Javad Mohammadi
About MeI am a Special Faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to this, I was with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at CMU as a research scientist where I also received my PhD. As a graduate student, I received the Innovation Fellowship from Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship. My research interests include distributed decision making in networked Cyber-Physical systems including energy systems, retail operation, and electrified infrastructures. My research on building energy management has received financial support from State of Pennsylvania and Target Corporation. My grid modernization efforts are supported by ARPA-E and Department of Energy. Thai Beverage Public Company and Carnegie Mellon Thailand have supported my research on retail analytics and intelligence.
OpeningsActively looking for PhDs, postdocs and interns
Contact Email: jmohamma@andrew.cmu.edu Faculty Assistant: Claire Bauerle [Web]