Energy Management Under Competition, INFORMS’95

New Orleans, LA

October 1995

A Framework for Operations in Competitive Open Access Environment, MIT

Cambridge, MA

October 1995

A Unified Approach to Real-Time Controls and Accounting for Effective Energy Management under Competition, MIT

Cambridge, MA

October 1995

Role of an ISO in Supporting a Competitive Power Market Based on Bilateral Scheduling (with Frank Graves), Workshop on Restructuring Electric Transmission

Beaver Creek, CO

September 1995

R&D Perspective on Pricing Methodologies, ABB Power TD Company, Inc., Transmission Technology Institute

Raleigh, NC

September 1995

Trends in Activity-Based Costing, MIT Workshop on Corporate Planning and Technology Management for a Competitive Electric Industry Environment

Cambridge, MA

September 1995

AGC in Competitve Environment, Workshop on Resource Scheduling and Generation Control

Hilton Head, NC

July 1995

A Unified Approach to Real-Time Controls, Accounting, and Supporting Policies for Effective Energy Mangement under Competition, IEEE Task Force on Controls in the 21st Century

Portland, OR

July 1995

Power Pooling for Transmission and Ancillary Services:  Balancing Efficiency and Comparability

Beaver Creek, CO

June 1995

A Unified Approach to Dynamic Pricing Under Open Access, University of California

Berkeley, CA

February 1995

*Available by request

Last updated on 09-July-2009
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