- "Ageing eyes hinder biometrics scans," Nature, May 2012.
- "Riconoscere un naso da pochi pixel un software ricrea i volti nascosti," La Repubblica, September 2008.
- "A face-finding search engine," MIT Technology Review, September 2008.
- "Private eyes are watching you,", May 2008.
- "Integrating correlation filtering and tracking for better target detection," SPIE Newsroom, April 2008.
- "Tech lets you pay with your finger," Discovery Channel News, June 2007.
- "Airport security becomes high-tech," Beaver County Times (PA), February 21, 2006.
- "Pattern Recognition in Defense Applications," International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) Newsletter, January 2004.
- "All Eyes on Facial Recognition," ECE News & Events, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, October 2003.
- Official kickoff for CyberSecurity Center, Currents Newsletter, ECE Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Spring 2003.
For a complete list of references to Prof. Kumar's work, see his Google Citations page.
The above picture is from the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies and Integration in Changchun, China. Prof. Kumar was a keynote speaker at the event. In his speech, he discussed computer vision for vehicles.